Agenda, Calendar & Minutes

Future events

Not details available yet

Not details available yet

Not details available yet

Past events

a) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 25, 2024
b) Executive Committee
DECs & AECs (Lennoxville & St. Lawrence)
Mandate for Governance & Ethics Committee – Motion IT
Rescindment of the Policy to Facilitate the Disclosure of Wrongdoings
Recommendation from Joint Committee – item 3 – CRC-2023-059
a) Governance & Ethics Committee – Surveys – October 25, 2024
a) Director, Constituent College - Lennoxville
b) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
c) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
d) Director General
DECs & AECs (Saint-Lambert)
Annual Report 2023-2024
Investment planning process
Institutional Effectiveness – Quality Assurance Audit – Phase 2
DCC Renewal of Mandate Process - Saint-Lambert

1) Location
a) Address
Champlain College Lennoxville, 2580 College St, Sherbrooke Qc J1M 2K3 DATE: Friday, October 25, 2024 DINNER: 5:00 p.m. MEETING: 6:30 p.m.
a) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of May 22, 2024
b) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 14, 2024
c) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of June 26, 2024
d) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of August 26, 2024
e) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of September 24, 2024
f) Executive Committee
g) Director General
DECs & AECs (Lennoxville & St. Lawrence)
Policy against Sexual and Gender-based Violence
Linguistic Policy
Conservation calendar – Corporate Affairs
Sale of the Ontario Street Building
Delegation – Approval of Financial transaction (over 100K)
a) Arbitration decision update (in-camera)
b) Lennoxville update (in-camera)
c) HP Policy update
a) Director, Constituent College - Lennoxville
b) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
c) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
d) Information Security Status Report
Financial Statements 2023-2024 (R.C.G.T.)
Audit Committee meeting update
Financial Statements 2023-2024
Access to surplus – Saint-Lambert – Continuing Education
DECs & AECs (Saint-Lambert)
Board meetings – Dossiers for 2024-2025

1) Location
a) By Videoconference

Minutes of event

—> 20240826 Official BG Minutes.pdf

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Special Meeting

Held on Monday, August 26, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. by videoconference

1) Location
a) By Videconference

Minutes of event

—>20240626 Special BG Minutes.pdf

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Special Meeting

Held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. by videoconference

1) Location
a) Champlain College Saint-Lambert, 900, Riverside Drive, QC J4P 3P2
a) Correspondence
b) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of April 5, 2024
c) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 5, 2024
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director General
DECs & AECs (Lennoxville)
Access to surplus Saint-Lambert HVAC Eco-Energy Project
Awarding of contract –Roof Replacement – Administrative Office- Sherbrooke
Sale of the Ontario Street Building
Space and Service Agreement with Bishop’s University 2024-2029
Cloud-Based Services Contract
Bylaw 3/ Bylaw 4/ Bylaw 7 / Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Board / Conflict of interest and Nepotism / Policy concerning the Hiring and Evaluation of an external auditing firm – minor corrections
Calendar of meetings 2024-2025
a) Grievance Arbitration Decision - HR and Governance & Ethics Committees recommendation (in-camera)
a) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
b) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
c) Information Security and Technology Status Report
DECs & AECs (Saint-Lambert & St. Lawrence)
2024-2025 Provisional Operating Budget
2024-2025 Provisional Capital Budget
Evaluation Plan for the Self-Evaluation of Quality Assurance Mechanisms
Information Security Policy
Hydro Quebec / SQI
• Chair
• Vice-Chair
• Executive Committee
• Audit Committee
• Human Resources Committee
• Governance and Ethics Committee

Minutes of event

—>20240614 Official BG Minutes.pdf

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Friday, June 14, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

Champlain Saint-Lambert, 900 Riverside Dr., Saint-Lambert, QC  J4P 3P2

1) Location
a) Champlain St. Lawrence College, 790 Nérée-Tremblay, Québec QC G1V 4K2
a) Correspondence
b) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of January 10, 2024
c) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 31, 2024
d) Executive Committee
e) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f) Information Security Status Report
g) Director General
a) Lennoxville Status
b) Ontario Building update
a) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
b) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
DECs & AECs – Saint-Lambert
Financial Statements – mid-year update
Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Mandate, and Evaluation of the Director General and of the Directors of Constituent Colleges
Bylaw 4 – Human Resources Management
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards
Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism
Bylaw 7 – Student Admission to Academic Programs
Policy on Hiring of Audit Firm
Hiring of the Audit Firm
Nomination – Administratrice MRQ
Motion of thanks - Terrance Brennan

Minutes of event



Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Friday, April 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Champlain St. Lawrence College, 790, Nérée-Tremblay, Québec QC  G1V 4K2


Voting Members Present:

L. Anderson Government Appointee, Enterprise
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
J. Burns (Vice-Chair) Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
A. Laplante Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
S. Lefebvre Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
A. Moïse Government Appointee, University Sector
M. Plante Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
Y. Rainville Interim Director General
E. Richard Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
M. Vigneault Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
W. Witteman Parent Representative, St. Lawrence


Non-voting Members Present:

K. Warlund (non-voting) Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


D. Albert Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) * Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
G. Bourgoing

B. Denison

K. Deveau

Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Professional Representative, Administrative Services

Technical Graduate, Lennoxville

V. Harvey Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
J. Varin (non-voting) Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, School Board Sector


F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education

Also present:

T. Brennan Consultant, Corporate Affairs (Moderator)
A. Robert-Baron Coordinator of Corporate Affairs
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 13 of 19 sitting voting members present.

  • On leave of absence



1.     Announcements
2.     Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.     Consent Agenda
a)     Correspondences
b)     Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of January 10, 2024
c)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 31, 2024
d)     Executive Committee
e)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f)      Information Security Status Report
g)     Director General
h)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs
4.     Business arising from previous meetings
a)     Status update – Lennoxville
b)     Ontario Building update
5.     Directors reports
a)     Directeur, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
b)     Directeur, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
6.     Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
7.     Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.     New Business
a)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs (Saint-Lambert)
b)     Information re: Financial Statements – mid-year update
c)     Resolution re: Bylaw 3- Appointment, Renewal of Mandate, and Evaluation of the Director General and of the Directors of Constituent Colleges
d)     Resolution re: Bylaw 4 – Human Resources Management
e)     Resolution re: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards
f)      Resolution re: Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism
g)     Resolution re: Bylaw 7 – Student Admission to Academic Programs
h)     Resolution re: Policy on Hiring of Audit Firm
i)      Resolution re: Hiring of the Audit Firm
j)      Resolution re: Nomination – Administratrice MRQ
k)     Resolution re: Motion of thanks – Terrance Brennan
9.     Adjournment          


1. Welcome and Announcements

The Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

He announced that the meeting will be recorded for the ministry investigators.

Regrets were received from D. Albert, G. Bourgoing, B. Denison, K. Deveau, V. Harvey and J. Varin.

The Vice-Chair welcome the new board members:  Simon Lefebvre and William Witteman

He also announced that he received a legal correspondence as the interim chair which he passed along to the secretary general for legal advice.


2. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

The vice-chair proposed to remove the election as the yearly elections will be done in June.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             D. Shewan
Seconded by:        M. Plante

Motion carried


3. Consent Agenda

It was moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:           A. Moïse
Seconded by:      L. Anderson

Motion carried

  1. Correspondences
  2. Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of January 10, 2024
  3. Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 31, 2024
  4. Executive Committee
  5. Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
  6. Information Security Status Report
  7. Director General
  8. Resolution re: DECs & AECs

Resolution CRC-2023-038:         Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

     College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:         19
Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:          0

Resolution CRC-2023-039:         Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                      College Studies (AECs) – Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:               14
Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                0


4. Business arising from previous meetings

a) Lennoxville Status

Rainville spoke to this item. It was proposed to create an ad hoc committee to go over the different options that could be possible when part or all conclusions will be available. This proposition would also be possible for the Governance & Ethics Committee or even the Executive Committee. It’s been decided that the Executive Committee would be the committee that will look at the different options as the board is concerned about risk management for the college.

b) Ontario Building update

Rainville spoke to this item stating that the college got an offer from the Centre de service scolaire de Sherbrooke for the Ontario Building. Since they are also part of the education network, the asset transfer will be done in the amount of 1$. The transfer should be done by September 2024.


5. Directors reports

a) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert

D. Shewan spoke to his report.

b) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence

E. Berryman spoke to his report.


6. Public Question Period for fifteen minutes

There were no questions from the public.


7. Break for Fifteen minutes


8. New Business

a) DECs & AECs – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-040:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of
College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:                 13*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:                 45**

* 2 of these are from RAC
**  32 of these are from RAC

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan
Seconded by:  A. Laplante

Motion carried

b) Financial Statements – mid-year update [Information]

Rainville spoke to this item stating that the detailed consolidated results were shared in the package. A summary of the info was also shared and explained during the meeting.

c) Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Mandate, and Evaluation of the Director General and of the Directors of Constituent Colleges [Resolution]

Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-041:     Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Mandate, and Evaluation of
the Director General and of the Directors of Constituent Colleges

Whereas major parts of Bylaw 3 have been made inapplicable due to changes to the Regulation governing certain working conditions of the senior executives in Quebec colleges and due to recent jurisprudence relevant to the provisions of Bylaw 3; and,

Whereas the Ministry has recommended a review of several of the College’s bylaws including Bylaw 3; and,

Whereas the Executive Committee approved an initial proposal for amendments to Bylaw 3 and mandated the Interim Secretary General to follow through the consultation process as outlined in the College’s Framework for Bylaw and Policy Development and Revision; and,

Whereas the Interim Secretary General conducted the consultations of interested parties and attended the Governing Board meetings to receive comments and suggestions for improving the proposal and subsequently incorporated many suggestions; and,

Whereas each Governing Board had until February 16, 2024, to adopt a resolution concerning the amending of Bylaw 3; and,

Whereas the Senior Management Committee has reviewed, revised, and recommended the document entitled “Bylaw 3 – Proposal post Consultation – 2024-03-15”; and,

Whereas the Human Resources Committee and the Governance and Ethics Committee have reviewed the document entitled “Bylaw 3 – Proposal post Consultation – 2024-03-15” and recommended in principle the attached document entitled “Bylaw 3 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”; and

Whereas the Human Resources Committee and the Governance and Ethics Committee have further recommended that Bylaw 3 be once again subject to their review after its first application has been completed; and

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed and recommended the attached document entitled “Bylaw 3 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the amendments to Bylaw 3 included in the document entitled “Bylaw 3 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        L. Anderson
Seconded by:   W. Witteman

Motion carried by those entitled to vote

A motion of thanks was made by K. Warlund for using inclusive language in the bylaws.

A motion was made by the St. Lawrence Director Mandate Renewal Committee stating that in the interest of using a revised evaluation process with the subsequent mandate renewals scheduled to take place during the 2024-2025 term, the St. Lawrence Director Mandate Renewal Committee recommends that the Board instruct the HR Committee to review and revise the evaluation process no later than September 30, 2024.


d) Bylaw 4 – Human Resources Management [Resolution]
Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-042:      Bylaw 4 – Human Resources Management

Whereas Bylaw 4 concerning Human Resources Management has not been revised since the adoption by the Quebec Government of new Letters Patent for Champlain Regional College that changed the College’s structure with a particular impact on responsibilities for human resource management; and,

Whereas the Ministry has recommended a review of several of the College’s bylaws including Bylaw 4; and,

Whereas the Executive Committee approved an initial proposal for amendments to Bylaw 4 and mandated the Interim Secretary General to follow through the consultation process as outlined in the College’s Framework for Bylaw and Policy Development and Revision; and,

Whereas the Interim Secretary General conducted the consultations of interested parties and attended the Governing Board meetings to receive comments and suggestions for improving the proposal and subsequently incorporated many suggestions; and,

Whereas each Governing Board had until February 16, 2024, to adopt a resolution concerning the amending of Bylaw 4; and,

Whereas the Senior Management Committee has reviewed, revised, and recommended the document entitled “Bylaw 4 – Proposal post consultation – 2024-03-18”; and,

Whereas the Human Resources Committee and the Governance and Ethics Committee have reviewed the document entitled “Bylaw 4 – Proposal post consultation – 2024-03-18” and recommended in principle the attached document entitled “Bylaw 4 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed and recommended the attached document entitled “Bylaw 4 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the amendments to Bylaw 4 included in the document entitled “Bylaw 4 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       A. Laplante
Seconded by:   L. Anderson

Motion Carried by those entitled to vote


e) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards [Resolution]
Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-043:    Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards

Whereas the College’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards has not been revised since the adoption by the Quebec Government of new Letters Patent for Champlain Regional College that changed the College’s structure; and,

Whereas the Ministry has recommended a review of several of the College’s bylaws and policies following the change in status of the College; and,

Whereas the Executive Committee approved an initial proposal for amendments to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards and mandated the Interim Secretary General to follow through the consultation process as outlined in the College’s Framework for Bylaw and Policy Development and Revision; and,

Whereas the Interim Secretary General conducted the consultations of interested parties and attended the Governing Board meetings to receive comments and suggestions for improving the proposal and subsequently incorporated many suggestions; and,

Whereas each Governing Board had until February 16, 2024, to adopt a resolution concerning the amending of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards; and,

Whereas the Senior Management Committee has reviewed, revised, and recommended the document entitled “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Members – Proposal post consultation 2024-03-15”; and,

Whereas the Governance and Ethics Committee has reviewed the document entitled “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Members – Proposal post consultation 2024-03-15” and recommended in principle the attached document entitled “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Members – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed and recommended the attached document entitled “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Members – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the amendments to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Governors and for Members of the Governing Boards included in the document entitled “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Members – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        A. Moïse
Seconded by:   M. Vigneault

Motion carried


f) Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism [Resolution]

Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-044:     Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism

Whereas the College’s Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism has not been revised since the adoption by the Quebec Government of new Letters Patent for Champlain Regional College that changed the College’s structure; and,

Whereas the Ministry has recommended a review of several of the College’s bylaws and policies following the change in status of the College; and,

Whereas the Executive Committee approved an initial proposal for amendments to the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism and mandated the Interim Secretary General to follow through the consultation process as outlined in the College’s Framework for Bylaw and Policy Development and Revision; and,

Whereas the Interim Secretary General conducted the consultations of interested parties and attended the Governing Board meetings to receive comments and suggestions for improving the proposal and subsequently incorporated many suggestions; and,

Whereas each Governing Board had until February 16, 2024, to adopt a resolution concerning the amending of the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism; and,

Whereas the Senior Management Committee has reviewed, revised, and recommended the attached document entitled “Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism – Proposal post consultation – 2024-03-15”; and,

Whereas the Human Resources Committee and the Governance and Ethics Committee have reviewed the document entitled “Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism – Proposal post consultation – 2024-03-15 and recommended in principle the attached document “Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed and recommended the attached document entitled “Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the amendments to the Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism included in the document entitled “Policy on Conflict of Interest and Nepotism – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:                 D. Shewan
Seconded by:            A. Laplante

Motion Carried


g) Bylaw 7 – Student Admission to Academic Programs [Resolution]
Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-045:      Bylaw 7 – Student Admission to Academic Programs

Whereas Bylaw 7 concerning Student Admission to Academic Programs requires amendments due to the adoption by the Quebec Government of new rules for admission to anglophone colleges effective for winter 2024; and,

Whereas Bylaw 7 has not been revised since the adoption by the Quebec Government of new Letters Patent for Champlain Regional College that changed the College’s structure; and,

Whereas the Senior Management Committee tasked the registrars of the three Constituent Colleges to propose amendments to Bylaw 7; and,

Whereas the Directors of the Constituent Colleges proceeded with a consultation of each of their Commissions of Studies and their Governing Boards and this process is now complete: and,

Whereas the Senior Management Committee has reviewed, revised, and recommended the document entitled “Bylaw 7 – Proposal post consultation – 2024-03-18”; and,

Whereas the Governance and Ethics Committee has reviewed the document entitled “Bylaw 7 – Proposal post consultation – 2024-03-18” and recommended in principle the attached document entitled “Bylaw 7 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed and recommended the attached document entitled “Bylaw 7 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the amendments to Bylaw 7 included in the document entitled “Bylaw 7 – Final Proposal 2024-03-22”.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        D. Shewan
Seconded by:   M. Plante

Motion carried


h) Policy on Hiring of Audit Firm [Resolution]
Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-046:      Policy on Hiring of Audit Firm

Whereas the Policy relative to the Hiring and Evaluation of an External Auditing Firm was last

revised in May 2011; and,

Whereas the current Policy relative to the Hiring and Evaluation of an External Auditing Firm is out of date and incoherent with Procédure 104 of the Régime budgétaire des cégeps; and,

Whereas the College is required to have a policy notwithstanding the existence of clear procedures under Bylaw 9 concerning Procurement; and,

Whereas the SMC recommends the proposed policy as outlined in the attached document “Policy concerning the Hiring and Evaluation of an External Auditing Firm February 2024”; and,

Whereas the Audit Committee recommends the proposed policy as outlined in the attached document “Policy concerning the Hiring and Evaluation of an External Auditing Firm February 2024”; and,

Whereas the Executive Committee recommends the proposed policy as outlined in the attached document “Policy concerning the Hiring and Evaluation of an External Auditing Firm February 2024”;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the proposed policy as outlined in the attached document “Policy concerning the Hiring and Evaluation of an External Auditing Firm February 2024” in replacement of the current Policy.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        M. Plante
Seconded by:  W. Witteman

Motion carried


i) Hiring of the Audit Firm [Resolution]
Burns spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-047:      Hiring of the Audit Firm

Whereas the Procédure 104 of the Régime budgétaire des cégeps requires the College to name its external auditor by the Board of Governors no later than March 31 of the current year; and,

Whereas the College’s existing contract with the external auditor is eligible to be renewed in accordance with Bylaw 9 concerning Procurement; and,

Whereas the Board of Governors could only meet on April 5, 2024, due to the statutory holiday scheduled for March 29, 2024; and,

Whereas the Audit Committee recommends the renewal of the existing contract with the external auditor based on previous performance;

Whereas the Executive Committee has named the firm of Raymond, Chabot, Grant, Thornton as the College’s external auditor for the year 2023-24 in fulfillment of the College’s obligation to name a firm prior to March 31, 2024;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors confirms the naming of the firm Raymond, Chabot, Grant, Thornton as the College’s external auditor for the year 2023-24.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        D. Shewan
Seconded by:   L. Anderson

Motion carried


j) Nomination – Administratrice MRQ [Resolution]
Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-048:      Nomination – Administratrice MRQ


Julie Monfette soit autorisée

    • à inscrire l’entreprise aux fichiers de Revenu Québec;
    • à gérer l’inscription de l’entreprise à clicSÉQUR – Entreprises;
    • à gérer l’inscription de l’entreprise à Mon dossier pour les entreprises et, généralement, à faire tout ce qui est utile et nécessaire à cette fin;
    • à remplir les rôles et à assumer les responsabilités du responsable des services électroniques décrits dans les conditions d’utilisation de Mon dossier pour les entreprises, notamment en donnant aux utilisateurs de l’entreprise, ainsi qu’à d’autres entreprises, une autorisation ou une procuration;
    • à consulter le dossier de l’entreprise et à agir au nom et pour le compte de l’entreprise, pour toutes les périodes et toutes les années d’imposition (passées, courantes et futures), ce qui inclut le pouvoir de participer à toute négociation avec Revenu Québec, en ce qui concerne tous les renseignements que Revenu Québec détient au sujet de l’entreprise pour l’application ou l’exécution des lois fiscales, de la Loi sur la taxe d’accise et de la Loi facilitant le paiement des pensions alimentaires, en communiquant avec Revenu Québec par tous les moyens de communication offerts (par téléphone, en personne, par la poste et à l’aide des services en ligne).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        M. Vigneault
Seconded by:   C. Michel

Motion carried

k) Motion of Thanks – Terrance Brennan [Resolution]
Burns and D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-049:      Motion of Thanks – Terrance Brennan

Whereas the College has struggled to revise its bylaws and policies since the change to Chapter 2 of the Loi sur les colleges; and

Whereas the Human resources Sub-committee has recognized the significant process that has been made with the Inclusion of Mr. Terrance Brennan to lead the process; and

Whereas the Human Resources Committee has unanimously recommended he should be recognized for his valuable contributions

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors thank Mr. Brennan for the many contributions he made in moving the College forward.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        D. Shewan
Seconded by:   A. Laplante

Motion carried



Motion to adjourn the meeting by A. Laplante at 9:20 p.m.

J. Burns A. Robert-Baron
Vice Chair Coordinator of Corporate Affairs

1) Location
a) By Videoconference
DATE: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Time: 6:00 p.m.
a) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 29, 2023
b) Executive Committee
c) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
d) Director General
DECs & AECs (Lennoxville & St. Lawrence)
CICan Voting Delegates
a) Status update - Lennoxville
a) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
b) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
c) Information Security Status Report
DECs & AECs (Saint-Lambert)
Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (RARC)
Bylaw 6 – Student Fees - Revision
Access to Surplus – Capital Equipment for Continuing Education – Champlain Saint-Lambert
Strategic Plan 2023-2029
Support Staff representative on the Board of Governors
DG recruitment process
DCC Mandate Renewal Committee
• St. Lawrence DCC’s Renewal of Mandate Committee
• DG selection committee (replacement for Nancy Beattie)

Minutes of event



Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference

Voting Members Present:

D. Albert Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Government Appointee, Enterprise
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
J. Burns (Vice-Chair) Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
K. Deveau Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
M. Mazur (Chair) Government Appointee, School Board Sector
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
A. Moïse Government Appointee, University Sector
M. Plante Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
Y. Rainville Interim Director General
E. Richard Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
M. Vigneault Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Non-voting Members Present:

J. Varin Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert


N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
V. Harvey Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
A. Laplante Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
K. Warlund (non-voting) Faculty Representative, Lennoxville

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville


C. Riverin Partner, MNP
F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education

Also present:

T. Brennan Consultant, Corporate Affairs (Moderator)
L. Larivière Director, Human Resources
A. Robert-Baron Coordinator of Corporate Affairs
C. Leduc Assistant Director of Information Technology
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 15 of 18 sitting voting members present.




