Disclosure of wrongdoing | Form |
Champlain College policy | Disclosure of wrongdoing Policy |
Government of Québec | The law facilitating the disclosure of wrongdoings Policy |
Government of Quebec | http://www.gouv.qc.ca |
Government of Canada | http://canada.gc.ca/ |
Ministère de l’Éducation et Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur | http://www.education.gouv.qc.ca/ |
Unité permanente anticorruption (UPAC) | https://upac.gouv.qc.ca/en/ |
Autorité des marchés publics | https://amp.quebec/en/home/ |
Fédération des Cégeps | http://www.fedecegeps.qc.ca/ |
AQPC | http://www.aqpc.qc.ca/ |
Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec (LCEEQ) | https://lceeq.ca/ |
The Directory of Canadian Universities | https://studying-in-canada.org/association-of-universities-and-colleges-of-canada |
Colleges and Institutes Canada | http://www.collegesinstitutes.ca/ |
Dawson College | http://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/ |
Heritage College | http://www.cegep-heritage.qc.ca/ |
John Abbott College | http://www.johnabbott.qc.ca/ |
Vanier College | http://www.vaniercollege.qc.ca/ |
Bishop’s University | http://www.ubishops.ca/ |
Concordia University | http://www.concordia.ca/ |
McGill University | http://www.mcgill.ca/ |
MLA Style | https://www.mla.org/MLA-Style |
Canada411 | http://www.canada411.ca/ |
The National Council for Open Education | http://www.eduref.org/ |
Montreal Gazette | http://www.montrealgazette.com/ |
Le Soleil (Québec) | https://www.lesoleil.com/ |
La Tribune (Sherbrooke) | https://www.latribune.ca/ |
Grammar Checker | https://www.grammarcheck.net/editor/ |
APOP | https://apop.qc.ca/en/ |
Educause | http://www.educause.edu/ |
Profweb | http://www.profweb.ca/ |
Tech Plan Information | http://www.nku.edu/~garns/techplan.html |
The Chronicle of Higher Education | http://chronicle.com/ |
The George Lucas Educational Foundation | https://www.edutopia.org/ |
George Brown College | https://www.georgebrown.ca/ |
Grande Prairie Regional College | http://www.gprc.ab.ca/ |
Medicine Hat College | http://www.mhc.ab.ca/ |
Nova Scotia Community College | http://www.nscc.ca/ |