1.     Announcements
2.     Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.     Consent Agenda
a)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 29, 2023
b)     Executive Committee
c)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
d)     Director General
e)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs
f)      Resolution re: CICan Voting Delegates
4.     Business arising from previous meetings
a)     Status update – Lennoxville
5.     Directors reports
a)     Directeur, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
b)     Directeur, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
c)     Information Security Status Report
6.     Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
7.     Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.     New Business
a)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs (Saint-Lambert)
b)     Resolution re: Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (RARC)
c)     Resolution re: Bylaw 6 – Student Fees – Revision
d)     Resolution re: Access to Surplus – Capital Equipment for Continuing Education – Champlain Saint-Lambert
e)     Resolution re: Strategic Plan 2023-2029
f)      Information re: Support Staff representative on the Board of Governors
g)     Information re: DG recruitment process
h)     Resolution re: DCC Mandate Renewal Committee
i)      Elections: ·         St. Lawrence DCC’s Renewal of Mandate Committee

·         DG selection Committee (replacement of Nancy Beattie)

9.     Adjournment          



1.Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

He announced that the meeting will be recorded for the ministry investigators.

Regrets were received from N. Beattie, V. Harvey, A. Laplante and K. Warlund.

The Chair shared that 3 new governing board members had been appointed by the ministry (two at St. Lawrence and one at Lennoxville).

Board members were asked to send their approval to have their picture added to the CRC website. For those who were not present on October 27, 2023 when the pictures were taken, they should forward their own to

T. Brennan will be forwarding an update on the current consultations on bylaws & policies to board members.

2.Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             G. Bourgoing

Seconded by:        D. Shewan

Motion carried

3.Consent Agenda

It was moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             M. Vigneault

Seconded by:        Y. Rainville

Motion carried

a) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 29, 2023

b) Executive Committee

c) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville

d) Director General

e) Resolution re: DECs & AECs

Resolution CRC-2023-026:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                                  College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:       51

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:        7


Resolution CRC-2023-027:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                                   College Studies (AECs) – Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:             65

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:               0

f) Resolution re: CICan Voting Delegates

Resolution CRC-2023-028:            CICan Voting Delegates

 Whereas the Regional College’s practice is to appoint two (2) governors, namely the Chair and the Director General, as voting delegates to the CICan annual general meeting;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the Chair and the Director General be appointed as the voting delegates to the CICan annual general meeting of 2024.

Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the Vice-Chair be named as alternate voting delegate in the event that either the Chair or the Director General are unable to attend the CICan annual general meeting of 2024.

4.Business arising from previous meetings

a) Status update – Lennoxville

Y. Rainville spoke to this item stating that all board members received a letter from Nancy and that the College is requiring advice from the lawyers of the Fédé. They will prepare a communication to be presented to board members. L. Larivière & Y. Rainville went to Lennoxville to meet with the Lennoxville managers to make sure that everything was organized to run smoothly.  They also met with all the support staff to make sure they understood the situation.  Communications were also sent to all employees and governing board members to inform them as well.  A continuity plan was prepared for the semester and will be presented on Thursday, Feb 1.  The mission of the College is maintained at the student level as well as operations.  A communication will be shared with all board members regarding the temporary structure.

5.Directors reports

a) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert

D. Shewan spoke to his report.

b) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence

E. Berryman spoke to his report.

c) Information Security Status Report

C. Leduc spoke to the Information Security status report.

6.Public Question Period for fifteen minutes

  • There were no questions from the public.

7.Break for Fifteen minutes

8.New Business

a)DECs & AECs – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-029:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                                  College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:              198

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:                99

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: K. Deveau

Motion carried

b)Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (RARC) [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-030:     Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (RARC)

Whereas the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies states that all public bodies must have in place at all times a Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (RARC); and

 Whereas The roles and responsibilities of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor are set out in the Politique concernant les responsables de l’application des règles contractuelles (LQ. C-65.1, a. 25.1); and

Whereas the RARC is a strategic participant responsible for ensuring that the rules and regulations are respected under the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies; and

Whereas Mr. Claude Leduc, IT Coordinator for Champlain Regional College was named as interim in replacement of Mr. Daniel Bédard; and

Whereas Mr. Daniel Bédard has recently resigned from his position; and

Whereas Ms. Andréa Robert-Baron, Coordinator of Corporate Affairs for Champlain Regional College has agreed to take on this responsibility and has the competencies required to fulfill the obligations of this position;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the nomination of Ms. Andréa Robert-Baron to the role of Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (RARC).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        J. Burns

Seconded by:  A. Moïse

Motion carried

c) Bylaw 6 – Student Fees – Revision [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-031:     Bylaw 6 – Student Fees – Revision

Whereas the Regulation respecting the tuition fees states that a general and vocational College must charge has been updated on an annual basis in accordance with the College’s Bylaw on Student Fees; and

Whereas the Quebec National Assembly has adopted a Loi limitant l’indexation de plusieurs tarifs gouvernementaux to 3% for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026; and

Whereas modifications to the student fees for implementation as of the fall semester 2024 were proposed and approved at the December 2023 regular Governing Board meeting of Champlain Lennoxville, Saint-Lambert and Champlain St. Lawrence;

Champlain College Lennoxville

  • Auxilliary Service Fees for full-time students From $149 to $152
  • Auxilliary Service Fees for part-time students             From $  38 to $  39
  • Auxilliary Service Fees – for full time students             From $  45 to $  48

provided by Bishop’s University

  • Auxilliary Service Fees – for part-time students             From $  12 to $  13

provided by Bishop’s University

  • Coop Programs – Alternating Work-Study Programs             From $  75 to $  78
  • File analysis and preparation for the transfer to

another institution                                                                                  From $    0 to $250


Champlain College Saint-Lambert

  • Auxilliary Service Fees for full-time students From $140 to $145
  • Auxilliary Service Fees for part-time students             From $  30 to $  32


Champlain College St. Lawrence

  • Auxilliary Service Fees for full-time students From $170 to $175
  • Auxilliary Service Fees for part-time students             From $  38 to $  39


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the proposed modifications to student fees at Champlain College Lennoxville, Champlain College Saint-Lambert and Champlain College St. Lawrence for application as of the fall semester 2024.

There was no call for the vote.


Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by:   M. Vigneault

Motion Carried as amended to add the missing Saint-Lambert in the 3rd whereas


d) Access to Surplus – Capital Equipment for Continuing Education – Champlain Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-032:    Access to Surplus – Capital Equipment for Continuing Education – Champlain Saint-Lambert

Whereas government budgets do not allocate any funds to Continuing Education to acquire capital items; and

Whereas Continuing Education has needs to update the computers in one of its labs; and

Whereas Continuing Education has generated sufficient funds, after other expenses are taken into account in 2022-2023 to cover the requested expenses, and

Whereas at its regular meeting of December 18, 2023 the Saint-Lambert Governing Board under resolution no LAM-2023-001 recommends that the Board of Governors approves the access to surplus,

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the access to surplus by Champlain Saint-Lambert for the purchase of the equipment in the amount of $60,000.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        D. Shewan

Seconded by:  G. Bourgoing

Motion carried

e) Strategic Plan 2023-2029 [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-033:    Strategic Plan 2023-2029

Whereas, the strategic plan 2023-2029 is the result of an extensive consultation process involving stakeholders from all three Constituent Colleges, as well as the Administrative Services; and

Whereas, the local Student success plan has been adopted by the Governing Board of each Constituent College following positive recommendations of their respective Commission of Studies;

Whereas, the local development goals have been approved by the Governing Board of each Constituent College following positive recommendations of their respective Commission of Studies;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the long-term strategic objectives and the Constituent Colleges and Administrative Services development goals of the 2023-2029 Champlain Regional College Strategic Plan.

Be it further therefore resolved that the Director General will consolidate the document based on the input received from the Governors for consideration at a subsequent Board meeting.

There was no call for the vote.

In Favor:                   12

Against:                    1 (B. Denison)

Abstention:              2 (M. Plante, D. Albert)

Moved by:                 A. Moïse

Seconded by:             E. Berryman

Motion Carried

f) Support Staff representative on the Board of Governors [Information]

T. Brennan spoke to this item stating that P. Roy retired from the College creating a vacancy on the Board membership. The Board needs to decide to either move to the next location or keep the same location for the next representative. Each of the Constituent College must have at least one employee representative on the Board of Governors.  Presently, Faculty representatives come from St. Lambert and St. Lawrence.  The Professional representative comes from Administrative Services so the Support Representative should then be coming from Lennoxville.  A call for nomination letter will be sent to the Lennoxville Support Staff union to elect a representative for the Board of Governors.

g) DG Recruitment Process [Information]

L. Larivière spoke to this item stating that the legal process is underway. M. Mazur and L. Larivière will be meeting with the firm to discuss the details. The information will then be brought back to the Board of Governors.

h) DCC Mandate Renewal Committee [Resolution]

T. Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-034:     DCC Mandate Renewal

Whereas Bylaw 3, (clauses 3.2 c and 2.2.2), states that the renewal committee for the Director of a Constituent College is composed of seven (7) members as follows:    a) Chair of the Board; and  b) Director General; and  c) Two (2) Governors, one (1) external and one (1) internal, elected by the Board ideally from different regions; and  d) The Chair of the Governing Board of the said College; and e) Two (2) Governing Board Members, one (1) internal and one (1) external, elected by the Governing Board, and

Whereas Bylaw 3 is in the process of revision but will not be brought to the Board of Governors for approval in time for it to apply to the current request for a renewal of mandate; and

Whereas articles 30.1 and 32 of the Ministry Regulation concerning certain working conditions of employment of senior executives of general and vocational colleges state, in part:

30.1. The board of governors is responsible for renewing the appointment of a senior executive in the manner it determines and the process is conducted as below:

“(1) the process is conducted by a committee composed of members of the board of governors who are not mem­bers of the college staff. The mandate of the committee is to assess the performance of the senior executive for the purpose of making a recommendation to the board of governors; …

“(4) the process must be conducted and completed within a period of 90 days; …”

32. Where the college decides to renew or not to renew the appointment of a senior executive, it must notify the senior executive without delay. The senior executive must be notified in writing at least 120 days before the date on which his or her appointment expires”; and,

Whereas Edward Berryman has requested a renewal of his mandate which expires October 27, 2024, and this process must be completed, and a Board decision rendered no later than June 29, 2024;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College strike a mandate renewal committee composed of the Chair, the socio-economic Governor for St. Lawrence and one non-employee Governor elected by the Board.

There was no call for the vote.

In favor:         10

Abstention:      5 (M. Vigneault, D. Albert, M. Plante, E. Berryman, D. Shewan)

Against:           0

Moved by:        J. Burns

Seconded by:  B. Denison

Motion carried by those entitled to vote

i) Elections

M. Mazur spoke to the election process.

Election of St. Lawrence DCC’s Renewal Mandate Committee:

Note: The St. Lawrence DCC’s Renewal of Mandate Committee includes:

  • Chair; (M. Mazur)
  • One (1) non-employee board member;
  • Local Socio-economic governing board member. (M. Vigneault)

 M. Mazur opened the floor for external member nominations.

E.Berryman and D. Shewan abstained from the election process.


Proposed non- employee member Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
L. Anderson L. Anderson C. Michel  Yes    No

 M. Mazur called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by A. Moïse to close nominations.

L. Anderson was declared non-employee board member of the St. Lawrence DCC’s Renewal Mandate Committee by acclamation.

Election of DG Selection Committee: (replacement for N. Beattie)

Note: The DG Selection Committee includes:

  • Chair; (M. Mazur);
  • 3 Governing Board Chair; (M. Vigneault – LAW, R. Soroka – LAM, VACANT – LEN);
  • One (1) external board member; (L. Anderson);
  • Two (2) internal board member (B. Denison, N. Beattie).

 M. Mazur opened the floor for internal member nominations.


Proposed internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
E. Berryman Y. Rainville B. Denison  Yes    No


M. Mazur called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by A. Moïse to close nominations.

E. Berryman was declared internal member for the DG Selection Committee by acclamation.


Motion to adjourn the meeting by D. Shewan at 8:00 p.m.


M. Mazur   T. Brennan
Chair   Consultant, Corporate Affairs




1) Location
a) By Videoconference
DATE: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 Time: 6:00 p.m.
a) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 27, 2023
b) Executive Committee
c) Director General
Appointment of organisational information security coordinator (COMSI)
a) Elections
• Human Resources Committee
a) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
b) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
c) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
d) Information Security Status Report
Strategic Plan status update
2022-2023 Annual Report
Ontario St. Building disposal
Bylaw 2 Repeal
DG Selection Process
Lennoxville DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2023-2024 (Article 12)
Saint-Lambert DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2023-2024 (Article 12)
St. Lawrence DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2023-2024 (Article 12)
Hydro Quebec (In camera)

Minutes of event


Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference


Voting Members Present:

D. Albert Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Government Appointee, Enterprise
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
J. Burns (Vice-Chair) Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
K. Deveau Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
A. Laplante Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
M. Mazur (Chair) Government Appointee, School Board Sector
A. Moïse Government Appointee, University Sector
M. Plante Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
Y. Rainville Interim Director General
E. Richard Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
P. Roy Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
M. Vigneault Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Non-voting Members Present:

K. Warlund Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
V. Harvey Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
J. Varin (non-voting) Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market


C. Riverin Partner, MNP
F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education

Also present:

T. Brennan Consultant, Corporate Affairs (Moderator)
C. Leduc Assistant Director of Information Technology
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 16 of 19 sitting voting members present.




1.     Announcements
2.     Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.     Consent Agenda
a)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 27, 2023
b)     Executive Committee
c)     Director General
d)    Resolution re: DECs & AECs
e)     Resolution re: Appointment of Organizational Information Security Coordinator (COMSI)
4.     Business arising from previous meeting of October 27, 2023
a)    Elections: ·         Human Resources Committee
5.     Directors reports
a)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
b)     Directeur, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
c)     Directeur, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
d)     Information Security Status Report
6.     Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
7.     Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.     New Business
a)    Information re: Strategic Plan status update
b)    Resolution re: 2022-2023 Annual Report
c)    Resolution re: Ontario St. Building disposal
d)    Resolution re: Bylaw 2 Repeal
e)    Resolution re: DG Selection Process
f)    Resolution re: Hydro Quebec (in camera)
g)    Resolution re: Lennoxville DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024 (Article 12)
h)    Resolution re: Saint-Lambert DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024 (Article 12)
i)      Resolution re: St. Lawrence DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024 (Article 12)
9.     Adjournment    



  1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

He announced that the meeting will be recorded for the ministry investigators.

The Chair extended a thank you to François Paradis for his service as the previous Chairman of the Board.  Y. Rainville mandated the Chair to write an official letter of thanks on behalf of the Board of Governors.

He also welcomed the new board members:  Alexandre Moïse, Government Appointee – University, Lisa Anderson, Government Appointee – Enterprise, Eric Richard, Government Appointee – Socio-economic and Kevin Deveau, Technical Graduate – Lennoxville.

Regrets were received from G. Bourgoing, V. Harvey, C. Michel and J. Varin.

T. Brennan informed board members that the Consultations have begun for bylaw 3, 4, the policy on code of ethics and professional conduct for governors and members of the governing boards and the policy on conflict of interest and Nepotism and are expected to be completed by February 16, 2024.

A doodle poll will be sent to select a date for the January board training.  The training will be held in person, on a Saturday, in Drummondville.  This type of training is mandatory.  The College will try to accommodate as many people as we can.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

Change item 8c – Ontario St. Building to a resolution item.

Moving item 8i – Hydro Quebec will be moved as 8f.

Removing the word “and outcomes” in items 8g, 8h, and 8i

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:          D. Shewan

Seconded by:    M. Vigneault

Motion carried

  1. Consent Agenda

It was moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:          D. Shewan

Seconded by:    N. Beattie

Motion carried

a) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 27, 2023

b) Executive Committee

c) Director General

d) Resolution re: DECs & AECs

Resolution CRC-2023-013:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

       College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:       1

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:      0


Resolution CRC-2023-014:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

       College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:              2 *

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:            13 **

*     1 of these are from RAC

**  13 of these are from RAC


Resolution CRC-2023-015:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                       College Studies (AECs) – Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.


Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:               5

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:               0

  1. Resolution re: Appointment of organizational information security coordinator (COMSI)

Resolution CRC-2023-016:            Appointment of Organizational Information Security

                                                        Coordinator (COMSI)

 Whereas the Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises (LGGRI), the Government Information Security Directive (GISD) and the Government Information Security Management Framework; and

 Whereas the college is required to appoint two Organizational Information Security Coordinators (COMSI); and

Whereas this responsibility is currently entrusted to Mr Hocine Labsir, Specialized Systems Analyst and Mr Claude Leduc, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services; and

Whereas it is appropriate to transfer this responsibility from Mr Claude Leduc, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services to Mr Junghyun Chae, Coordinator of Information Security and Infrastructure; and

Be it Therefore Resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Junghyun Chae, Coordinator of Information Security and Infrastructure as Organizational Information Security Coordinator (COMSI) for Champlain Regional College.

4. Business arising from previous meeting of October 27, 2023

a) Elections: Human Resources Committee

M. Mazur spoke to the election process.

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.2

Note: The Human Resources Committee is composed of a maximum of five (5) members of the Board of Governors, with a majority of external Governors.

(The Chair of the Board may attend any committee meetings.  The Director General and one other Director, whose expertise is related to the role of the committee, are resource persons for these committees; other Directors may be invited as guests).

M. Mazur opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed External Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
A. Moïse A. Moïse D. Shewan  Yes    No
L. Anderson L. Anderson B. Denison  Yes    No
E. Richard E. Richard Y. Rainville  Yes    No

M. Mazur called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by B. Denison to close nominations.

A. Moïse, L. Anderson and E. Richard were declared External Member of the Human Resources Committee by acclamation.

M. Mazur opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Denison P. Roy Y. Rainville  Yes    No
D. Shewan P. Roy A. Laplante  Yes    No

M. Mazur called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

B. Denison and D. Shewan were declared Internal Members of the Human Resources Committee by acclamation.

5. Directors reports

a) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville

N. Beattie spoke to her report.

b) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert

D. Shewan spoke to his report.

c) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence

E. Berryman spoke to his report.

d) Information Security Status Report

C. Leduc spoke to the Information Security status report.

6.Public Question Period for fifteen minutes

  • There were no questions from the public.

7. Break for Fifteen minutes

8. New Business

a) Strategic Plan Status Update [Information]

Y. Rainville spoke to this item stating that the January 31, 2024 deadline is still on track. Everyone is focusing on this deadline. The Strategic Plan 2024-29 will be the new one to guide the college starting next year.

b) 2022-2023 Annual Report [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-017:     2022-2023 Annual Report

Whereas section 27.1 of the General and Vocational Colleges Act requires the Regional College to submit a report to the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur of its activities for the preceding fiscal period; and

Whereas the annual report sets forth the results obtained in relation to the objectives established in the Strategic Plan and the Annual Operational Plan;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the Annual Report 2022-2023.

 French version for Ministry:

 Attendu que l’article 27.1 de la Loi sur les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel prévoit que les cégeps doivent soumettre au Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur un rapport de leurs activités de la période fiscale précédente ; et

Attendu que le rapport annuel fait état des résultats obtenus par le collège en relation avec les objectifs qu’il s’est fixé par l’entremise de son Plan stratégique et de son Plan opérationnel

Il est résolu que le Conseil d’administration du Cégep régional Champlain approuve l’adoption du Rapport annuel 2022-2023.

There was no call for the vote.

In favor:     14

Against:        0

Abstention:             1

Moved by:    D. Shewan

Seconded by:         A. Moïse

Motion carried

 A motion was made by D. Shewan to mandate the DG to thank C. Slaiby on behalf of the Board of Governors for the great work she did on the Annual Report.


c) Disposal of the Ontario Street Building [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-018:     Disposal of the Ontario Street Building

Whereas, Champlain Regional College desires to sell the 554 Ontario Street building; and

Whereas, the procedure for the sale of a public immovable property is outlined in the Regulation Respecting the Standards, Conditions and Procedure for Alienation of an Immovable of a General and Vocational College ‐ General and Vocation Colleges Act (chapter C‐29, a. 18.0.1); and

Whereas, an approval from the Minister is required for all public immovable property sales valued at more than $500,000; and

Whereas, the Public Infrastructure Act states that a Public Body must exclusively use the services of the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures (SQI) to acquire or dispose of an immovable; and

Whereas, a signing authority must be designated for the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures agreement and all other agreements related to this project; and


 Whereas, on May 11, 2016, the Board of Governors adopted resolution 2968 concerning the sale of the 554 Ontario Street building;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors repeal Resolution 2968 and approve the project to sell the 554 Ontario Street building;

Be it further resolved that the Director General be named as the designated signing authority for this project.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:    P. Roy

Seconded by:         J. Burns

Motion carried


d) Repeal of Bylaw 2 [Resolution]

T. Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-019:     Repeal of Bylaw 2

Whereas Bylaw 2 concerning the Commission of Studies is now obsolete; and

Whereas the creation of Commissions of Studies is the purview of the Governing Boards of the Constituent Colleges; and

Whereas the repeal of Bylaw 2 is on the Board of Governors Work Plan for 2023-24; and

Whereas the Governing Boards have established their Commissions of Studies, and the Commissions of Studies are in operation at each of the Constituent Colleges; and

Whereas the Executive Committee, at their regular meeting of November 15, 2023, recommended that Bylaw 2 concerning the Commission of Studies be repealed by the board of Governors;

 Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the repeal of Bylaw 2 concerning the Commission of Studies.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:    D. Shewan

Seconded by:   B. Denison

Motion Carried as amended


e) DG Recruitment Process 2024 [Resolution]

T. Brennan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-020:    DG Recruitment Process 2024

Whereas the Board elected Lisa Anderson, parent representative, St. Lawrence as the external governor member of the DG Selection Committee at its meeting on March 15, 2023; and

Whereas Lisa Anderson whose term as parent representative ended on October 20, 2023, was subsequently named Enterprise representative effective October 30, 2023; and

Whereas Bylaw 3 stipulates that the Board provides the DG Selection Committee with a timetable and specifications pertaining to the selection criteria and procedures for consultation with the Commissions of Studies and the Governing Boards; and

Whereas the Board may hire a consulting firm to assist the DG Selection Committee; and

Whereas the Human Resources Department is unable at this stage to provide additional support and resources to the DG Selection Committee; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College confirms the election of Lisa Anderson as the external governor member of the DG Selection Committee, and

Be it further resolved that the attached timetable and specifications pertaining to the selection criteria be forwarded by the Chair of the Board of Governors to the Commissions of Studies and the Governing Boards for consultation; and

Be it further resolved that the DG Selection Committee consider the advice received from the Commissions of Studies and Governing Boards; and

Be it further resolved that the Board of Governors mandates the Chair of the Board to hire a consulting firm to assist the DG Selection Committee in its work as determined by the DG Selection Committee and in accordance with Bylaw 9 concerning Procurement Contracts.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:    P. Roy

Seconded by:         J. Burns

Motion carried


f) Hydro Quebec [Resolution]

In camera session moved by A. Laplante at 7:44 p.m

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-021:    Hydro Quebec

Whereas Hydro Quebec has indicated its desire to obtain a significant portion of the land owned by Champlain Regional College (representing an area of 18,760 m2) to build the new 120-25 kV Marie-Victorin station; and

Whereas the portion of land is currently jointly used and operated by the Saint-Lambert Constituent College and the city of Longueuil, specifically the part of the parking lot referred to as P5; and

Whereas the land is known as lot number 2631694 (part), et al. (0 lots) and is located in the borough of Le Vieux-Longueuil, Longueuil (Québec); and

Whereas the Board of Governors under resolution CRC-2021-058 mandated the Director General, Director of constituent college Saint-Lambert and the Director of Administrative Services to negotiate with Hydro-Québec; and

Whereas on October 25, 2023, Hydro-Québec submitted a revised offer to compensate for the lost of the P5 at $19,200,000; and

Whereas the College and the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures obtained an evaluation report on November 7, 2023 prepared by HPDG associés inc; and

Whereas the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures and the appraisers mandated to accompany the college have established through their work a market value presented to the board MEMBERS at the meeting of November 29, 2023;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors refuses the offer submitted by Hydro-Québec in the amount of $19,200,000; and

Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors mandates the Director General and the Director of constituent college Saint-Lambert to accept an offer of no less than the market value as reported in the meeting of November 29, 2023.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             D. Shewan

Seconded by:        A. Laplante

Motion Carried

Moved to go out of camera by M. Vigneault at 8:05 p.m.

g) Lennoxville DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024 (Article 12) [Resolution]

The 3 DCCs as well as all the employees with the exception of the Director General and the Secretary General will not be part of the discussion under Article 12.  N. Couderc will also be allowed to stay as she is recording the meeting and taking the minutes. F. Beauchamp, A.C Biron-Lajoie and C. Riverin will also be staying for the discussion.

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-022:     Lennoxville DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the Lennoxville Director of Constituent College’s Priorities for the 2023-2024 academic year and provided input;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the Lennoxville Director of Constituent College’s Priorities for 2023-2024.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:    A. Laplante

Seconded by:         K. Deveau

Motion carried

h) Saint-Lambert DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024 (Article 12) [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-023:    Saint-Lambert DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the Saint-Lambert Director of Constituent College’s Priorities for the 2023-2024 academic year and provided input;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the Saint-Lambert Director of Constituent College’s Priorities for 2023-2024.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:    A. Moïse

Seconded by:         A. Laplante

Motion carried


i) Lawrence DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024 (Article 12) [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-024:     St. Lawrence DCC’s Priorities for 2023-2024

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the St. Lawrence Director of Constituent College’s Priorities for the 2023-2024 academic year and provided input;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the St. Lawrence Director of Constituent College’s Priorities for 2023-2024.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:    M. Vigneault

Seconded by:         J. Burns

Motion carried

Moved out of Article 12 session at 8:19 p.m. by A. Laplante

9. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by K. Deveau at 8:20 p.m.


M. Mazur T. Brennan
Chair Consultant, Corporate Affairs






1) Location
a) Champlain College Lennoxville, 2580, College Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 2K3
• Chair
• Vice-Chair
a) Correspondence
b) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 9, 2023
c) Approval of minutes of the Special meeting of August 28, 2023
d) Executive Committee
e) Director General
f) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
a) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
b) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
c) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
d) Information Security Status Report
Audit Committee update
Financial Statements – Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
Financial Statements 2022-2023
Delegation – Approval of Financial Transaction (over 100K)
Long-term borrowing plan 2023-2024
Governance dossiers - update
Board of Governors Meetings – Dossiers for 2023-2024
Hydro Quebec update (in-camera)
• Executive Committee
• Audit Committee
• Human Resources Committee
• Governance and Ethics Committee

Minutes of event


Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Friday, October 27, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

At Champlain College Lennoxville, 2580 College Street, Sherbrooke QC  J1M 2K3


Voting Members Present:

D. Albert Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
J. Burns Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
A. Laplante Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
M. Plante Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
Y. Rainville Interim Director General
P. Roy Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
M. Vigneault Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Non-voting Members Present:

J. Varin Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
K. Warlund Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
V. Harvey Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
E. Richard Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise

Vacant seats:

Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market


S. Loomis Director Certification, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
S. Frost Partner, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
C. Riverin Partner, MNP
C. Messaoudi Partner, MNP
F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education

Also present:

T. Brennan Consultant, Corporate Affairs (Moderator)
C. Leduc Assistant Director of Information Technology
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 14 of 18 sitting voting members present.



1.     Announcements
2.     Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.     Business arising from previous meeting of June 9, 2023
a)     Elections: ·         Chair

·         Vice-Chair

b)     Correspondence
4.     Consent Agenda
a)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 9, 2023
b)     Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of August 28, 2023
c)     Executive Committee
d)     Director General
e)     Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
f)      Resolution re: DECs & AECs
5.     Directors reports
a)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
b)     Directeur, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
c)     Directeur, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
d)     Information Security Status Report
6.     Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
7.     Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.     New Business
a)     Information re: Audit Committee update
b)     Presentation re: Financial Statements – Raymond Chabot Grant Thorton
c)     Resolution re: Financial Statements 2022-2023
d)     Resolution re: Nomination of Technical Graduate – Lennoxville
e)     Resolution re: Delegation – Approval of Financial Transactions (over 100K)
f)      Resolution re: Short-Term Borrowing Plan 2023-2024
g)     Resolution re: Long Term Borrowing Plan 2023-2024
h)     Information re: Board of Governors Meetings – Dossiers for 2023-2024
i)      Resolution re: In Support of Quebec’s English-Language Universities, Notably Bishop’s University
j)      Information re: Governance dossiers – update (in camera)
k)     Information re: Hydro Quebec update (in-camera)
l)      Election re: ·         Executive Committee

·         Audit Committee

·         Human Resources Committee

·         Governance and Ethics Committee

9.     Adjournment          


1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair position being vacant, actual Vice-Chair M. Mazur, will be acting as chair for this meeting.  M. Mazur called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

He also welcomed all Guests and Public that were present.

Regrets were received from C. Beaulieu, V. Harvey, E. Richard and J. Shufelt.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

Remove correspondence from the consent agenda (item 3b)

Add resolution re: Nomination of technical graduate Lennoxville (item 8d)

Add resolution re: Short-Term Borrowing plan 2023-2024 (item 8f)

Add resolution for Support of Quebec’s English-Language Universities (item 8i)

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             D. Shewan

Seconded by:        D. Albert

Motion carried

3. Business arising from previous meeting of June 9, 2023   

a) Elections:

The Vice-Chair gave the floor to T. Brennan to proceed with the election of the Chair and the Vice-Chair.

T. Brennan spoke to the election process.

The Board elects annually a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Only external Governors are eligible for this position. (Reference: Bylaw 1, Articles 4.3 and 4.4)

Election of Chair

The Director of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs (DHR/CA) opened the floor for nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
M. Mazur D. Shewan C. Michel  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations. M. Mazur was declared Chair by acclamation.

Election of Vice-Chair

T. Brennan opened the floor for nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
J. Burns P. Roy G. Bourgoing  Yes    No

TBrennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations. J. Burns was declared Vice-Chair by acclamation.

b) Correspondence:

M. Mazur shared that apart from the correspondences that were in the board package, a letter to be shared with the Board from Angelina Montgomery (CBC) was received. The letter will be shared with board members and the answer will be given to CBC. There is information that the College cannot share because of the investigation but all the answers that will be given to CBC will also be shared with Board members.

A letter of announcement was received informing the college that the public sector unions were gearing up for a strike on November 6th.

4. Consent Agenda

It was moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             A. Laplante

Seconded by:        G. Bourgoing

Motion carried

a) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 9, 2023

b) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of August 28, 2023

c) Executive Committee

d) Director General

e) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration

f) Resolution re: DECs & AECs

Resolution CRC-2023-004:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                                  College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

 Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:     14

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:      0

Resolution CRC-2023-005:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                                  College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.


Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:            32 *

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:            28 **

*     2 of these are from RAC

**  15 of these are from RAC

Resolution CRC-2023-006:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of

                                                                   College Studies (AECs) – Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

 Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:             29

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:               0

5. Directors reports

a) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
N. Beattie spoke to her report.
b) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
D. Shewan spoke to his report.
c) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
E. Berryman spoke to his report.
d) Information Security Status Report
C. Leduc spoke to the Information Security status report.

6. Public Question Period for fifteen minutes

  • Faculty Union executive, Geneviève Dufresne-Martin read a letter on behalf of the Lennoxville Faculty union regarding work climate at Champlain Lennoxville asking the Board about concrete actions that will be taken. The College is working closely with the ministry, and once we receive the report from the ministry, the board will be able to give more information.
  • Alexandre Mador, ex-board member 2021-2022 spoke about the allegations from the CBC article asking what the college would be doing regarding the perception about the leadership of the college. The Chair will make a game plan with all the information gathered and an action plan will be prepared and made public.  The primary objective of the Board is to ensure the longevity of the college.
  • The investigators name and email will be shared with board members in case they would need to ask them questions.



a) Audit Committee update [INFORMATION]

G. Bourgoing gave an update on the last Audit Committee meeting that was held on October 16, 2023. The college has received a clean audit again this year. New accounting formats were applied to all colleges. The college has a total of 14.2M$ of accumulated surplus. 7M$ are already accounted for specific projects, the rest being available.

b) Financial Statements – Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton [PRESENTATION]

Y. Rainville presented S. Frost & S. Loomis from Raymond Chabot Grant Thorton who presented the results of the audited financial statements for 2022-2023.

c) Financial Statements 2022-2023 [RESOLUTION]

M. Mazur spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-007:     Financial Statements 2022-2023

Whereas the Colleges Act requires that audited financial statements, the notes to the financial statements, and the independent auditor’s report, be submitted to the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur by November 15, 2023; and

Whereas the financial statements have been audited by the firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton in accordance with the accounting standards of the public sector entities; and

Whereas the Director General met on October 16, 2023 to review the financial statements with the representatives of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton; and

Whereas the Audit committee met on October 16, 2023 to review the financial statements with the representatives of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopts the audited financial statements and the notes to the financial statements for the year ending on June 30, 2023 as presented with thanks to the representatives of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton for their excellent work.

There was no call for the vote.

Friendly amendment to include thanks for the auditors.

Moved by:       A. Laplante

Seconded by:  G. Bourgoing

Moved by:        D. Shewan

Seconded by:  A. Laplante

Motion carried

d) Nomination of Technical Graduate representative (Champlain Lennoxville) to the Board of Governors [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-008:     Nomination of Technical Graduate representative (Champlain

                                                            Lennoxville) to the Board of Governors

Whereas on April 26, 2023 the mandate of the St-Lambert Graduate (Technical program) came to an end; and

Whereas the rotation Schedule of Bylaw 1 Appendix A indicates that a Graduate (Technical program) from Champlain Lennoxville College is to be appointed for a 3-year mandate; and

Whereas the Interim Director of Corporate Affairs, in collaboration with the Champlain Lennoxville Director of Constituent College, proceeded with a call for nominations, which ran from August 30, 2023 to September 30, 2023; and

Whereas two (2) qualified applications were received and presented to the Executive Committee at its regular meeting of October 11, 2023;

Whereas at the regular meeting of October 11, 2023, the Executive Committee discussed and recommended the nomination of Mr. Kevin Deveau as Technical Graduate Representative to the Board of Governors for a three (3) year mandate.

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Mr. Kevin Deveau as the Technical Graduate representative to the Board of Governors for a three (3) year mandate.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       N.Beattie

Seconded by:   G. Bourgoing

Motion Carried

e) Delegation – Approval of Financial Transactions (over 100K) [Resolution]

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-009:    Delegation – Approval of Financial Transactions (over 100K)

Whereas Bylaw Number 5, Article 4.1.4, states that financial transactions shall be carried out and approved on the prescribed forms which clearly identify the amount of the transaction and the approval authority, and which bear the signature of the persons authorized according to Appendix 1, and

Whereas Appendix 1 states that the approval authority for transaction values for the purchase of goods and services (except capital expenditures) exceeding $99,999 must be either the Executive Committee or the Board of Governors; and

Whereas in conformity with Bylaw Number 5, the transaction complies with all applicable governmental regulations and the budgetary policy of the Ministry; and

Whereas under chapitre C-7.01 of the LOI SUR LE CENTRE D’ACQUISITIONS GOUVERNEMENTALES (CAG) public bodies are required to participate in mandates of the CAG and deadlines for submitting participation documents are generally short;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the following financial transaction for the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • Fédération des cégeps – 2023-2024 annual fees            $  198,436.50

Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors delegates to the Director General, its approval authority for the following financial transactions and CAG participation during the 2023-2024 academic year.

  • Hydro-Québec – Public services 2023-2024             $  250,000 or less per transaction
  • Energir natural gas – Public services 2023-2024 $  250,000 or less per transaction
  • CAG* group purchasing mandate participation $  750,000 or less per mandate


Art.6 The Centre has all the powers necessary to enter into a contract on behalf of a public body and at the expense of the latter.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        A. Laplante

Seconded by:  N. Beattie

Motion carried

f) Short-Term Borrowing Plan 2023-2024 [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-010:     Short-Term Borrowing Plan 2023-2024

ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 78 de la Loi sur l’administration financière (RLRQ, chapitre A-6.001), le Cégep régional Champlain (l’ « Emprunteur ») souhaite instituer un régime d’emprunts, lui permettant d’effectuer des emprunts par marge de crédit auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

ATTENDU QUE, sous réserve de l’obtention des autorisations requises pour emprunter, ce régime d’emprunts permettra à l’Emprunteur de financer ses projets d’investissement, qu’ils soient ou non subventionnés par le gouvernement du Québec, notamment les projets sous la responsabilité de la Société québécoise des infrastructures, (les « Projets »);

ATTENDU QUE le montant des emprunts à contracter en vertu de ce régime d’emprunts ne devra pas excéder les montants autorisés de temps à autres, pour chacun des Projets, par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, conformément à la Loi sur les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel (RLRQ, chapitre C-29) et à la Loi sur l’administration financière;

ATTENDU QUE les Projets pour lesquels l’Emprunteur bénéficie d’une subvention du gouvernement du Québec sont financés uniquement auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

ATTENDU QUE le financement temporaire des Projets de l’Emprunteur, sous la responsabilité de la Société québécoise des infrastructures, est initié par cette dernière et, à la demande de cette dernière, périodiquement transféré auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, au nom de l’Emprunteur;

ATTENDU QU’il est opportun, à cet effet, d’autoriser ce régime d’emprunts et d’en approuver les caractéristiques et les limites;

ATTENDU QUE, conformément au premier alinéa de l’article 83 de la Loi sur l’administration financière, l’Emprunteur souhaite, dans le cadre de ce régime d’emprunts, que le pouvoir d’emprunter et celui d’approuver les conditions et les modalités des emprunts soient exercés par au moins deux de ses dirigeants;

ATTENDU QUE, en vertu du deuxième alinéa de l’article 83 de cette loi, malgré le premier alinéa, lorsqu’il s’agit d’effectuer un emprunt à court terme ou par marge de crédit, le pouvoir peut être exercé par un membre du personnel autorisé par l’organisme, pouvant agir seul;

ATTENDU QUE, pour chacun des Projets, les emprunts prévus à ce régime d’emprunts doivent être autorisés par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, conformément à la Loi sur les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel et à la Loi sur l’administration financière;


ATTENDU QU’il y a lieu de reconduire toute convention de marge de crédit conclue entre l’Emprunteur et le ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;


  1. QUE, sous réserve des autorisations requises de la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, l’Emprunteur soit autorisé à instituer un régime d’emprunts, lui permettant d’effectuer des emprunts par marge de crédit auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;
  2. QUE ce régime d’emprunts permette à l’Emprunteur de financer ses projets d’investissement, qu’ils soient ou non subventionnés par le gouvernement du Québec, notamment les projets sous la responsabilité de la Société québécoise des infrastructures, (les « Projets »), selon les limites et caractéristiques suivantes :

a) le taux d’intérêt payable sur les emprunts sera établi selon les critères déterminés par le gouvernement en vertu du décret numéro 637-2023 du 29 mars 2023, tel que ce décret peut être modifié ou remplacé de temps à autre;

b) les emprunts par marge de crédit seront réalisés en vertu de la convention de marge de crédit conclue avec le ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, conformément aux conditions et aux modalités qui y sont établies;

c) le montant des emprunts effectués par marge de crédit, pour chaque Projet, ne devra, en aucun temps, excéder les montants autorisés par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur en vertu de lettres d’autorisation qu’elle délivre de temps à autre.

  1. QU’aux fins de déterminer le montant des emprunts auquel réfère le paragraphe 2c), il ne soit tenu compte que du solde des emprunts en cours et non encore remboursés contractés auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour chacun des Projets;
  2. QUE les Projets pour lesquels l’Emprunteur bénéficie d’une subvention du gouvernement du Québec soient financés uniquement auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;
  3. QUE le financement temporaire des Projets de l’Emprunteur, sous la responsabilité de la Société québécoise des infrastructures, soit, à la demande de cette dernière, périodiquement transféré auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, au nom de l’Emprunteur;
  4. QUE, conformément à la convention de marge de crédit, l’Emprunteur soit autorisé, sauf pour les Projets sous la responsabilité de la Société québécoise des infrastructures, à remettre au ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, une confirmation de transaction pour constater chaque emprunt ou chaque remboursement de capital ou d’intérêt sur la marge de crédit;
  5. QUE le/la Directeur des Services Administratifs, le/la Coordonnatrice des Services Administratifs, ou le/la Directeur(rice) Général(e) de l’Emprunteur, pourvu qu’ils soient deux agissant conjointement, soit autorisé, pour et au nom de l’Emprunteur, à signer toute convention de marge de crédit, à consentir à tout ajout ou modification à cette convention non substantiellement incompatible avec les dispositions des présentes et à poser tous les actes et à signer tous les documents nécessaires ou utiles pour donner plein effet aux emprunts par marge de crédit;
  6. QU’en plus des dirigeants identifiés au paragraphe précédent, le/la Directeur des Ressources Humaines, ou le/la Directeur Adjoint aux Technologies de l’information de l’Emprunteur, soient autorisés, pour et au nom de l’Emprunteur, à signer en vertu du présent régime d’emprunts toute confirmation de transaction nécessaire pour conclure un emprunt par marge de crédit ou effectuer un remboursement sur cette marge;
  7. QUE la présente résolution remplace toutes les résolutions antérieurement adoptées pour les mêmes fins, sans pour autant affecter la validité des emprunts conclus sous leur autorité.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        P. Roy

Seconded by:  N. Beattie

Motion carried

g) Long-Term Borrowing Plan 2023-2024 [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-011:    Long-Term Borrowing Plan 2023-2024

ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 78 de la Loi sur l’administration financière (RLRQ, chapitre A-6.001), le Champlain Regional College (l’ « Emprunteur ») souhaite instituer un régime d’emprunts, valide jusqu’au 31 mars 2024, lui permettant d’emprunter à long terme auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour un montant n’excédant pas 5 052 489,00 $;

ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 83 de cette loi, l’Emprunteur souhaite prévoir, dans le cadre de ce régime d’emprunts, que le pouvoir d’emprunter et celui d’en approuver les conditions et modalités soient exercés par au moins deux de ses dirigeants;

ATTENDU QU’il y a lieu d’autoriser ce régime d’emprunts, d’établir le montant maximum des emprunts qui pourront être effectués en vertu de celui-ci, ainsi que les caractéristiques et limites relativement aux emprunts à effectuer et d’autoriser des dirigeants de l’Emprunteur à conclure tout emprunt en vertu de ce régime et à en approuver les conditions et modalités;

ATTENDU QUE la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur (la « Ministre ») a autorisé l’institution du présent régime d’emprunts,  selon  les  conditions  auxquelles  réfère  sa  lettre  du 2 août 2023;


  1. QU’un régime d’emprunts, valide jusqu’au 31 mars 2024, en vertu duquel l’Emprunteur peut, sous réserve des caractéristiques et limites énoncées ci-après, effectuer des emprunts à long terme auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour un montant n’excédant pas 5 052 489,00 $, soit institué;
  2. QUE les emprunts à long terme effectués par l’Emprunteur en vertu du présent régime d’emprunts soient sujets aux caractéristiques et limites suivantes :

a) malgré les dispositions du paragraphe 1 ci-dessus, l’Emprunteur ne pourra, au cours de chacune des périodes de douze mois s’étendant du 1er avril au 31 mars et comprises dans la période visée au paragraphe 1, effectuer des emprunts qui auraient pour effet que le montant total approuvé pour l’Emprunteur, pour une telle période, par le Conseil du trésor au titre de la programmation des emprunts à long terme des collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel, soit dépassé;

b) l’Emprunteur ne pourra effectuer un emprunt à moins de bénéficier d’une subvention du gouvernement du Québec conforme aux normes établies par le Conseil du trésor, au titre de l’octroi ou de la promesse de subventions aux collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel, ainsi qu’aux termes et conditions déterminés par la Ministre et pourvoyant au paiement en capital et intérêt de l’emprunt concerné même si, par ailleurs, le paiement de cette subvention est sujet à ce que les sommes requises à cette fin soient votées annuellement par le Parlement;

c) chaque emprunt ne pourra être effectué qu’en monnaie légale du Canada auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

d) le produit de chaque emprunt ne pourra servir, outre le paiement des frais inhérents à l’emprunt concerné, qu’aux fins suivantes :

i) le financement des dépenses d’investissement faites par l’Emprunteur aux termes d’un plan d’investissement approuvé par le gouvernement du Québec, financées par marge de crédit auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement; ou

ii) le refinancement d’une partie ou de la totalité d’emprunts à long terme antérieurs contractés pour ces dépenses, qui seront échus d’ici le 31 mars 2024.

  1. QU’aux fins de déterminer le montant total auquel réfère le paragraphe 1 ci-dessus, il ne soit tenu compte que de la valeur nominale des emprunts effectués par l’Emprunteur;
  2. QU’en plus des caractéristiques et limites énoncées précédemment, les emprunts comportent les caractéristiques suivantes :                                                                                                a) l’Emprunteur pourra contracter un ou plusieurs emprunts pendant toute la durée du régime d’emprunts jusqu’à concurrence du montant qui y est prévu, et ce, aux termes d’une seule et unique convention de prêt à conclure entre l’Emprunteur et le ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;                                                        b) chaque emprunt sera constaté par un billet fait à l’ordre du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;                                                                                  c) le taux d’intérêt payable sur les emprunts sera établi selon les critères déterminés par le gouvernement en vertu du décret numéro 637-2023 du 29 mars 2023, tel que ce décret pourra être modifié ou remplacé de temps à autre; et                                                                                                                                                                                                                     d) afin d’assurer le paiement à l’échéance du capital de chaque emprunt et des intérêts dus sur celui-ci, la créance que représente pour l’Emprunteur la subvention qui lui sera accordée par la Ministre, au nom du gouvernement du Québec, sera affectée d’une hypothèque mobilière sans dépossession en faveur du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement.
  3. QUE l’Emprunteur soit autorisé à payer, à même le produit de chaque emprunt contracté en vertu du présent régime, les frais d’émission et les frais de gestion qui auront été convenus;
  4. QUE l’un ou l’autre des dirigeants suivants :

Le directeur des services administratif;

Le directeur des ressources humaines;

Le directeur général ou la directrice générale; ou

La coordonnatrice des services administratifs;

de l’Emprunteur, pourvu qu’ils soient deux agissants conjointement, soit autorisé, au nom de l’Emprunteur, à signer la convention de prêt, les conventions d’hypothèque mobilière et les billets, à consentir à toute clause et garantie non substantiellement incompatible avec les dispositions des présentes, à livrer les billets, à apporter toutes les modifications à ces documents non substantiellement incompatibles avec les présentes ainsi qu’à poser tous les actes et à signer tous les documents, nécessaires ou utiles, pour donner plein effet aux présentes;

  1. QUE, dans la mesure où l’Emprunteur a déjà adopté une résolution instituant un régime d’emprunts pour les mêmes fins, la présente résolution remplace la résolution antérieure, sans pour autant affecter la validité des emprunts conclus sous son autorité avant la date du présent régime d’emprunts.

There was no call for the vote.

N. Beattie proposed to forego the reading of the resolution.

MOVED BY:        D. Shewan



h) Board of Governors Meetings – Dossiers for 2023-2024 [Information]

T. Brennan spoke to this item stating that an extra regular board meeting will be added to the schedule, most probably in March, to adopt bylaws and policies.

i) In Support of Quebec’s English-Language Universities, Notably Bishop’s University [Resolution]

N. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-012:    In Support of Quebec’s English-Language Universities, Notably

                                                     Bishop’s University

Whereas on Friday, October 13, 2023, Quebec’s Minister of Higher Education, Pascale Déry, announced that new, out-of-province Canadian and international students attending English-Language universities will see tuition fees nearly double as of 2024, raising tuition fees from $9,000 to more than $17,000 for out-of-province students, and for international students, tuition will rise to a minimum of $20,000 per year; and

 Whereas these tuition increases will have a detrimental impact on the long-term viability of English-Language universities in Quebec as well as the local economies that serve them; and

 Whereas diminishing enrolments in our English-Language institutions of higher education will negatively affect the availability of talent in our region and thus contribute to Quebec’s labour shortage; and                                                      

Whereas Bishop’s University has been an important part of the social fabric of the Eastern Townships for 180 years; and

Whereas Champlain College Lennoxville has been located on the Bishop’s University campus since the inception of the College in 1971; and

Whereas Champlain College Lennoxville continues to co-exist in partnership with Bishop’s University sharing a multitude of facilities and services and thus offering exceptional educational opportunities to students from within the Eastern Townships and beyond; and

Whereas in support of Bishop’s University the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College expresses its opposition of the Quebec Government’s act that has negative consequences on English-Language institutions of higher education in Quebec; and

Whereas Champlain Lennoxville will be particularly impacted by any decline in the institutional health of Bishop’s University;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College request that the Government immediately rescind these measures increasing tuition for non-Quebec resident students and/or exempt Bishop’s University from these measures; and

Be it further resolved that the present resolution be communicated to Mr. François Legault, Premier of Quebec, to Ms. Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education and to the Members of the National Assembly in whose ridings are located the constituents of Champlain Regional College.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:                  P. Roy

Seconded by:             A. Laplante

Motion Carried

Friendly amendment was made to incorporate international students to the 1st whereas.

Moved by:                  N. Beattie

Seconded by:             D. Shewan

Motion Carried

Motion to amend the last whereas

Moved by:                  B. Denison

Seconded by:            D. Albert

Motion refused

Motion to amend the 7th whereas

Moved by:                  D. Shewan

Seconded by:            D. Albert

Motion Carried

j) Governance Dossiers – update (in-camera) [Information]

Moving in-camera session at: 9:02pm

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by:   G. Bourgoing

Vote: 14/14

MNP, Investigator and non-voting members can attend the in-camera session.

Motion to extend the meeting to 10:00 p.m.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by:   N. Beattie

k) Hydro Quebec update (in-camera) [Information]

In-camera session ended at 9:39 p.m.

Moved by:       B. Denison

Seconded by:   N. Beattie

i) Elections

Election of Executive Committee Members

The Executive Committee is composed of (Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.1):

  • The Director General (ex-officio);
  • The Directors of Constituent Colleges (3) (ex-officio);
  • The Chair of the Board;
  • The Vice-Chair of the Board;
  • Two (2) governors:
    • One (1) of whom is an external representative; and
    • One (1) of whom is an internal representative.


T. Brennan opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed External Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
G. Bourgoing C. Michel N. Beattie  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations.

G. Bourgoing was declared External Member of the Executive Committee by acclamation.

T. Brennan opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
P. Roy D. Shewan N. Beattie  Yes    No
A. Laplante P. Roy C. Michel  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

A. Laplante was declared Internal Member of the Executive Committee by acclamation.

Election of Audit Committee Members:

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.2

Note: The Audit Committee is composed of a maximum of five (5) members of the Board of Governors, with a majority of external Governors. The Audit Committee should include the presence of at least one Governor who has competency in accounting or financial matters.

(The Chair of the Board may attend any committee meetings.  The Director General and one other Director, whose expertise is related to the role of the committee, are resource persons for these committees; other Directors may be invited as guests).

  1. Brennan opened the floor for external member nominations.
Proposed External Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
J. Burns D. Shewan P. Roy  Yes    No
M. Vigneault P. Roy D. Shewan  Yes    No
G. Bourgoing N. Beattie A. Laplante  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations.

J. Burns and G. Bourgoing were declared External Member of the Audit Committee by acclamation.

T. Brennan opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
M. Plante P. Roy Y. Rainville  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations.

M. Plante was declared Internal Member of the Audit Committee by acclamation.

Election of Human Resources Committee Members – tabled to the November board meeting.

 Election of Governance and Ethics Committee Members:

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.2

Note: The Governance and Ethics Committee is composed of a maximum of five (5) members of the Board of Governors, with a majority of external Governors.

(The Chair of the Board may attend any committee meetings. The Director General and one other Director, whose expertise is related to the role of the committee, are resource persons for these committees; other Directors may be invited as guests).

  1. Brennan opened the floor for external member nominations.
Proposed External Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
M. Vigneault N. Beattie A. Laplante  Yes    No
C. Michel G. Bourgoing P. Roy  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations.

M. Vigneault and C. Michel were declared External Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee by acclamation.

T. Brennan opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Denison P. Roy N. Beattie  Yes    No

T. Brennan called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by A. Laplante to close nominations.

B. Denison was declared Internal Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee by acclamation.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by D. Shewan at 9:58 p.m.


M. Mazur T. Brennan
Chair Consultant, Corporate Affairs







Minutes of event

PDF Link: OfficialBGMinutes20230828

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Special Meeting

Held on Monday, August 28, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. by videoconference

Voting Members Present:

L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
J. Burns Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
G. Dröge-Grondin Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
V. Harvey Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
A. Laplante Pre-university Student, Lennoxville
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
Y. Rainville Interim Director General
P. Roy Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

J. Varin Student Representative, Saint-Lambert


M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
K. Warlund (non-voting) Faculty Representative, Lennoxville

Vacant seats:

Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Also present:

T. Brennan Consultant, Corporate Affairs (Moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 15 of 17 sitting voting members present.





1.    Welcome and Announcements
2.    Adoption of Agenda
3.    New Business
a)    Resolution re: DECs & AECs
4.    Adjournment


  1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m., welcomed all board members.

Regrets were received from M. Mazur, J. Shufelt and K. Warlund.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      A. Laplante

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried

  1. New Business
    a) DECs & AECs [Resolution]

    N.Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-001:    Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) – Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                       217

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                           0

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:       N. Beattie

Seconded by: P. Roy

Motion Carried

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-002:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     522

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:       66*

* 36 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: J. Burns

Motion carried

E.Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2023-003:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                    71

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                      0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        E. Berryman

Seconded by:  G. Droge-Grondin

Motion carried

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by N.Beattie at 12:05 p.m.


François Paradis Y. Rainville
Chairperson Interim Director General

1) Location
a) At Champlain College Saint-Lambert, 900 Riverside Drive. Saint-Lambert, QC J4P 3P2
a) Correspondence
b) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15, 2023
c) Approval of minutes of the Special meeting of May 31, 2023
d) Executive Committee
e) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
g) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
h) Information Security Status Report
i) Director General
j) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
Conservation Calendar
Bylaws & Policies update
a) Lawyer’s Letter – November 23, 2022 – Update (in-camera)
b) Ad Hoc Committee update (in-camera)
Ministerial Inquiry update (in-camera)
Hydro Quebec update (in-camera)
DECs & AECs – Saint-Lambert
Audit Committee update
Operating Budget 2023-2024
Capital Budget 2023-2024
Access to surplus – Faculty release time regarding Law 14 - Saint-Lambert
Access to surplus – Furniture purchase - St. Lawrence
Strategic Plan / Student Success plans update
AOP Year-end update
Calendar of meetings 2023-2024
• Chair
• Vice-Chair
• Executive Committee
• Audit Committee
• Human Resources Committee
• Governance and Ethics Committee
• Appeals Committee

Minutes of event

PDF link: OfficialBGMinutes20230609

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

At Champlain College Saint-Lambert, 900 Riverside Drive, Saint-Lambert QC  J4P 3P2


Voting Members Present:

J. S. Amorim Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
J. Burns Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
Y. Rainville Interim Director General
P. Roy Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

K. Warlund Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
G. Dröge-Grondin Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise

Vacant seats:

Student Representative, Lennoxville (non-voting)
Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector


C. Riverin Partner, MNP
C. Messaoudi Partner, MNP

Also present:

T. Brennan Consultant, Corporate Affairs (Moderator)
D. Bédard Director, Human Resources
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 12 of 18 sitting voting members present.



1.     Announcements and Correspondence
2.     Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.     Consent Agenda
a)     Correspondence
b)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15, 2023
c)     Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of May 31, 2023
d)     Executive Committee
e)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f)      Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
g)     Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
h)     Information Security Status Report
i)      Director General
j)      Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
k)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs
l)      Resolution re: Conservation calendar
m)   Information re: Bylaws & Policies update
4.     Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
5.     Break for Fifteen Minutes
6.     New Business
a)     Information re: Ministerial Inquiry update (in-camera)
b)     Information re: Ad Hoc Committee update (in-camera)
c)     Information re: Lawyer’s Letter – November 23, 2022 – update (in-camera)
d)     Information re: Hydro Quebec update (in-camera)
e)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs – Saint-Lambert
f)      Information re: Audit Committee update
g)     Resolution re: Operating Budget 2023-2024
h)     Resolution re: Capital Budget 2023-2024
i)      Resolution re: Access to surplus – Faculty release time regarding Law 14 – Saint-Lambert
j)      Resolution re: Access to surplus – Furniture purchase – St. Lawrence
k)     Information re: Strategic Plan / Student Success plans update
l)      Information re: AOP Year-end update
m)   Information re: Calendar of meetings 2023-2024
n)     Election re: ·         Chair

·         Vice-Chair

·         Executive Committee

·         Audit Committee

·         Human Resources Committee

·         Governance and Ethics Committee

·         Appeals Committee

7.     Adjournment
  1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair being absent, M. Mazur, vice-chair will be acting as chair for this meeting.  M. Mazur called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

Regrets were received from C. Beaulieu, G. Dröge-Grondin, J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif, C. Michel, F. Paradis and J. Shufelt.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

Item 4b) Ad Hoc Committee update will be moved to 6b)

Item 4a) Lawyer’s letter – November 23, 2022 update will be moved to 6c)

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             N. Beattie

Seconded by:        B. Toombs

Motion carried

  1. Consent Agenda

It was moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:             J. Burns

Seconded by:        G. Bourgoing

Motion carried

a ) Correspondence

b) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 15, 2023

c) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of May 31, 2023

d) Executive Committee

e) Director’s report, Constituent College – Lennoxville

f) Director’s report, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert

g) Director’s report, Constituent College – St. Lawrence

h) Information Security Status Report

i) Director General

j) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration

k) Resolution re: DECs & AECs

Resolution CRC-2022-069:            Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of
                                                                  College Studies (AECs) – Champlain – St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain St. Lawrence College:              164

Number of AECs at Champlain St. Lawrence College:                  0

l) Resolution re:     Conservation Calendar

Resolution CRC-2022-070:   Conservation Calendar

Whereas under section 7 of the Archives Act (R.S.Q., chapter A-21.1), every public body must establish and keep up to date a conservation calendar for its records; and

Whereas under the third paragraph of section 8 of that Act, every public body referred to in paragraphs 4 to 7 of the schedule must, in accordance with the regulations, submit to the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec for approval its conservation calendar and any amendment relating to the addition of new documents or relating to documents intended to be kept permanently; and

Whereas Champlain Regional College is a public body referred to in subsection 6 of the schedule to this Act; and

Whereas Champlain Regional College does not have a delegation of authority or signature or its bylaw does not provide for the subject matter of this resolution;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College authorizes the Director of Human Resources to sign the conservation calendar and any amendments relating to the addition of new records or relating to records intended for permanent retention, and to submit such schedule or amendment to the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec for approval for and on behalf of Champlain Regional College.


French version that will be sent to BAnQ:

Attendu qu‘en vertu de l’article 7 de la Loi sur les archives (RLRQ, chapitre A-21.1), tout organisme public doit établir et tenir à jour un calendrier de conservation de ses documents ; et

Attendu qu‘en vertu du troisième alinéa de l’article 8 de cette loi, tout organisme public visé aux paragraphes 4° à 7° de l’annexe doit, conformément au règlement, soumettre à l’approbation de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec son calendrier de conservation et toute modification relative à l’addition de nouveaux documents ou relative aux documents destinés à être conservés de manière permanente ; et

Attendu que le Collège Régional Champlain est un organisme public visé au paragraphe 6 de l’annexe de la présente loi ; et

Attendu que le Collège Régional Champlain n’a pas de règlement de délégation de pouvoirs ou de signature ou que son règlement ne prévoit pas la matière de la présente résolution ;

Il est donc résolu que le Conseil d’administration de Collège Régional Champlain autorise le directeur des ressources humaines à signer le calendrier de conservation et toute modification relative à l’addition de nouveaux documents ou relative aux documents destinés à être conservés de manière permanente, et à soumettre ce calendrier ou cette modification à l’approbation de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec pour et au nom de Collège Régional Champlain.

m) Information re:    Bylaws & Policies update

Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent College

The first draft of the Bylaw 3 concerning Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent College is now completed. To follow the normal updating process, having been adopted on July 2019, a consultation process based on the Administrative Framework for Policy and Bylaw development and revision will be initiated for final adoption in fall 2023.

Bylaw 4 – Human Resources Management

The first draft of the Bylaw 4 Concerning the Human Resource Management of the College is now completed. To follow the normal updating process, having been adopted on September 2009, a consultation process based on the Administrative Framework for Policy and Bylaw development and revision will be initiated for final adoption in fall 2023.

Harassment Policy

The first draft of the Harassment Policy is now completed. To follow the normal updating process, having been adopted in January 2019, a consultation process based on the Administrative Framework for Policy and Bylaw development and revision will be initiated for final adoption in fall 2023.

Bylaw 7 – Student admission to Academic Programs

Bylaw 7 will need to be revised in Fall 2023 to reflect the changes made to the French Language Policy.

Bylaw 1 – General Administration of Champlain Regional College

Minor modifications will need to be made to Bylaw 1 (videoconference options for meetings, renaming of Director of Corporate Affairs, etc.) in Fall 2023.

Management Personnel Policy

Some modifications will need to be made to the Management Personnel Policy in Fall 2023 to reflect the changes that have been made to the Règlement déterminant certaines conditions de travail des cadres des collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel.

  1. Public Question Period

There were no questions from the public.

  1. Break – Fifteen minutes
  2. New Business

Moved to in-camera session at 6:55 p.m. inviting D. Bédard, T. Brennan, N. Couderc, C. Riverin and C. Messaoudi to attend.

Moved by:            D. Shewan

Seconded by:        B. Toombs

Motion carried

a) Ministerial Inquiry update (in-camera) [Information]

b) Ad Hoc Committee update (in-camera) [Information]

c) Lawyer’s letter – November 23, 2022 (in-camera) [Information]

d) Hydro-Quebec update (in-camera) [Information]

Out of in-camera session at 7:42 p.m.

Moved by:             P. Roy

Seconded by:        N. Beattie

Motion carried

Motion to take a break of 15 min. at 7:45 p.m.:

Moved by:            M. Mazur

Seconded by:        D. Shewan

Motion carried

e) DECs & AECs – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
D.Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-071:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     212*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:       81**

* 5 of them are from RAC services

** 50 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        D. Shewan

Seconded by:  J. Amorin

Motion carried
f) Audit Committee update [Information]

G. Bourgoing, as chair of the Audit Committee shared that the auditor will look at increased accountability regarding It security. A salary gap was explained by the new IT data security position and the new Secretary General position. No locations were at deficit. The Committee wanted to acknowledge the work of the administration team and is happy to announce that the committee recommended the 2023-2024 budgets to the board.

g) Operating budget 2023-2024 [Resolution]
Y.Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-072:    2023-2024 Consolidated Initial Operating Budget

Whereas the Ministry’s initial allocation for 2023-2024 has been received; and

Whereas the College has prepared the Annual Operating Budget respecting regulations and budgetary policies as set forth by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur; and

 Whereas Champlain – St. Lawrence has prepared and adopted by resolution at its May 23, 2023 Governing Board meeting the Initial Operating Budget for the financial year 2023-2024; and                                     

Whereas Champlain – St. Lambert has prepared and adopted by resolution at its May 29, 2023 Governing Board meeting the Initial Operating Budget for the financial year 2023-2024; and

Whereas Champlain – Lennoxville has prepared and adopted by resolution at its May 23, 2023 Governing Board meeting the Initial Operating Budget for the financial year 2023-2024; and

Whereas Champlain Regional College has prepared a consolidated balanced budget for the 2023-2024 financial year for a total of $71,965,166; and

Whereas the Audit committee reviewed the consolidated Operating budget 2023-2024 at its June 1st, 2023 regular meeting;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the 2023-2024 consolidated Initial Operating Budget as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       B. Denison

Seconded by:  D. Shewan

Motion Carried

h) Capital Budget 2023-2024 [Resolution]
Y.Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-073:    2023-2024 Consolidated Provisional Capital Budget

Whereas the 2023-2024 Capital Budget must be submitted to the Ministry by June 30th, 2023 in the stipulated format; and

 Whereas the College has prepared the Annual Provisional Capital Budget respecting regulations and budgetary policies as set forth by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur; and

 Whereas Champlain – St. Lawrence has prepared and adopted by resolution at its May 23, 2023 Governing Board meeting the Provisional Capital Budget for the financial year 2023-2024; and

Whereas Champlain – St. Lambert has prepared and adopted by resolution at its May 29, 2023 Governing Board meeting the Provisional Capital Budget for the financial year 2023-2024; and

Whereas Champlain – Lennoxville has prepared and adopted by resolution at its May 23, 2023 Governing Board meeting the Provisional Capital Budget for the financial year 2023-2024; and

Whereas the total 2023-2024 Provisional Capital Budget, including the ministry allocations for capital and moveable assets and the carry-over from previous year totals $19,223,589 with planned expenses of $8,165,634; and

Whereas the total planned spending does not exceed the total budget for the 2023-2024 financial year and the balance will provision for planned long-term projects;

Whereas the Audit committee reviewed the Provisional Capital Budget 2023-2024 at its June 1st, 2023 regular meeting;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the 2023-2024 consolidated Provisional Capital Budget as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       P. Roy

Seconded by: J. Burns

Motion Carried

i) Access to surplus – Faculty release time regarding Law 14 – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-074:    Access to surplus – Faculty release time regarding Law 14 – Saint-Lambert

Whereas Champlain St. Lambert has an unappropriated accumulated surplus of 3,923,361$; and

Whereas the new language law (Law 14, formerly known as Bill 96) has imposed additional requirements on the College for the development of both French courses and courses in French; and

Whereas the current resources provided by the government are insufficient to fully meet these challenges which will directly impact the success of our students; and

Whereas the Access to surplus was recommended by the Saint-Lambert Governing Board at their May 8, 2023 meeting; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the access to the Saint-Lambert portion of the college’s accumulated surplus in the amount of 200,000$ to develop courses and support activities to address these challenges.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by:   B. Toombs

Motion Carried

j) Access to surplus – Furniture Purchase – St. Lawrence [Resolution]

E. Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-075:    Access to surplus – Furniture Purchase – St. Lawrence

Whereas Champlain St. Lawrence has an accumulated surplus of 1,935,615$; and

Whereas the College needs to renew the furniture in 19 of its classrooms; and

Whereas the College needs to renew the office furniture for 27 faculty members; and

Whereas the current planning would spread the replacement of the classroom furniture over a 10-year period and the replacement of faculty office furniture over a 6-year period; and

Whereas the student lockers must be replaced since they have reached the end of their useful life; and

Whereas the change of lockers will be the occasion to finish the renovation of the flooring in the cafeteria sector; and

Whereas the budget used for furniture purchase (MAOB: Mobilier, Appareillage, Outillage, Bibliothèque) is under important pressure; and

Whereas the Access to surplus of 680,000$ was recommended by the Saint-Lawrence Governing Board at their May 23, 2023 meeting; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the access to the St. Lawrence portion of the college’s accumulated surplus in the amount of 680,000$.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       E. Berryman

Seconded by: P. Roy

Motion Carried

k) Strategic Plan / Student Success plans update [Information]

Y. Rainville spoke to this item stating that a working session will be held on June 13. The strategic plan is planned for December 2023.

i) AOP Year-end update [Information]

Y. Rainville spoke to this item and shared the status of the AOP. There are fewer green statuses than previous years due to the realignment of priorities in line with the MES inquiry recommendations.

m) Calendar of meetings 2023-2024 [Information]

Y. Rainville shared the calendar of meetings for 2023-2024. D. Shewan suggested that the SMC look at the best date for the August special meeting for DECs & AECs. The result will be shared with board members once confirmed.

n) Elections

The Chair proposed that elections be postponed to the first regular meeting in October 2023 in order to have more members to elect as there are still membership positions that are vacant or not yet renewed.

Resolution CRC-2022-076:    Postponing of Board elections

Whereas the Ministry is responsible for filling certain vacancies or issuing renewals of mandates of Board members and those nominations or renewals have not yet come through; and

Whereas those nominations or renewals may substantially change the membership of the Board and its concomitant committees and officers;

Be it therefore resolved that the election of officers and committee members be postponed to the next regular Board meeting scheduled for October 27, 2023; and

Be it further resolved that notwithstanding any restrictive provision in Bylaw 1 the incumbent officers and committee members remain in office until they are replaced, resign or otherwise no longer retain their eligibility to hold such positions.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         D. Shewan

Seconded by:    L. Anderson

Motion carried

Note of thanks to B. Toombs for his great work as a board member and a good retirement.

Note of thanks was given to MNP for their help and support.

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by B. Toombs at 8:50 p.m.


M. Mazur D. Bédard
Vice-Chair Interim Director Corporate Affairs

1) Canceled

1) Location
a) By videoconference
a) Correspondence
b) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of November 17, 2022
c) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 23, 2022
d) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2023
e) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
g) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
CAG – IT Equipment group purchasing participation
Appointment of a Designated Officer under the act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies.
Harassment Policy
a) Ad Hoc Committee
Appointment: Interim Director General
Mandate to implement the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations
Awarding of Contract – HVAC project – Saint-Lambert – Pre-purchase of Main Chillers
Awarding of Contract – HVAC project – Saint-Lambert – Pre-purchase of Main Chillers
Appointment: Chef de la sécurité de l’information organisationnelle (CSIO)
Appointment: Coordonnateurs organisationnels des mesures de sécurité de l’information (COMSI)
Appointment: Director of St. Lawrence Constituent College – one-year extension (Article 12)
• Audit Committee member
• DG Selection Committee

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference

Voting Members Present:

J. S. Amorim Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
J. Burns Pre-University graduate, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
G. Dröge-Grondin Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
P. Roy Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

A. Veilleux-Fortin Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


Vacant seats:

Director General
Student Representative, Lennoxville (non-voting)
Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector


C. Riverin Partner, MNP

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director, Administrative Services / Interim DRH/CA (Moderator)
D. Bédard Director, Human Resources
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 17 of 17 sitting voting members present.




1.     Announcements and Correspondence
2.     Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.     Consent Agenda
a)     Correspondence
b)     Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of November 17, 2022
c)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 23, 2022
d)     Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2023
e)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f)      Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
g)     Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
h)    Resolution re: Appointment of a Designated Officer under the act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies
i)      Notice of Motion re: Harassment Policy
4.     Business arising from of the minutes of January 25, 2023
a)     Lawyer’s Letter update
5.     Officers report
a)     Executive Committee
b)     Governance Committee
c)     Audit Committee
d)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e)     Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f)      Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g)     Director General
h)     Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
6.     Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
7.     Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.     New Business
a)     Resolution re: DECs & AECs
b)     Resolution re: Appointment: Interim Director General
c)     Information re: Ad Hoc Committee update (In Camera)
d)     Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Cooling units – HVAC project – Saint-Lambert
e)     Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Main Water Entrance Reconstruction – Saint-Lambert
f)      Resolution re: Appointment: Chef de la sécurité de l’information organisationnelle (CSIO)
g)     Resolution re: Appointment: Coordonnateurs organisationnels des mesures de sécurité de l’information (COMSI)
h)     Resolution re: CAG – IT Equipment group purchasing participation
i)      Resolution re: Appointment of the Director of the Constituent College of St. Lawrence – one-year extension (Article 12)
j)      Election re: ·         Audit Committee member

·         DG Recruitment Committee

9.     Adjournment


1.Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

Y. Rainville gave an update on Board membership: He welcomed Gisela Dröge-Grondin who was appointed as Faculty Representative for St. Lawrence and Jacob Burns as Pre-university graduate for Lennoxville to their first meeting.

The Chair explained the process around the Consent Agenda.

2.Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified:

  • Will be removed from the Consent agenda:
    • item 3h) – Resolution: DECs & AECs will become item 7h).
    • item 3i) – Resolution: CAG – IT Equipment group purchasing participation will become the new 7g).
  • Item 4a) Ad Hoc Committee will become 7c) Ad Hoc Committee update (In Camera).
  • New business arising item added 4a) Lawyer’s Letter (from the November 23, 2022 meeting)

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried

3.Consent Agenda

It was moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as modified.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      M. Mazur

Seconded by: J. Amorim

Motion carried

a) Correspondence

b) Approval of minutes of the Special Meeting of November 17, 2022

c) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 23, 2022

d) Approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2023

e) Director’s report, Constituent College – Lennoxville

f) Director’s report, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert

g) Director’s report, Constituent College – St. Lawrence

     h) Resolution re: Appointment of a Designated Officer under the act to facilitate the disclosure of wrondoings relating to public bodies

Resolution CRC-2022-053:   Appointment of a Designated Officer under the act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies

Whereas the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies came into effect on May 1, 2017; and

Whereas article 18 of the Act requires that the Board of Governors appoint a “Designated Officer” responsible for dealing with disclosures and implementing the procedure within the institution; and

Whereas in the absence of the Human Resources Department, the position was filled on an interim basis by the Director of Administrative Services; and

Whereas the position of Director of Human Resources is now held by Mr. Daniel Bédard;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Daniel Bédard, Director – Human Resources, as “Designated Officer” under the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies for Champlain Regional College.

       i) Notice of Motion re: Harassment Policy

The Harassment Policy needs to be updated to make it more consistent with good practice and to follow it’s normal updating process, having been adopted on January 2019. Following tonight’s Board meeting, a consultation process based on the Administrative Framework for Policy and Bylaw development and revision will be initiated for final adoption in June 2023.

4.Business arising from the minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

    a) Lawyer’s Letter – November 23, 2022

B.Toombs requested an update on the Lawyer’s firm that was hired as discussed at the November 23, 2022 meeting of the Board of Governors. The firm Langlois Associés was hired to       help the College with this dossier. A full update will be given at the April 26, 2023 meeting of the Board of Governors.

5. Public Question Period

There were no questions from the public.

6. Break – Fifteen minutes

The break was postponed to later in the meeting.

7. New Business

      a) DECs & AECs [Resolution]

N. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-054:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                            30

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                              0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: P. Roy

Motion carried

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-055:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     76*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     12**

* 2 of them are from RAC services

** 11 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: B. Toombs

Motion carried


E.Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-056:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                         17

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                           0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      E. Berryman

Seconded by: J. Burns

Motion carried

b) Appointment: Interim Director General [Resolution]

C. Riverin spoke about the procedure that was followed for the interim position. A few candidates were contacted but were not interested as an employee position and wanted a consultant position. Therefore, it was decided to propose to hire someone internally. A discussion was held with the 3 DCCs regarding a proposed candidate.  The Chair announced that the person recommended was Yves Rainville. A plan was prepared to help with the responsibilities during the interim period of the Director General between the interim DG, the DCCs and Coordinators.

The Chair spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-057:    Appointment: Interim Director General

Whereas the resignation of the Director General Mrs. Odette Côté was received on February 15, 2023; and

Whereas bylaw 3 provides for replacement measures for a vacant Hors-Cadre position; and

Whereas a recruitment process for the position of Director General may take several months; and

Whereas the College must continue to meet its administrative obligations;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Mr. Yves Rainville as interim Director General until the selection process for a new Director General is completed.

Be it further resolved that the Director of Human Resources be mandated to sign on behalf of Champlain Regional College the terms of the interim contract.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:        D. Shewan

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried

c) Ad Hoc Committee update [In Camera]

Vote :  15/17

In Camera session started at 6:35pm

In Camera session ended at 6:50pm

d) Awarding of Contract – Cooling units – HVAC project – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-058:    Awarding of Contract – Cooling units – HVAC project – Saint-Lambert

Whereas in compliance with Bylaw 9 – Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Certain Supply contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the Saint-Lambert Pré-Achat Refroidisseur; and

Whereas in the HVAC Saint-Lambert project strategy the College identified the pre-purchase of equipment with a very long delivery delay as a solution in order to meet the project schedule; and

Whereas on January 26, 2023 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Préachat refroidisseurs – CVAC – Cégep Champlain à Saint-Lambert; and

Whereas the electronic bid of one (1) supplier was opened on March 1, 2023 at 11:00, local time, in the presence of the Administration Officer and one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas the bid was analyzed, by the Administration Officer and by the engineering firm for the project, for eligibility and compliance; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the Regulation requires an authorization from the Director General to proceed with a

single compliant bid; and

Whereas in absence of the Director General, this duty falls under the Board of Governors;

Whereas the mandatory Annexe 2 – Fiche d’autorisation du dirigeant de l’organisme from the

Treasury Board will be completed and submitted once authorization from the Board of Governors has been received; and

Whereas the company, Enertrak Inc. provided the lowest compliant bid;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes and awards the contract for the Préachat refroidisseurs – CVAC – Cégep Champlain à Saint-Lambert to Enertrak Inc. in the amount of $522,500.00 before taxes.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by:  J. Burns

Motion Carried

e) Awarding of Contract – Replacement of the main water line – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-059:    Awarding of Contract – Replacement of the main water line – Saint-Lambert

Whereas in compliance with Bylaw 9 -Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Construction Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the Saint-Lambert Réfection du branchement d’eau potable; and

Whereas in the main water line at the College is dated and, after a recent an emergency repair following infrastructure upgrades by the town of Saint-Lambert, is due to be replaced; and

Whereas on February 21, 2023 the College published a call for tenders on the electronic tendering system approved by the Government (SÉAO), Réfection du branchement d’eau potable; and

Whereas the electronic bids of six ­­­­­(6) suppliers were opened via the electronic tendering system approved by the Government (SÉAO) on March 10, 2023, at 11:00, local time, in the presence of the Administration Officer and at least one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services office; and

Whereas the bids were analyzed, by the Administration Officer and by the engineering firm for the project, for eligibility and compliance; and

Whereas five (5) bids were deemed compliant; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, Excavation et Construction Gélinas inc., provided the lowest compliant bid.

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Réfection du branchement d’eau potable to Excavation et Construction Gélinas inc., in the amount of $108,319.79 before taxes.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       J. Amorim

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion Carried

f) Appointment: Chef de la sécurité de l’information organisationnelle (CSIO) [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-060:    Appointment: Chef de la sécurité de l’information organisationnelle (CSIO)

Whereas Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises (LGGRI), the Government Information Security Directive (GISD) and the Government Information Security Management Framework; and

 Whereas the college is required to appoint a Chief Information Security Officer (CSIO) who is responsible for the overall management of information security within the organization; and

Whereas it is appropriate to entrust this responsibility to Mr. Claude Leduc, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services; and

Be it Therefore Resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Mr. Claude Leduc, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services as Chief Information Security Officer (CSIO) for Champlain Regional College.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       P. Roy

Seconded by: B. Denison

Motion Carried

g) Appointment: Coordonnateurs organisationnels des mesures de sécurité de l’information (COMSI) [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-061:    Appointment: Coordonnateurs organisationnels des mesures de sécurité de l’information (COMSI)

Whereas Act respecting the governance and management of the information resources of public bodies and government enterprises (LGGRI), the Government Information Security Directive (GISD) and the Government Information Security Management Framework; and

 Whereas the college is required to appoint two Organizational Information Security Coordinators (COMSI); and

Whereas it is appropriate to entrust this responsibility to Mr Hocine Labsir, Specialized Systems Analyst and Mr Claude Leduc, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services;

Be it Therefore Resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Hocine Labsir, Specialized Systems Analyst as Organizational Information Security Coordinator (COMSI) for Champlain Regional College;

Be it further resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Claude Leduc, Assistant Director of Information Technology Services as Organizational Information Security Coordinator (COMSI) for Champlain Regional College.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       L. Anderson

Seconded by: G. Bourgoin

Motion Carried

A 5 min. break was taken.

h) CAG – IT Equipment group purchasing participation [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-062:    Group purchasing mandate – CAG 2023-7525-50 – New Computers and Monitors

Whereas the College must remain in compliance with the Act respecting contracting by public bodies, the College bylaws and the Act respecting the Centre d’acquisitions gouvernementales; and

Whereas the College is required to participate in public calls for tenders in areas where there is an active need to acquire a service or product which is covered by the Centre d’acquisitions gouvernementales; and

Whereas Champlain Regional College must join the Centre d’acquisitions gouvernementales (CAG) for the mandate 2023-7525-50 as part of a public tender call for Information Technology – New Computers and Monitors products; and

 Whereas the on-demand contract agreement will be for a total period of five years including all its options, and broken down into an initial period of two years (2023-2025) with three renewal options of one year each (2025-2026, 2026-2027, 2027-2028); and

Whereas each constituent college as well as the administrative center proceeded to the evaluation of its needs for the next five (5) years and valued at $2,600,000; and

 Whereas the mandate’s value is already accounted for in the Capital budget of the College; and

Whereas the College must obtain a resolution to confirm its financial commitment and participation to the above stated mandate;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the College to join the CAG purchasing agreement 2023-7525-50 mandate for a financial commitment estimated at $2,600,000 for five (5) years.

There was a call for a vote.

In Favor:         15

Against:           0

Abstention:      1

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: P. Roy

Motion Carried

i) Appointment of the Director of the Constituent College of St. Lawrence – one-year extension (Article 12) [Resolution]

Article 12 session started at 7:52pm

Article 12 session ended at 8:29pm

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-063:    Appointment of the Director of the Constituent College of St. Lawrence – one-year extension (Article 12)

Whereas the one-year extension mandate of the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence comes to an end on October 27, 2023; and

Whereas Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Appointment and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent Colleges establishes the procedure to follow regarding the evaluation for the appointment renewal of the Directors of Constituent Colleges; and

Whereas the Renewal Evaluation Committee for the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence is composed of seven members, including the Chair of the Board, the Director General and the Chair of the Governing Board of Constituent College of St-Lawrence;

Whereas the lack of members to make up the evaluation committee and the time constraints do not allow for a fair and equitable process; and

Whereas the college has undertaken projects to re-establish its governance structure at both the regional and local levels; and

Whereas one of the projects is the review of the evaluation and selection process for its Hors-cadres; and

Whereas the Board of Governors, with a view to fostering a spirit of renewed collaboration, collegiality and trust amongst the members of its governing bodies and in particular those of Constituent College of St-Lawrence, deem it appropriate and necessary to postpone the   renewal of appointment process for the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves a one-year extension to the mandate of the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence until October 27, 2024.

There was a call for the vote.

In Favor:         11

Against:           2

Abstention:    1

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion Carried

j) Elections

Y. Rainville spoke to the election process.

Election of Audit Committee Member:

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.2

Note: The Audit Committee is composed of a maximum of five (5) members of the Board of Governors, with a majority of external Governors. The Audit Committee should include the presence of at least one Governor who has competency in accounting or financial matters.

(The Chair of the Board may attend any committee meetings.  The Director General and one other Director, whose expertise is related to the role of the committee, are resource persons for these committees; other Directors may be invited as guests).

  1. Rainville opened the floor for member nominations.
Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
J. Burns N. Beattie D. Shewan  Yes    No

Y. Rainville called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

J. Burns was declared Member of the Audit Committee by acclamation.

 Election of DG Selection Committee members

 Reference: Bylaw 3 – Article 2.2.1:

Note: For the selection of the Director General, the Board forms a Selection Committee, composed of seven (7) members of the Board chosen in the following manner:

a) Chair of the Board; and

b) Chairs of the three (3) Governing Boards; and

c) One (1) external Governor, elected by the Board; and

d) Two (2) internal Governors, elected by the Board, ideally from different regions.

The Chair opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
M. Mazur D. Shewan L. Anderson  Yes    No
L. Anderson L. Anderson J. Shufelt  Yes    No

The Chair called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

L. Anderson was declared External Member of the DG Selection Committee by acclamation.

The Chair opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Toombs P. Roy D. Shewan  Yes    No
B. Denison P. Roy M. Mazur  Yes    No
N. Beattie D. Shewan L. Anderson  Yes    No

The Chair called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by J. Amorin to close nominations.

  1. Beattie and B. Denison were declared Internal Members of the DG Selection Committee by majority vote.
  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by N. Beattie at 8:48 p.m.


François Paradis Y. Rainville
Chairperson Interim Director Corporate Affairs


1) Location
a) By videoconference
a) Special Meeting of November 17, 2022
b) Regular Meeting of November 23, 2022
a) Ad Hoc Subcommittee
b) Chair update with M.A Thivierge
c) Cost of Legal Counsel
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration
Consent Agenda
AEC – Cloud Computing (LEA.EC) – Saint-Lambert
Strategic Plan update
AOP 2022-2023 Status update
Posting - Director Communications / Corporate Affairs (update)
Hydro Québec
Appointment of Pre-University Graduate Representative (Champlain College – Lennoxville) to the Board of Governors
CICan Voting Delegates
Bylaw 6 – Student Fees - Revision
Awarding of Contract – HVAC Saint-Lambert – Air distribution boxes replacement
Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services contract - Lennoxville
Awarding of Contract – Renovation of the 2nd floor sanitary block – St. Lawrence
Awarding of Contract – Independent External Auditor 2022-2025
Access to Surplus – Security System Improvement Saint-Lambert
Access to Surplus – Academic re-organization - Lennoxville
Selection of a firm to assist with the DCC renewal process
Audit Committee – Internal member
Committee for the renewal of appointment of the director of the St. Lawrence constituent college – internal and external members
Renewal of appointment of the Director General

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference

Voting Members Present:

J. S. Amorim Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
P. Roy Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

A. Veilleux-Fortin Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Vacant seats:

Pre-University Graduate, Lennoxville
Student Representative, Lennoxville (non-voting)
Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector


C. Messaoudi Partner, MNP
C. Riverin Partner, MNP
D. Juneau Tesla RP
L. Aucoin Tesla RP

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director, Administrative Services / Interim DRH/CA (Moderator)
D. Bédard Director, Human Resources
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 15 of 16 sitting voting members present.



1.    Announcements and Correspondence
2.    Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.    Approval of Minutes from previous meeting(s)
a)     Special Meeting of November 17, 2022
b)     Regular Meeting of November 23, 2022
4.    Business arising from of the minutes of November 23, 2022
a)     Chair update with M. A Thivierge
b)     Cost of Legal Counsel
5.    Officers report
a)     Executive Committee
b)     Governance Committee
c)     Audit Committee
d)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e)     Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f)      Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g)     Director General
h)     Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
6.    Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
7.    Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.    New Business
a)    Resolution re: Consent Agenda
b)    Information re: Ad Hoc Committee update (In-camera)
c)    Resolution re: DECs & AECs
d)    Resolution re: AEC – Cloud Computing (LEA.EC) – Saint-Lambert
e)    Information re: Strategic Plan update
f)     Information re: AOP 2022-2023 Status update
g)    Information re: Posting – Director Communications / Corporate Affairs (update)
h)    Information re: Hydro Québec
i)      Resolution re: Appointment of Pre-University Graduate Representative (Champlain College – Lennoxville) to the Board of Governors
j)      Resolution re: CICan Voting Delegates
k)    Resolution re: Bylaw 6 – Student Fees – Revision
l)      Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – HVAC Saint-Lambert – Air distribution boxes replacement
m)   Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services contract – Lennoxville
n)    Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Renovation of the 2nd floor sanitary block – St. Lawrence
o)    Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Independent External Auditor 2022-2025
p)    Resolution re: Access to Surplus – Security System Improvement Saint-Lambert
q)    Resolution re: Access to Surplus – Academic re-organization – Lennoxville
r)     Resolution re: Renewal of appointment of the Director General
9.    Adjournment

1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

Regrets were received from G. Bourgoing.

Y. Rainville gave an update on Board membership: Three internal member positions are still vacant, and are currently going through the election process. Two government appointee positions are also vacant.  P. Roy is our newest member joining as the new support staff representative for Lennoxville

O. Côté presented D. Bédard our new Director of Human Resources and then summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

1) Correspondence received from Paule De Blois, sous-ministre Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) dated December 1, 2022, reminding the importance of having an emergency response plan in all CEGEPs and universities. The emergency response plan should contain procedures and actions for all possible emergency scenarios and their consequences including appropriate measures in the event of the presence of one, or more, armed individuals.

2) Correspondence received from Esther Blais, director general, Direction générale des affaires collégiales (MES) dated December 1, 2022, regarding a call for proposals for the development of distance learning for college programs leading to the labour market. This call for proposals has a budget of 2.5M$ for the 2022-2023 academic year.  Projects must be deposited by February 3, 2023 through the Guichet des affaires collégiales.

3) Correspondence received from Jean-René Chalifour, chef du Service de soutien interordres et de la sanction des études collégiales (MES) dated December 6, 2022, stating that the ministry has reviewed CRC’s 2021-2022 annual report and confirmed that it contained all required elements.

4) Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint au développement et soutien des réseaux (MES) dated December 7, 2022, stating that in view of the epidemiological situation related to respiratory viruses and the pressure currently being exerted on the health care system in Quebec, the Minister of Health and Social services and the National Director of Public Health have reiterated the importance of wearing a mask in indoor public places. Measures such as hand washing and distancing remain effective ways to reduce the spread of viruses. This remains a recommendation, not an obligation.

5) Correspondence received from Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education dated December 8, 2022, regarding some changes that have been made to the Régime budgétaire et financier des cégeps for the 2022-2023 academic year. These changes are mainly aimed at two measures:

    a. Adding tuition waivers to attract and retain international students at colleges located outside the Montreal metropolitain area.

    b. A new measure to ensure a smooth transition between the Programme de soutien à la perséverance et à la réussite des stagiaires and the Programme de bourses Perspective Québec.   This measure applies to student interns in certain education and health and social services programs.

6) Correspondence received from Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education dated December 20, 2022, regarding possible adjustments to the applications of the Charter of the French language:

      a. Possibility of deferring the start of the cours préparatoires à l’épreuve uniforme de français to the Winter 2024 semester for the September 2023 student cohort;

     b. Possibility of granting a course equivalence to students whose academic record justifies it;

    c. Thus, students could take the test in December 2024 or May 2025. The ministry is committed to contacting universities to inform them that some students in the 2024-2025 graduating cohort will receive their test scores later than usual;

   d. The three courses “in” or “of“ French may start in the Winter 2025 semester rather than in the Fall 2024 semester (for the September 2024 cohort).

7) Correspondence received from Catherine Tremblay, from the Direction des contrôles financiers et de la conformité (MES) dated January 11, 2023, stating that Champlain Regional College has been identified as a CEGEPs that will be audited for specific positions for the nine-months period ending March 31, 2023 by our independent auditor.

8) Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint au développement et soutien des réseaux (MES) dated January 13, 2023, announcing that an accompanying guide, produced by the Ministère de la Langue française for colleges and universities on the new requirements for their language policies they must adopt, is now available.

9) Correspondence received form Paule De Blois, sous-ministre (MES) dated January 19, 2023, announcing the nomination of Esther Blais as sous-ministre adjointe (MES). With this appointment comes a new structure for the Ministry of Higher Education.  It is articulated around the following four sub-departments:

a. Affaires universitaires, recherche et transformation numérique, under the direction of Sylvain Périgny ;

b. Affaires collégiales et interventions régionales, under the direction of Marc-André Thivierge ;

c. Accessibilité, réussite et expérience étudiante, under the direction of Esther Blais ;

d. Politique, financement, infrastructures et soutien à la gestion, under the direction of Nathalie Parenteau.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified:

Move item 5a – Ad hoc Committee update to 9b (in camera)

Table item 3 – Vote of Confidence to the next meeting

Table Item 9q) Selection of a firm to assist with the DCC renewal process to the next meeting

Table Item 9r) Election of an internal member for the audit Committee to the next meeting

Table Item 9s) Election of the Committee for the renewal of appointment of the director of the St. Lawrence Constituent College – internal and external members to the next meeting

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan
Seconded by: J. Shufelt
Motion carried

3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

a) Special Meeting of November 17, 2022

Due to errors in the minutes, the adoption of the minutes has been tabled to the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors to allow for corrections to be done.

b) Regular Meeting of November 23, 2022

Due to errors in the minutes, the adoption of the minutes has been tabled to the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors to allow for corrections to be done.

4. Business arising from the minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

a) Chair update with M. A. Thivierge

F. Paradis spoke to this item stating that since the last meeting, only one quick meeting was held regarding the report that was now being made public. F. Paradis also followed up on the government appointee positions to be nominated. You can find the report by clicking on the link below:

b) Cost of Legal Counsel

Y. Rainville shared the information on the legal and specialized consultant expenses incurred related to governance issues:

From early fall 2021 to Dec 2022

  • Legal advice – Governance: 12K$
  • Legal advice – administration: 17K$
  • Inquiry – Governance: 23K$
  • Investigation – Harassment: 76K$
  • Legal fees for Board members – 81K$
  • Support to ad hoc committee- 3K$
  • Support to St. Lawrence governing board: spring 2022 to fall 2022: 32K$

Sub Total consultants: 133K$

Sub Total Legal fees: 113K$

Total: 246K$

A large amount is partly due to the Bylaw1 art. 9.1a) not being clear. The modification to Bylaw 1 went for consultation last fall and was adopted by two governing boards. The college is now verifying with legal advisers to make sure that everything is well written before it goes to the third governing board for approval.

The Governance and Ethics Committee will be able to take care of these kind of issues from now on in a faster manner.

An update could be given at the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors to answer all the questions that were asked regarding the legal fees.

5. Officers’ Reports

a) Executive Committee

O. Côté spoke to the Executive Committee report.

b) Governance Committee

No Governance Committee meeting was held; therefore, there is no information to share.

c) Audit Committee

No Audit Committee meeting was held; therefore, there is no information to share.

d) Director, Champlain College Lennoxville

N. Beattie spoke to her report.

e) Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert

D. Shewan spoke to his report.

f) Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College

E. Berryman spoke to his report.

g) Director General

O. Côté spoke to her report.

h) Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration

The Chair shared the agenda of the last meeting of the Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration that was held on December 8, 2022.

6. Public Question Period

There were no questions from the public.

7. Break – Fifteen minutes

8. New Business

a) Consent Agenda [Resolution]

F. Paradis spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-038:     Consent Agenda Process

Whereas the Board has the will to streamline meetings and allow the focus to be on substantive issues; and

Whereas a mechanism exists in the form of a Consent Agenda in order to group the routine, procedural, informal and self-explanatory non-controversial items; and

Whereas the Chairperson presented the benefit, obligations and procedures of the Consent Agenda;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopt the Consent Agenda process when the situation allows it as a pilot for the remaining board meetings of this academic year and will reassess the process at the beginning of the next academic year.

There was a call for the vote.

in Favor:       14
Against:         1
Abstentions:   0

Moved by:      B. Toombs
Seconded by: N. Beattie
Motion Carried

b)Ad hoc Committee update (in camera)

The Ad Hoc Committee gave a final update on their recommendations.

Motion to go in-camera at 7:55pm

In favor:        11/15
Moved by:      M. Mazur
Seconded by: C. Beaulieu

Motion carried

Motion to come out of in-camera session at 8:40pm.

Moved by:      D. Shewan
Seconded by: J. Amorim
Motion carried

c) DECs & AECs [Resolution]

N. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-039:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                 49
Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie
Seconded by: P. Roy
Motion carried

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-040:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     128*
Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     79*
* 5 of them are from RAC services
** 9 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      B. Denison
Seconded by: J. Amorim
Motion carried

E. Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-041:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                         68
Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                         10

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      E. Berryman
Seconded by: N. Beattie
Motion carried

d) AEC – IT Cloud Administration (LEA.EC) – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

Don Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-042:    AEC – IT Cloud Administration (LEA.EC) – Saint-Lambert

Whereas the Saint-Lambert Continuing Education Department had identified a need for training in the area of Cloud Computing and the program offers very good employment potential to graduates; and

Whereas the Saint-Lambert Commission of Studies has unanimously recommended the program at its meeting of December 15, 2022; and

Whereas Champlain College Saint-Lambert Governing Board, at its meeting of January 9, 2023 unanimously recommended that the Board of Governors approve this program for Champlain Saint-Lambert;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approve the IT Cloud Administration (LEA.EC) for Champlain Saint-Lambert.

There was a call for the vote.

in favor:         11
Against:         2 (E. Berryman)
abstention:    2

Moved by:       P. Roy
Seconded by: B. Denison
Motion Carried

e) Strategic Plan Update [Information]

O. Côté spoke to this item stating that a new timeline had been prepared following the extension of the Strategic plan and that Marie-France Lavallée from MNP will be helping through the process.

f) AOP 2022-2023 Status Update [Information]

O. Côté spoke to this item and gave an update on the accomplishments done since the beginning of the academic year and mentioned that a final update will be presented at the last meeting of the Board of Governors in June. A concern was raised about the waiting for tools from the ministry in order to meet some targets.

g) Posting – Director Communications / Corporate Affairs (update) [Information]

O. Côté spoke to this item stating that a third posting and interviews had been done. Psychometric testing are presently underway.

h) Hydro Quebec [Information]

O. Côté spoke to this item stating that the college has been working with Hydro Quebec to try to negotiate with them. A written offer was presented by Hydro Quebec at the end of last year and the college decided to seek for advice. The offer was deemed not acceptable by the advisers.

i) Appointment of Pre-University Graduate Representative (Champlain College – Lennoxville) to the Board of Governors [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-043:    Appointment of Pre-University Graduate Representative (Champlain College – Lennoxville) to the Board of Governors

WHEREAS on October 26, 2022 the mandate of the St-Lawrence Graduate (Pre-university program) came to an end; and

WHEREAS the rotation Schedule of Bylaw 1 Appendix A indicates that a Graduate (Pre-university program) from Champlain Lennoxville College is to be appointed for a three (3) year mandate; and

WHEREAS the interim Director of Corporate Affairs, in collaboration with the Champlain Lennoxville Director of Constituent College, proceeded with a call for nominations, which ran from October 12, 2022 to November 22, 2022; and

WHEREAS one (1) qualified candidature was received and presented to the Executive Committee at its regular meeting of January 18, 2023; and

WHEREAS at the regular meeting of January 18, 2023 the Executive Committee discussed and recommended the nomination of Mr. Jacob Burns as the Pre-University Graduate to the Board of Governors;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board of Governors appoints Mr. Jacob Burns as the Pre‐University Graduate to the Regional College Board of Governors for a three (3) year mandate.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       N. Beattie
Seconded by: P. Roy
Motion Carried

j) CICan Voting Delegates [Resolution]

O. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-044:    CICan Voting Delegates

Whereas the Regional College’s practice is to appoint two (2) governors, namely the Chair and the Director General, as voting delegates to the CICan annual general meeting;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the Chair and the Director General be appointed as the voting delegates to the CICan annual general meeting of 2023.

Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the Vice-Chair be named as alternate voting delegate in the event that either the Chair or the Director General are unable to attend the CICan annual general meeting of 2023.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       J. Shufelt
Seconded by: C. Michel
Motion Carried

k) Bylaw 6 – Student Fees – Revision [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-045:    Bylaw 6 – Student Fees – Revision

Whereas the Regulation respecting the tuition fees states that a general and vocational College must charge has been updated on an annual basis in accordance with the College’s Bylaw on Student Fees; and

Whereas the Quebec National Assembly has adopted a Loi limitant l’indexation de plusieurs tarifs gouvernementaux to 3% for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026; and

Whereas modifications to the student fees for implementation as of the fall semester 2023 were proposed and approved at the December 2022 regular Governing Board meetings of Champlain Lennoxville and Champlain St. Lawrence;

Champlain College Lennoxville

  • Auxilliary Service Fees for full-time students From $145 to $149
  • Auxilliary Service Fees for part-time students             From $  37 to $  38
  • Auxilliary Service Fees – for full time students             From $  44 to $  45

provided by Bishop’s University

  • Auxilliary Service Fees – for part-time students             From $  11 to $  12

provided by Bishop’s University

Champlain College St. Lawrence

  • Auxilliary Service Fees for full-time students From $165 to $170
  • Auxilliary Service Fees for part-time students             From $  37 to $  38

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the proposed modifications to student fees at Champlain College Lennoxville and Champlain College St. Lawrence for application as of the fall semester 2023.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       N. Beattie
Seconded by: P. Roy
Motion Carried

l) Awarding of Contract – HVAC Saint-Lambert – Air distribution boxes replacement [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-046:    Awarding of Contract – HVAC Saint-Lambert – Air distribution boxes replacement

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for Saint-Lambert remplacement de boites de fin de course; and

Whereas in the HVAC Saint-Lambert project strategy the college identified the execution of preliminary work as a solution to respect the project schedule; and

 Whereas on December 6, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Modernisation Électromécanique – Cégep Champlain à Saint-Lambert – remplacement de boites de fin de course; and

Whereas the project is included in the 2022-2023 capital budget, and

Whereas the sealed bids of two (2) suppliers were opened on January 12, 2023 at 13:15, local time, in the presence of the Director of Administrative Services, one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, Navada Ltée provided the lowest compliant bid;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Remplacement des boites de fin de course – CVAC – Cégep Champlain à Saint-Lambert to Navada Ltée in the amount of $594,700.00 (before taxes).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       M. Mazur
Seconded by: D. Shewan
Motion Carried

m) Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services contract – Lennoxville [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-047:    Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services contract – Lennoxville

Whereas the actual contract comes to an end on January 31, 2023; and

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for Service d’entretien ménager – Cégep Champlain à Lennoxville; and

Whereas on December 8, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Service d’entretien ménager – Cégep Champlain à Lennoxville; and

Whereas authorization has been received from the Director General for a contract of seventeen (17) months with three (3) one-year renewal options for a total of fifty-three (53) months; and

Whereas the sealed bids of three (3) suppliers were opened on January 12, 2023 at 10:30 a.m., local time, in the presence of the Director of Administrative Services, one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas a selection committee carried out an evaluation of the offers based on quality/price; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, Les Service Ménagers Roy Ltée provided the lowest compliant bid;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Service d’entretien ménager – Cégep Champlain à Lennoxville to Les Service Ménagers Roy Ltée for a period of fifty-three (53) months in the amount of $439,946.48 (before taxes).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       N. Beattie
Seconded by: D. Shewan
Motion Carried

n) Awarding of Contract – Renovation of the 2nd floor sanitary block – St. Lawrence [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-048:    Awarding of Contract – Renovation of the 2nd floor sanitary block – St. Lawrence

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for construction contract; and

Whereas on December 5, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Réfection du bloc sanitaire 2e étage (Niveau 300) – Cégep Champlain à Saint-Lawrence; and

Whereas the project is included in the 2022-2023 capital budget, and

Whereas the sealed bids of three (3) suppliers were opened on January 13, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., local time, in the presence of the Director of Administrative Services, one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, Lévis construction inc. provided the lowest compliant bid;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Réfection du bloc sanitaire 2e étage (Niveau 300) – Cégep Champlain à Saint-Lawrence to Lévis construction inc. in the amount of $367,367.00 (before taxes).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       B. Denison
Seconded by: E. Berryman
Motion Carried

0) Awarding of Contract – Independent External Auditor 2022-2025 [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-049:    Awarding of Contract – Independent External Auditor 2022-2025

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for independent auditor services to select a firm for a three (3) year mandate (2022-2025); and

WHEREAS on December 14, 2022, the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO) Sélection d’un auditeur ndependent 2022-2025; and

WHEREAS the awarding of the contract is based on the lowest compliant bid; and

WHEREAS the sealed bid of one supplier was opened on January 16, 2023 at 11:00 a.m., local time, in the presence the Director of Administrative Services and a witness, at the administration offices located at 1301 Portland Blvd., Sherbrooke (Québec); and

WHEREAS the Regulation requires an authorization from the Director General to proceed with a single compliant bid; and

WHEREAS the mandatory Annexe 2 – Fiche d’autorisation du dirigeant de l’organisme from the Treasury Board has been completed and signed by the Director General; and

WHEREAS the tender documents are available in the College files;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College awards the three (3) year contract for auditing services to Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, in the amount of $170,000 (before taxes).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan
Seconded by: C. Michel
Motion Carried

p) Access to surplus – Security Systems Improvement Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-050:    Access to surplus – Security Systems Improvement


Whereas the College wishes to continue to improve its security systems; and;

 Whereas to improve communication systems during a crisis, additions to the current systems are required; and

Whereas the expenses were not foreseen in the current operating budget of the College; and

Whereas the College has the necessary surplus to support the request; and

Whereas under resolution LAM-2022-008 the Champlain Saint-Lambert Governing Board recommended that the Board of Governors approve the access to surplus at its regular meeting of January 9, 2023; and

 Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approve the access from the Saint-Lambert portion of the accumulated surplus in the amount of $75,000 to complete the improvement of the Security Systems.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       P. Roy
Seconded by: D. Shewan
Motion Carried

q) Access to surplus – Academic re-organization – Lennoxville [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-051:    Access to surplus – Academic re-organization – Lennoxville

Whereas Champlain Lennoxville has witnessed a trend over the last few years such that a deficit has been generated annually in the E-envelope which finances teaching resources and which consequently impedes the ability of the College to utilize surplus funds generated within the operating budget; and

Whereas the management of the E-envelope has proven a significant challenge, particularly within the context of the pandemic and changes within the administrative team; and

Whereas the SECCL Faculty Union has expressed an openness to reconsider the College’s traditional approach to the allocation of workloads amongst teaching staff which impacts the E-envelope; and

Whereas the College possesses neither the operational resources or internal capacity to conduct a comprehensive analysis to fully assess and address this situation; and

Whereas external expertise, internal staffing and a different module within the learning management system (Skytech) are necessary to adequately address the challenges of academic organization; and

Whereas the College has the necessary surplus to support the request; and

Whereas under resolution LEN-2022-067 the Champlain Lennoxville Governing Board recommended that the Board of Governors approve the access to surplus at its regular meeting of October 25, 2022;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approve the access from the Lennoxville portion of the accumulated surplus in the amount of $250,000 to offset the costs that will need to be incurred by the College in addressing the challenges of allocation and academic organization as described above.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan
Seconded by: C. Beaulieu
Motion Carried

r) Renewal of Appointment of the Director General [Resolution] – (In Camera)

Y. Rainville spoke to the process.

Motion to go in-camera at 9:37pm

In favor:         15/15
Moved by:         J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif
Seconded by:    L. Anderson
Motion carried

Motion to extend the meeting for 1 hour at 9:40pm

Moved by:       B. Toombs
Seconded by: M. Mazur
Motion Carried

Motion to extend the meeting for 30min. at 10:40pm.

Moved by:       M. Mazur
Seconded by: D. Shewan
Motion Carried

Out of in-camera session at 10:58 pm.

F. Paradis spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-052:    Non-Renewal Appointment of the Director General of Champlain Regional College

Whereas Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent Colleges establishes the procedure to follow for the renewal of Appointment of the Director General; and

 Whereas Mrs. Odette Côté was nominated as Director General of Champlain Regional College for the first time on August 1, 2016; and

Whereas her appointment as Director General has been subsequently renewed for a one-year mandate on August 1, 2021 and August 1, 2022; and

Whereas the appointment of the Director General ends on July 31, 2023; and

Whereas the Director General has formerly expressed in writing to the Chair of the Board on September 29, 2022, her interest in renewing her appointment according to Article 3.2 a) of Bylaw 3; and

Whereas the notification on the renewal procedure was sent by the Chair on October 5, 2022, to the Director General according to Article 3.2 b) of Bylaw 3; and

Whereas an Evaluation Committee has been formally appointed by the Board of Governors; and

Whereas the Evaluation Committee’s main responsibility is to recommend the renewal or the non-renewal of appointment of the Director General after a confidential and anonymous consultation of the communities (Article 3.2d) iii); and

Whereas the Evaluation Committee met on January 19, 2023 and has concluded, unanimously, that it is in Champlain Regional College’s best interest not to renew the mandate of the Director General, Mrs. Odette Côté and does not recommend the renewal of the appointment;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors agrees with the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and does not renew the appointment of the Director General, Mrs. Odette Côté at the end of the term on July 31, 2023.

Be it further resolved that Mr. François Paradis, Chairperson of the Board of Governors be mandated to negotiate and sign in the name of Champlain Regional College the terms of departure of Mrs. Odette Côté in accordance with the Règlement déterminant certaines conditions de travail des hors cadres des collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel.                                                                                           

There was a call for the vote.

In favor:         15
Against:           0
Abstention:     2

Moved by:        M. Mazur
Seconded by:    L. Anderson
Motion carried

9. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by B. Toombs at 11:13 p.m.


François Paradis Y. Rainville
Chairperson Interim Director Corporate Affairs


a) Regular Meeting of October 26, 2022
a) Ad Hoc Subcommittee
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
2021-2022 Annual Report
Short Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund
Long Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund
Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy
Auxiliary Services Policy
Bylaw 9 regarding Procurement
Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services – Lennoxville
Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services – St. Lawrence
Approval of new AEC – IT Cloud Administration – Saint-Lambert
Access to Surplus - Equipment for Continuing Education – Saint-Lambert
2015-2022 Strategic Plan Extension
• Vice-chair
• Executive Committee –Internal member
9) Adjournment

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference

Voting Members Present:

J. S. Amorim Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
B. Denison Professional Representative, Administrative Services
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

A. Veilleux-Fortin Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
P. Bleau Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
A. Sidaway (non-voting) Student representative, Lennoxville

Vacant seats:

Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
Pre-University Graduate, Lennoxville
Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector


C. Messaoudi Partner, MNP
C. Riverin Partner, MNP

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director, Administrative Services / Interim DRH/CA (Moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 13 of 16 sitting voting members present.




5 min 1.    Announcements and Correspondence
3 min 2.    Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
5 min 3.    Vote of Confidence – Chair

4.    Approval of Previous Minutes

4.    Approval of Minutes from previous meeting(s)
3 min a)     Regular Meeting of October 26, 2022
5.    Business arising from of the minutes of October 26, 2022
5 min a)     Ad Hoc Committee update
6.    Officers report
5 min a)     Executive Committee
5 min b)     Governance Committee
5 min c)     Audit Committee
5 min d)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
5 min e)     Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
5 min f)      Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
5 min g)     Director General
5 min h)     Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
15 min 7.    Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
15 min 8.    Break for Fifteen Minutes
9.    New Business
5 min a)    Resolution re: Lawyers’ Letter
5 min b)    Resolution re: DECs & AECs
5 min c)    Resolution re: 2021-2022 Annual Report
5 min d)    Resolution re: Short-Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund
5 min e)    Resolution re: Long-Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund
5 min f)     Resolution re: Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy
5 min g)    Resolution re: Auxiliary Services Policy
5 min h)    Resolution re: Bylaw 9 regarding Procurement
5 min i)      Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services – St. Lawrence
5 min j)      Resolution re: Copibec
5 min k)    Resolution re: Survey recommended by the ad hoc committee
5 min l)      Resolution re: Access to Surplus – Equipment for continuing Education – Saint-Lambert
5 min m)   Resolution re: 2015-2022 Strategic Plan Extension
15 min n)    Election re: ·         Vice-Chair

·         Executive Committee – Internal member

·         DG Mandate Renewal Committee – Internal member

10.  Adjournment



 1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

Regrets were received from C. Beaulieu, P. Bleau, J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif, and A. Sidaway.

Y. Rainville gave an update on Board membership. Brian Denison was elected as the Professional Representative from Administrative Services and Antoine Fortin-Veilleux was elected as Faculty Representative for Lennoxville (non-voting). We are waiting for the results of elections for the Lennoxville support staff representative and the nomination of the two graduate students.

O.Côté summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

  1. Correspondence received from Nathalie Parenteau, sous-ministre adjointe à la performance, au financement, aux interventions régionales et au soutien à la gestion (MES) dated October 17, 2022, regarding the transitional measures for student interns in certain programs in the fields of education, health and social services. Two new situations will be covered by these transitional measures (Fall 2022 part-time students registered for an internship in Winter 2023 and those doing a resumption of internship due to a failure in Winter 2022).  Colleges will also be responsible for issuing tax slips to students.
  2.  Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES) dated October 28, 2022, explaining that the ministry has created an advisory committee, made up of representatives of the college network and the MES, which has already met regularly since June 2022. This committee oversees six working and implementation committees of the Act at the College level.  Their work has identified 3 priority projects:  épreuve uniforme de français, imposition of a maximum number of students and modification of the linguistic policy.
  3. Correspondence received from Mariannik Toutant, cheffe d’équipe, Direction des affaires étudiantes et interordres (MES), dated November 2, 2022 regarding the possibility for students to do internships in their college or any other institution in the higher education network. The institutions can use the sums granted to them for the implementation of the Plan d’action sur la santé mentale étudiante en enseignement supérieur 2021-2026 (PASME) to set up various initiatives to encourage students in the areas of counselling to submit their applications.
  4. Correspondence received from Jean-François Noël, directeur de la gestion de l’offre et de la formation continue (MES), dated November 7, 2022 regarding an envelope of 600,000$ that is available for 2022-2023 to support the development of various college certification projects (short non-credit courses). Starting November 21, 2022, a form Demande d’aide financière-développement de formation courte menant à une certification collégiale will be available on the Collecteinfo portal.  Another form will also be available in December at the latest – Demande d’aide financière – Offre de cohort d’une formation courte menant à une certification collégiale for another envelope of 1.27M$ to support the offer of college certifications where an amount of 25K$ per cohort may be granted.
  5. Correspondence received from Nathalie Parenteau, sous-ministre adjointe à la performance, au financement, aux interventions regionals et au soutien à la gestion (MES) dated November 9, 2022, regarding the tightening of access to post-graduation work permits for certain graduates of non-subsidized private education institutions. The ministry urges caution due to partnership proposals that may contradict the principles underlying this measure.
  6. Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES) dated November 10, 2022 regarding the new approach in the management of cases of COVID-19. It is no longer mandatory to isolate ourself for a specific number of days, however three actions are recommended:  staying at home in case of fever, wearing a mask in case of cough, sore throat or nasal congestion and avoiding contact with vulnerable people and non-essential events within 10 days of onset of symptoms.  Distance activities are also to be preferred.
  7. Correspondence received from Jean-René Chalifour, chef de service du soutien interordres et de la sanction des études collégiales (MES), dated November 15, 2022, regarding the cancellation of the project Que tous soient heureux : certificat et formation en bonheur durable funded by the Entente Canada-Québec. The college must repay any unused amount of the financial assistance granted, which represents a total of 22,900$.
  8. Correspondence received from Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education, dated November 15, 2022, regarding the approval for the offering of the DEC program: Techniques d’éducation à l’enfance (322.A1) at Champlain Saint-Lambert as of Fall 2023. A 21,500$ grant may be offered for the acquisition of necessary equipment for this program if there are enough registrations for this program by Fall 2024.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

proposed modifications:

  • Remove Item 8k) Approval of new AEC – IT Cloud Administration – Saint-Lambert;
  • Add item 8a) Lawyer’s letter;
  • Add a vote of confidence for the Chair as an item just after the adoption of the agenda;
  • Remove item 8h) Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services – Lennoxville;
  • Add item 8k) Survey recommended by the ad hoc committee;
  • Add election of DG Mandate Renewal Committee – internal member under item 8n).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan
Seconded by: M. Mazur
Motion carried

3. Vote of confidence for the position of Chair of the Board of Governors

As recommended from the Board’s ad hoc committee, the Chair spoke to this item following an introspective reflection both personally and professionally.  Based on his reflection he mentioned that he felt that professionally, he did meet his duties.

Some members were not in a position to vote as they were not aware of the situation or did not have a chance to read the proposed recommendations from the ad hoc committee, while others were new board members.

Therefore, there was a motion to table this vote of confidence to the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors.

Moved by:      B. Toombs
Seconded by: N. Beattie
Motion carried


4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
 a) Regular Meeting of October 26, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of October 26, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie
Seconded by: D. Shewan
Motion carried

5. Business arising from the minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Ad Hoc Committee update
L. Anderson gave an update as Chair of the ad hoc committee where she mentioned that the ad hoc committee continues to meet once a week and is in contact with Y. Rainville as support for processes. She also mentioned that the recommendations from the ad hoc committee would be shared with board members during the evening and that these were to be kept confidential. The remaining of the information will be shared during the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors. The presentation of the recommendations that were presented during the November 17, 2022 special meeting of the Board of Governors will also be presented during the next regular meeting of the St. Lawrence Governing Board on December 6, 2022. A survey will be initiated by the Committee to allow them to engage with all board members about the situation.

6. Officers’ Reports
a) Executive Committee

No Executive Committee meeting was held; therefore, there is no information to share.

b) Governance Committee

No Governance Committee meeting was held; therefore, there is no information to share.

c) Audit Committee

No Audit Committee meeting was held; therefore, there is no information to share.

d) Director, Champlain College Lennoxville

N. Beattie spoke to her report.

e) Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert

D. Shewan spoke to his report.

f) Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College

E. Berryman spoke to his report.

g) Director General

O. Côté spoke to her report.

h) Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration

The Chair shared the agenda of the last meeting of the Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration that was held on October 28, 2022.

7. Public Question Period

An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec –  It was asked if the documentation regarding the decision of the ministry had been received yet – The documentation should be received tomorrow.

8. Break – Fifteen minutes

New Business

a) Lawyers’ letter [Resolution]
B. Toombs spoke to this item and proposed the resolution below regarding the lawyer’s letter that was received by all Board members one hour before the November 17, 2022 special meeting of the Board of Governors.

Whereas members of the Board of Governors received a lawyers’ letter immediately prior to the meeting of November 17, 2022; and

Whereas this letter implied that the process undertaken to resolve the currently ongoing harassment issue is unfair due to a real or perceived conflict of interest on the part of one member of the ad hoc committee established for this purpose, and due to real or perceived procedural unfairness in the process of developing the committee’s recommendations; and

Whereas this letter directly stated that some involved parties do not trust the committee due to this real or perceived conflict of interest and this real or perceived unfairness; and

Whereas these issues were not fully discussed at the Meeting of November 17, 2022; and

Whereas the committee presented recommendations to the Board regarding the resolution of this issue at the meeting of November 17, 2022; and

Whereas Board members not on the committee are not permitted to read the investigation report on which these recommendations were based; and

Whereas the Board voted to endorse these recommendations; and

Whereas this situation presents a potentially significant risk to the College and the Board of Governors;

Be it therefore resolved that:

1) The Board amends motion CRC-2022-024 of November 17, 2022, by replacing the word “endorses” with the word “receives.”;

2) The Board instructs the ad hoc committee to present all parties implicated in the ongoing harassment issue, who have not already met with the committee chair, with an opportunity to meet with the chair in a context and for a time equivalent to those offered to others;

3) The Board instructs the ad hoc committee to review the recommendations presented at the meeting of November 17, 2022, and to revise them if required after these meetings have taken place, after which they shall be again presented to the Board;

4) Any member of the Board of Governors who wishes to read the report on which the recommendations are based shall be permitted to do so, on condition that they first sign a nondisclosure agreement.

Moved by:      B. Toombs
Seconded by: none
Motion set aside

F. Paradis mentioned that he had also received a separate lawyer’s letter in that regard.

C. Riverain suggested that CRC respond to the lawyers who sent the letters by acquiring the services of an independent lawyer. As for the report of the investigation, he mentioned that it could only be shared with those who were involved in the investigation and by members of the ad hoc committee who were elected to deal with this situation.

D. Shewan presented a motion to table this item until the Board has received feedback from the college’s consultants and an independent lawyer’s assessment to the letter.

Moved by:              D. Shewan
Seconded by:         J. Shufelt
Motion carried

C. Riverain proposed to prepare a resolution that would indicate that CRC must protect the College’s reputation and will ask an independent law firm to respond to the letters received on behalf of the College to make sure that there is no perception of conflict of interest.

Resolution CRC-2022-025:    Lawyers’ letter

Whereas the Directors of Champlain Regional College received a letter sent by lawyers from Cain Lamarre and Therrien Couture Jolicoeur, dated November 17, 2022; and

Whereas the Chair received a letter sent by lawyers from Gravel Bernier Vaillancourt Avocats, dated November 15, 2022; and

Whereas the allegations raised in these letters constitute a reputational risk for CRC and its constituent colleges;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appoint a firm of lawyers completely independent of the investigation and of the people implicated in any way whatsoever in it, to respond to the letters in order to protect the reputation of CRC and its constituent colleges.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       M. Mazur
Seconded by: J. Shufelt
Motion carried

There was a motion requesting that board members be informed of all the amounts that were paid as lawyers fees since the beginning.

Moved by:       E. Berryman
Seconded by: B. Toombs
Motion carried

b) DECs & AECs [Resolution]

N. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-026:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:               27

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie
Seconded by: J. Shufelt
Motion carried

D. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-027:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     7*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     15*

* 3 of them are from RAC services

** 5 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan
Seconded by: B. Toombs
Motion carried

There was no DECs & AECs to be approved for Champlain St. Lawrence College.

c)    2021-2022 Annual Report [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution

Resolution CRC-2022-028:    2021-2022 Annual Report

Whereas section 27.1 of the General and Vocational Colleges Act requires the Regional College to submit a report to the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement of its activities for the preceding fiscal period; and

Whereas the annual report sets forth the results obtained in relation to the objectives established in the Strategic Plan and the Annual Operational Plan;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the Annual Report 2021-2022.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan
Seconded by: N. Beattie
Motion Carried

d) Short-Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund [Resolution]
Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-029:    Short-Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund

ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 78 de la Loi sur l’administration financière (RLRQ, chapitre A-6.001), le Cégep régional Champlain (l’ « Emprunteur ») souhaite instituer un régime d’emprunts, lui permettant d’effectuer des emprunts par marge de crédit auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour financer ses projets d’investissement pour lesquels une subvention est accordée par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur (les « Projets »);

ATTENDU QUE le montant des emprunts à contracter en vertu de ce régime d’emprunts ne devra pas excéder les montants autorisés par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, conformément à la Loi sur les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel (RLRQ, chapitre C-29) et à la Loi sur l’administration financière;

ATTENDU QUE les Projets seront financés uniquement auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

ATTENDU QU’il est opportun, à cet effet, d’autoriser le régime d’emprunts en vertu duquel l’Emprunteur peut effectuer des emprunts par marge de crédit auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, et d’en approuver les conditions et modalités;

ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 83 de la Loi sur l’administration financière, l’Emprunteur souhaite, dans le cadre de ce régime d’emprunts, que le pouvoir d’emprunter et celui d’approuver les conditions et les modalités des emprunts soient exercés par au moins deux de ses dirigeants;

ATTENDU QUE le deuxième alinéa de l’article 83 de cette loi précise que lorsqu’il s’agit d’effectuer un emprunt à court terme ou par marge de crédit, le pouvoir peut être exercé par un membre du personnel autorisé par l’organisme, pouvant agir seul;

ATTENDU QUE ce régime d’emprunts doit être autorisé par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, conformément à la Loi sur les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel et à la Loi sur l’administration financière;

ATTENDU QU’il y a lieu de reconduire la convention de marge de crédit conclue entre l’Emprunteur et le ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;


  1. QUE, sous réserve de l’autorisation requise de la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, l’Emprunteur soit autorisé à instituer un régime d’emprunts, lui permettant d’effectuer des emprunts par marge de crédit auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour financer ses projets d’investissement pour lesquels une subvention est accordée par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur (les « Projets »), selon les limites et caractéristiques suivantes :

    a) le taux d’intérêt payable sur les emprunts sera établi selon les critères déterminés par le gouvernement en vertu du décret numéro 513-2022 du 23 mars 2022, tel que ce décret peut être modifié ou remplacé de temps à autre;

    b) les emprunts par marge de crédit seront réalisés en vertu de la convention de marge de crédit conclue avec le ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, conformément aux conditions et aux modalités qui y sont établies;

    c) le montant des emprunts effectués par marge de crédit ne devra, en aucun temps, excéder les montants autorisés par la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur en vertu de lettres d’autorisation qu’elle délivre de temps à autre.

  2. QUE les Projets soient financés uniquement auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;
  3. QU’aux fins de déterminer le montant des emprunts auquel réfère le paragraphe 1c), il ne soit tenu compte que du solde des emprunts en cours et non encore remboursés contractés auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, incluant le montant des emprunts temporaires contractés auprès d’institutions financières pour les Projets antérieurement à la présente résolution;
  4. QU‘aux fins de constater chaque emprunt ou un remboursement de capital ou d’intérêt sur la marge de crédit, l’Emprunteur soit autorisé à remettre au ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, une confirmation de transaction;
  5. QUE la Directrice Générale, le  Directeur des Services Administratifs, ou la Coordonnatrice des Services Administratifs de l’Emprunteur, pourvu qu’ils soient deux agissant conjointement, soit autorisé, pour et au nom de l’Emprunteur, à signer la convention de marge de crédit, à consentir à tout ajout ou modification non substantiellement incompatible avec les dispositions des présentes et à poser tous les actes et à signer tous les documents nécessaires ou utiles pour donner plein effet aux emprunts par marge de crédit;
  6. QU’en plus des dirigeants identifiés au paragraphe 5, le Directeur des Ressources Humaines et le  Coordonnateur des Technologies de l’information de l’Emprunteur, soient autorisés, pour et au nom de l’Emprunteur, à signer toute confirmation de transaction nécessaire pour conclure un emprunt par marge de crédit ou effectuer tout remboursement sur cette marge;
  7. QUE la présente résolution remplace toutes les résolutions antérieurement adoptées pour les mêmes fins.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       B. Toombs
Seconded by: J. Shufelt
Motion Carried

e) Long-Term Borrowing Plan – Capîtal Fund [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-030:    Long-Term Borrowing Plan – Capital Fund

      ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 78 de la Loi sur l’administration financière (RLRQ, chapitre A-6.001), le Champlain Regional College (l’ « Emprunteur ») souhaite instituer un régime d’emprunts, valide jusqu’au 30 juin 2023, lui permettant d’emprunter à long terme auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour un montant n’excédant pas 3 555 335,00 $;

ATTENDU QUE, conformément à l’article 83 de cette loi, l’Emprunteur souhaite prévoir, dans le cadre de ce régime d’emprunts, que le pouvoir d’emprunter et celui d’en approuver les conditions et modalités soient exercés par au moins deux de ses dirigeants;

ATTENDU QU’il y a lieu d’autoriser ce régime d’emprunts, d’établir le montant maximum des emprunts qui pourront être effectués en vertu de celui-ci, ainsi que les caractéristiques et limites relativement aux emprunts à effectuer et d’autoriser des dirigeants de l’Emprunteur à conclure tout emprunt en vertu de ce régime et à en approuver les conditions et modalités;

ATTENDU QUE la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur (la « Ministre ») a autorisé l’institution du présent régime d’emprunts, selon les conditions auxquelles réfère sa lettre du      ;

sur la proposition de G. Bourgoing, il est résolu :

 1. QU’un régime d’emprunts, valide jusqu’au 30 juin 2023, en vertu duquel l’Emprunteur peut, sous réserve des caractéristiques et limites énoncées ci-après, effectuer des emprunts à long terme auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement, pour un montant n’excédant pas 3 555 335,00$, soit institué;

2. QUE les emprunts à long terme effectués par l’Emprunteur en vertu du présent régime d’emprunts soient sujets aux caractéristiques et limites suivantes :
a) malgré les dispositions du paragraphe 1 ci-dessus, l’Emprunteur ne pourra, au cours de chacune des périodes de quinze mois s’étendant du 1eravril au 30 juin et comprises dans la période visée au paragraphe 1, effectuer des emprunts qui auraient pour effet que le montant total approuvé pour l’Emprunteur, pour une telle période, par le Conseil du trésor au titre de la programmation des emprunts à long terme des collèges d’enseignement général et professionnels, soit dépassé;

b) l’Emprunteur ne pourra effectuer un emprunt à moins de bénéficier d’une subvention du gouvernement du Québec conforme aux normes établies par le Conseil du trésor, au titre de l’octroi ou de la promesse de subventions aux collèges d’enseignement général et professionnels, ainsi qu’aux termes et conditions déterminés par la Ministre et pourvoyant au paiement en capital et intérêt de l’emprunt concerné même si, par ailleurs, le paiement de cette subvention est sujet à ce que les sommes requises à cette fin soient votées annuellement par le Parlement;

c) chaque emprunt ne pourra être effectué qu’en monnaie légale du Canada auprès du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

d) le produit de chaque emprunt ne pourra servir, outre le paiement des frais inhérents à l’emprunt concerné, qu’aux fins suivantes :

e) le financement des dépenses d’investissement faites par l’Emprunteur aux termes d’un plan d’investissement approuvé par le gouvernement du Québec; ou

le refinancement d’une partie ou de la totalité d’emprunts antérieurs venus à échéance;

3. QU’aux fins de déterminer le montant total auquel réfère le paragraphe 1 ci‑dessus, il ne soit tenu compte que de la valeur nominale des emprunts effectués par l’Emprunteur;

4. QU’en plus des caractéristiques et limites énoncées précédemment, les emprunts comportent les caractéristiques suivantes :

a) l’Emprunteur pourra contracter un ou plusieurs emprunts pendant toute la durée du régime d’emprunts jusqu’à concurrence du montant qui y est prévu, et ce, aux termes d’une seule et unique convention de prêt à conclure entre l’Emprunteur et le ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

b) chaque emprunt sera constaté par un billet fait à l’ordre du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement;

c) le taux d’intérêt payable sur les emprunts sera établi selon les critères déterminés par le gouvernement en vertu du décret numéro 513-2022 du 23 mars 2022, tel que ce décret pourra être modifié ou remplacé de temps à autre; et

e) afin d’assurer le paiement à l’échéance du capital de chaque emprunt et des intérêts dus sur celui-ci, la créance que représente pour l’Emprunteur la subvention qui lui sera accordée par la Ministre, au nom du gouvernement du Québec, sera affectée d’une hypothèque mobilière sans dépossession en faveur du ministre des Finances, à titre de responsable du Fonds de financement.

5. QUE l’Emprunteur soit autorisé à payer, à même le produit de chaque emprunt contracté en vertu du présent régime, les frais d’émission et les frais de gestion qui auront été convenus;

6. QUE l’un ou l’autre des dirigeants suivants :

La Directrice générale;

Le Directeur des services administratifs

de l’Emprunteur, pourvu qu’ils soient deux agissant conjointement, soit autorisé, au nom de l’Emprunteur, à signer la convention de prêt, les conventions d’hypothèque mobilière et les billets, à consentir à toute clause et garantie non substantiellement incompatible avec les dispositions des présentes, à livrer les billets, à apporter toutes les modifications à ces documents non substantiellement incompatibles avec les présentes ainsi qu’à poser tous les actes et à signer tous les documents, nécessaires ou utiles, pour donner plein effet aux présentes;

7. QUE, dans la mesure où l’Emprunteur a déjà adopté une résolution instituant un régime d’emprunts pour les mêmes fins, la présente résolution remplace la résolution antérieure, sans pour autant affecter la validité des emprunts conclus sous son autorité avant la date du présent régime d’emprunts.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       G. Bourgoing
Seconded by: O. Côté
Motion Carried

f) Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-031:    Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy

Whereas the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) requires that Colleges adopt a policy concerning Donations, Sponsorships, and Memberships; and

Whereas the policy was prepared within the guidelines set by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur; and

Whereas a consultation process was undertaken in the winter 2022 semester with the Senior Management Committee and the management personnel of the organization; and

 Whereas Bylaw 1, appendix B, states that the Champlain Regional College Board of Governors adopts bylaws and Policies, after a consultation with each Governing Board; and

Whereas the Saint-Lambert Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of May 16, 2022; and

 Whereas the Lennoxville Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of June 7, 2022; and

 Whereas the St-Lawrence Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of October 16, 2022; and

Whereas the name of the new Policy shall be Policy Concerning Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships;

 Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the policy as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       J. Shufelt
Seconded by: M. Mazur
Motion Carried

g) Auxiliary Services Policy [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-032:    Auxiliary Services Policy

Whereas the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) requires that colleges adopt a policy concerning Auxiliary Services;

 Whereas the policy was prepared within the guidelines set by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur; and

 Whereas a consultation process was undertaken in the winter 2022 semester with the Senior Management Committee and the management personnel of the organization; and

 Whereas Bylaw 1, appendix B, states that the Champlain Regional College Board of Governors adopts Bylaws and Policies, after a consultation with each Governing Board; and

Whereas the Saint-Lambert Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of May 16, 2022; and

Whereas the Lennoxville Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of June 7, 2022; and

Whereas the St. Lawrence Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of October 16, 2022; and

Whereas the name of the new Policy shall be Policy Concerning Auxiliary Services;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopts the policy as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       B. Denison
Seconded by: D. Shewan
Motion Carried

Motion to extend the meeting for 30 min. by O. Côté

  h) Bylaw 9 regarding Procurement [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-033:    Bylaw 9 respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services, and Construction and Rescinding of the Policy

Whereas the highly legal and regulated nature of public contract management and the general practices of the college system favor the choice of a bylaw rather than a policy; and

Whereas a review of the current purchasing policy last updated in June 2009 has been completed and should be replaced by a bylaw; and

 Whereas a consultation process has taken place with the Senior Management Committee, the Executive Committee and the management personnel throughout the Regional College; and

 Whereas Bylaw 1, appendix B, states that the Champlain Regional College Board of Governors adopts bylaws and Policies, after a consultation with each Governing Board; and

 Whereas the Saint-Lambert Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of May 16, 2022; and

 Whereas the Lennoxville Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of June 7, 2022; and

 Whereas the St-Lawrence Governing Board has been consulted at its regular meeting of October 16, 2022; and

Whereas the name of the new Bylaw shall be Bylaw 9 – Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services, and Construction;

 Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopt the bylaw as presented.

Be it further resolved that the Board of Governors rescinds the last revised Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction adopted in June 2009 under the Resolution 2505-B.

 There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       O. Côté
Seconded by: N. Beattie
Motion Carried

  i) Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services – St. Lawrence [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-034:    Awarding of Contract – Cleaning Services – St. Lawrence

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the Champlain St. Lawrence College Cleaning Services Contract; and

Whereas the actual contract comes to an end on December 31, 2022; and

Whereas on October 12, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Service d’entretien ménager – Champlain St. Lawrence College; and

Whereas authorization has been received from the Director General for a contract of 18 months with three one-year renewal options for a total of fifty-four (54) months; and

Whereas the sealed bids of four (4) suppliers were opened on November 7, 2022 at 11:00, local time, in the presence of the Administration Officer and one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas a thorough analysis has been completed by the Department of Material Services; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, Maintenance Euréka Ltée, provided the lowest compliant adjusted price bid based on a quality-price evaluation by a selection committee;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Cleaning services at Champlain St. Lawrence College to Maintenance Euréka Ltée in the amount of $781 335.08 (before taxes) for an eighteen months contract with three (3) one-year renewal options for a total of fifty-four (54) months starting January 3, 2023.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       E. Berryman
Seconded by: J. Shufelt
Motion Carried

j) Copibec [Resolution]

Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-035:    Agreement concerning the reproduction of literary works in educational institutions at the college level (copyright)

Whereas the agreement reached with the Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction (Copibec) concerning the reproduction of literary works in educational institutions at the college level, which came into force on July 1, 2017, expired on June 30, 2021, after being extended for one year due to the situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic;

Whereas this agreement then continued to apply throughout the negotiations, in accordance with its clause 14.3;

Whereas an agreement in principle was recently reached between the representatives of the colleges and the representatives of Copibec concerning a new agreement for the reproduction of literary works in the colleges, for the period extending from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025;


To Accept the agreement concerning the reproduction of literary works in educational institutions at the college level annexed hereto;

To Authorize the President and CEO of the Fédération des cégeps, Mr. Bernard Tremblay, to sign this agreement for and on behalf of Champlain Regional College.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       M. Mazur
Seconded by: O. Côté
Motion Carried

 k) Survey recommended by the ad hoc committee [Resolution]

Y. Rainville asked if this item could be an agreement to delay the survey instead of a resolution. Since the ad hoc committee was mandated to apply the recommendations and be flexible if there were no objections, members of this committee agreed to delay the survey. The survey was therefore tabled to the next regular meeting of the Board of Governors.

I) Access to surplus – Equipment for Continuing Education – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

Y.Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-036:    Access to surplus – Equipment and furniture for Continuing Education – Saint-Lambert

Whereas government budgets do not allocate any funds to Continuing Education to acquire capital items; and

Whereas Continuing Education has needs to update the computers in one of its labs and projectors in three of its labs; and

Whereas Continuing Education has generated sufficient funds, after other expenses are taken into account in 2021-2022 to cover the requested expenses, and

Whereas at its regular meeting of November 21, 2022 the Saint-Lambert Governing Board under resolution no LAM-2022-002 recommends that the Board of Governors approves the access to surplus,

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the access to surplus by Champlain Saint-Lambert for the purchase of the equipment in the amount of $75,000.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       O. Côté
Seconded by: G. Bourgoing
Motion Carried

m) 2015-2022 Strategic Plan Extension [Resolution]

O. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-037:    2015-2022 Strategic Plan Extension

Whereas Champlain Regional College is required, as per article 16.1 of the General and Vocational Colleges Act, to prepare a Strategic Plan that will establish a shared vision of institutional priorities for Champlain Regional College and its Constituent Colleges; and

Whereas a Strategic Plan development process was approved by the Board of Governors at its meeting of November 27, 2020; and

Whereas the Board of Governors approved by resolution no CRC-2020-034 the extension of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan until 2022; and

Whereas the orientations contained in the actual Strategic Plan remain valid; and

Whereas the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Higher Education will be renewed in the coming months; and

Whereas the College shall establish a strategic plan covering a period of several years, having regard to the situation prevailing at the college and the directions of the strategic plan established by the Ministry of Higher Education;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves a one-year extension of the current 2015-2022 Strategic Plan to be completed no later than December 2023.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       M. Mazur
Seconded by: G. Bourgoing
Motion Carried

Motion to extend the meeting for 15min. by B. Toombs and N. Beattie

n) Elections

Y. Rainville as Interim DRH/CA spoke to the election process.

Election of Vice-Chair

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 4.4

Note: Only external Governors are eligible for this position.

The DHR/CA opened the floor for nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
M. Mazur B. Toombs D. Shewan  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

M. Mazur was declared Vice-Chair by acclamation

Election of Executive Committee – Internal Member:

The Executive Committee is composed of (Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.1):

  • The Director General (ex-officio);
  • The Directors of Constituent Colleges (3) (ex-officio);
  • The Chair of the Board;
  • The Vice-Chair of the Board;
  • Two (2) governors:
    • One (1) of whom is an external representative; and
    • One (1) of whom is an internal representative.


The DHR/CA opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Toombs D. Shewan N. Beattie  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

B. Toombs was declared internal Member of the Executive Committee by acclamation.


Election of the DG Mandate Renewal Committee – Internal Member

The DG Mandate Renewal Committee is composed of (Reference: Bylaw 3, Article 2.2.1):

  • The Chair of the Board; and
  • The Chairs of the Three (3) Governing Boards; and;
  • Three (3) governors:
    • One (1) of whom is an external representative; and
    • Two (2) of whom are internal representatives.

The DHR/CA opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Denison F. Paradis N. Beattie  Yes    No
B. Toombs D. Shewan N. Beattie  Yes    No

The DRH/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, D. Shewan closed the nominations.

B. Toombs was declared internal Member of the DG Mandate Renewal Committee by acclamation.

D. Shewan made a motion that in the event that there would be a vacancy in the DG Mandate Renewal Committee, the Board of Governors mandates the Chair to look for another internal member.

Moved by:              D. Shewan
Seconded by:        N. Beattie
In favor:                3
Against:                3
Abstentions:        5 (F. Paradis, J. Shufelt, B. Denison E. Berryman, O. Côté)
Motion Tabled

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by N. Beattie at 9:49 p.m.


François Paradis Y. Rainville
Chairperson Interim Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs


a) Special meeting of October 14, 2021
b) Regular Meeting of October 20, 2021
c) Regular Meeting of November 24, 2021
d) Special meeting of January 12, 2022
a) Strategic Plan
b) Hors Cadres Mandate Renewals
c) Hors Cadres Annual Performance Evaluations
d) Coaching for Hors Cadres
e) Contracts given to Relais Expert-Conseil
f) Confidentiality of Relais Expert-Conseil’s report
g) Action Plan – Governance and Ethical Practices
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference


Voting Members Present:

J. S. Amorim Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
P. Bleau Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

A. Veilleux-Fortin Faculty Representative, Lennoxville


M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
A. Sidaway (non-voting) Student representative, Lennoxville

Vacant seats:

Professional Representative, Administrative Services
Support Staff Representative, Lennoxville
Pre-University Graduate, Lennoxville
Technical Graduate, Lennoxville
Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector


M.A. Thivierge Sous-Ministre Adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES)
E. Blais Directrice Générale de la formation collégiale (MES)
C. Gagnon Coordonnatrice aux CCTT et à la recherche (MES)
C. Messaoudi Partner, MNP
C. Riverin Partner, MNP

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director, Administrative Services / Interim DRH/CA (Moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician

Quorum attained with 13 of 15 sitting voting members present.



5 min 1.    Announcements and Correspondence
3 min 2.    Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
30 min 3.    Presentation – Recommendation of the firm that will support the college (M. A. Thivierge – MES) In-Camera
4.    Approval of Previous Minutes
3 min a)     Special Meeting of September 21, 2022
3 min b)     Regular Meeting of September 28, 2022
5.    Business arising from of the minutes of September 28, 2022
5 min a)     Finance Committee for Governing Boards
5 min b)     Ad Hoc Subcommittee update
6.    Officers report
5 min a)     Executive Committee
5 min b)     Governance Committee
5 min c)     Audit Committee
5 min d)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
5 min e)     Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
5 min f)      Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
5 min g)     Director General
5 min h)     Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
15 min 7.    Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
15 min 8.    Break for Fifteen Minutes
9.    New Business
15 min a)    Presentation re: Financial Statements 2021-2022 (S. Frost, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton)
5 min b)    Resolution re: Financial Statements 2021-2022
5 min c)    Resolution re: DECs & AECs
5 min d)    Resolution re: Awarding of Contract – Security Contract – Saint-Lambert
5 min e)    Resolution re: Designated Officer to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings
5 min f)     Resolution re: Bylaw 1 – Appendix A Rotation schedule support staff and professionals
5 min g)    Information re: Positions of Director Human Resources and Director Corporate Affairs
5 min h)    Information re: CEEC Quality Assurance Audit – Action Plan
5 min i)      Information re: Bylaws & Policies
5 min j)      Information re: 2021-2022 Annual Report
5 min k)    Resolution re: Recommendations from the ministry and acceptance of the accompanying firm
15 min l)      Election re: ·         Vice-Chair

·         Audit Committee

·         Governance and Ethics Committee

·         Renewal Evaluation Committee for the Renewal of Appointment of the Director General

10.  Adjournment


  1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

He also reminded board members to complete the Questionnaire des opérations entre apparentés and return it to the attention of Nathalie Couderc by Thursday, October 27, 2022.

Regrets were received from M. Mazur, J. Shufelt and A. Sidaway.

  1. Rainville gave an update on Board membership. He welcomed Bruce Toombs as a voting member and Antoine Fortin-Veilleux as the new non-voting Faculty Representative for Lennoxville. Elections are underway to replace the two graduate representatives that were held by M. Chabot and E. Thananayagam as well as for the parent representative at St. Lambert.  The Ministry’s nominations are also underway.

The Chair explained why elections were needed tonight for both the Audit Committee and Governance and Ethics Committee since we had previously pushed these to January, 2023. The reason being that with M. Chabot and E. Thananayagam’s end of mandates, the two committees they were part of, now do not have the minimum members required to continue their work.

  1. Côté summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.
  • Correspondence received from Pierre E. Rodrigue, Sous-ministre et dirigeant principal de l’information (Ministère de la Cybersécurité et du Numérique MCN) dated October 5, 2022, regarding the obligation to inform the Chef gouvernemental de la sécurité de l’information, of any information in the event of a breach of confidentiality, availability or integrity of an information resource.
  • Correspondence received from Sylvain Périgny, sous-ministre adjoint à l’accessibilité aux études, aux infrastructures et aux ressources informationnelles dated October 11, 2022, regarding the new strengthened authorization process for long-term rental projects. The process now includes steps prior to submitting an authorization request, namely: informing the MES as soon as a need for space to be filled is identified, identifying and evaluating the possible options and preparing a presentation file allowing the justification of the need for space.
  1. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

The Chair proposed the following modifications:

  • To move the presentation from the ministry as item 3, right after the adoption of the agenda;
  • To add a point of information 8 j) 2021-2022 Annual Report;
  • To add a resolution item 8k) Recommendations from the ministry and acceptance of the accompanying firm.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried

Moved to in-camera session at 6:13 p.m.

Moved by:       G. Bourgoing

Seconded by: P. Bleau

In Favor:         13

Against:         0

Abstentions:  0

  1. Presentation – Recommendation of the firm that will support the college (M. A. Thivierge – MES) In-Camera


The Chair introduced Marc-André Thivierge, Sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES).

  1. A. Thivierge informed board members that the firm that was selected to support the college in applying the recommendations they made during their presentation on September 21, 2022 is MNP. Two of their representatives will be assigned to the college.

Their mandate ends in June 2023.  The MES will then evaluate if there is a need to extend the mandate.

The two representatives will be attending board meetings and may contact members directly if need be.

The MES requested that the Board adopt a resolution to acknowledge receipt of the recommendations as well as accepting the accompanying firm.

Move out of in-camera session at 6:50 pm

Moved by:              D. Shewan

Seconded by:        G. Bourgoing

  1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
  2. Special Meeting of September 21, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Governors of September 21, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      C. Beaulieu

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried


  1. Regular Meeting of September 28, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of September 28, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion carried

  1. Business arising from the minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
  2. Local Finance Committee

The audit committee will not go through the recommendation and will rely on each instance to have skilled/experienced members.


  1. Ad Hoc subcommittee update

The L. Anderson gave an update on for the Ad Hoc subcommittee which acknowledges the sensitivity of the matter and their commitment to conducting their work as efficiently and considerately as possible.

Both the Investigation and Management report have been received and reviewed with Me. Lacroix.  The Ad Hoc subcommittee tentatively established a schedule and strive to provide recommendations regarding the next steps before the Christmas holidays with an interim report to be provided at the November meeting of the Governing Board and/or at a special meeting to be schedule if needed.

  1. Anderson was elected as “point person” to take calls/inquires between the committee and board meetings. Her contact information may be provided to anyone related to the committee’s work. (but not made public).

She mentioned that the communication protocols for the St. Lawrence local board must remain in place for now and invited the governing board to submit “priority” agenda items to the committee if they are so inclined. These would be items not required for the functioning of the college, but where the protocols have prevented such items despite the local board agreeing.

The Committee plans to seek the assistance of a regulatory expert, specifically concerning Bylaw 1 and the various documents related to governance and the roles/responsibilities of the Boards (preferably someone who was part of the original drafting process).  The committee invited the Board to provide recommendations.

  1. Shewan made a motion to recognized and thank the Ad Hoc Subcommittee for their time as well as making sure that the process is being completed.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: G. Bourgoing

In Favor:       5

Against:        0

Abstentions: 6 (C. Beaulieu requested that her name be noted)

  1. Officers’ Reports
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Côté spoke to the October 12, 2022 Executive Committee report.
    3. Governance Committee
    4. Michel spoke to the Governance Committee who met on October 17 to decide on the changes in the Appendix A of Bylaw 1 regarding the rotation schedule for support staff and professionals.

A resolution of the proposed rotation schedule will be presented later in the agenda.

  1. Audit Committee
  2. Rainville spoke to the Audit Committee who met on October 19, 2022 to receive the financial statements from Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton. The Audit committee recommended the adoption of the financial statements 2021-2022 to the Board of Governors.
  3. Director, Champlain College Lennoxville
  4. Côté spoke to the Lennoxville report.
  5. Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert
  6. Shewan spoke to his report.
  7. Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College
  8. Côté spoke to the St. Lawrence report.
  9. Director General
  10. Côté spoke to her report.
  11. Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration

No meeting of the Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Public Question Period

There was no question asked

  1. Break – Fifteen minutes
  2. New Business
    1. Financial Statements 2021-2022 (S. Frost, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton) [Presentation]
    2. Rainville presented S. Frost and S. Loomis from Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton who then presented the audited financial statements for 2021-2022. The college received a clean audit report again this year with one recommendation to have clearer written agreements between the college and the foundations / student associations to ensure best practices.
    3. Financial Statements 2021-2022
    4. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-016:     Financial Statements 2021-2022

Whereas the Colleges Act requires that audited financial statements, the notes to the financial statements, and the independent auditor’s report, be submitted to the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur by November 15, 2022; and

Whereas the financial statements have been audited by the firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton in accordance with the accounting standards of the public sector entities; and

Whereas the Director General and the Director of Administrative Services met on October 13, 2022 to review the financial statements with representatives of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton; and

Whereas the Audit committee met on October 19, 2022 to review the financial statements with representatives of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopts the financial statements and the notes to the financial statements for the year ending on June 30, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      G. Bourgoing

Seconded by: D. Shewan

Motion carried

  1. DECs & AECs [Resolution]
  2. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-017:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  16

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: C. Beaulieu

Motion carried

  1. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-018:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     4

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     13*

* 12 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: B. Toombs

Motion carried

  1. Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-019:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:              2

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:             0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      E. Berryman

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion carried

  1. Awarding of Contract – Security Contract – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-020:    Awarding of Contract – Security Contract – Saint-Lambert

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the Saint-Lambert Security Services; and

Whereas the actual contract comes to an end on October 30, 2022; and

Whereas on September 23, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Services de sécurité-gardiennage – Champlain Saint-Lambert; and

Whereas authorization has been received from the Director General for a contract of eighteen (18) months with three (3) one-year renewal options for a total of fifty-four (54) months; and

Whereas the sealed bids of three (3) suppliers were opened on October 18, 2022 at 11:00, local time, in the presence of the Director of Administrative Services, one (1) witnesses at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, GROUPE DE SÉCURITÉ GARDA SENC provided the lowest compliant bid based on a quality-weighted price evaluation by a selection committee;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Security services at Champlain College Saint-Lambert to GROUPE DE SÉCURITÉ GARDA SENC in the amount of $1,534,471.79 (before taxes) for a contract of eighteen (18) months with three (3) one-year renewal options for a total of fifty-four (54) months starting October 31, 2022.

There was no call for the vote.


Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: P. Bleau

Motion Carried

  1. Designated Officer to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings [Resolution]
  2. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-021:    Designated Officer to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings

Whereas the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies came into effect on May 1, 2017; and

Whereas article 18 of the Act requires that the Board of Governors appoint a “Designated Officer” responsible for dealing with disclosures and implementing the procedure within the institution; and

Whereas the College procedure to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoing identifies the Director of Corporate Affairs as the “Designated Officer”; and

Whereas the Director General recommended Yves Rainville, Director – Financial Services and Interim Director Corporate Affairs and Human Resources, be named “Interim Designated Officer” until a new “Designated Officer” is appointed;

Be it Therefore Resolved that the Board of Governors appoints Yves Rainville, Director –

Administrative Services and Interim Director of Corporate Affairs and Human Resources, as “Interim Designated Officer” under the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies for Champlain Regional College.


There was no call for the vote.


Moved by:       N. Beattie

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion Carried


  1. Bylaw 1 – Appendix A Rotation schedule support staff and professionals [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-022:    Bylaw 1 – Appendix A Rotation schedule support staff and professionals

Whereas Bylaw 1 states that the Governance and Ethics Committee advises the Board on matters related to Governance; and

Whereas Appendix A of Bylaw 1 – specifies the rotation schedule and provenance of members serving on the Board of Governors; and

Whereas the rotation schedule for the support staff and professionals was originally set for the first 3 years; and

Whereas paragraph 5 of Appendix A identifies that the Governance and Ethics Committee is responsible for making a recommendation to the Board on the rotation schedule for years 4 to 18; and

Whereas the Governance and Ethics Committee met on October 17, 2022; and

Whereas the committee took into consideration the values of the organization’s mission statement, the need for inclusion of all employees of the organization and a balance of representation between locations;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopt the modification of Appendix A – Rotation Schedule for support staff and professionals for years 4 to 18 as presented;

Be it therefore further resolved that the last paragraph of the Appendix A will be removed as it is now completed.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       C. Beaulieu

Seconded by: G. Bourgoing

Motion Carried

  1. Positions of Director Human Resources and Director Corporate Affairs [Information]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that the original posting of DRH/CA was canceled following the ministry’s recommendation to have two separate positions. The two positions are now being posted separately from October 14 to 31, 2022. Psychometric tests will be scheduled during the week of November 14, 2022. She also mentioned that both postings will be shared with board members.

At 8:54 p.m. a motion to extend the meeting for 30 min. was made by B. Toombs.

  1. CEEC Quality Assurance Audit – Action Plan [Information]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that she is working with the Institutional Effectiveness and Research team on an action plan that can be used as a tool to ensure that the recommendations from the CEEC are followed through. The action plan will be brought to the November 1, 2022 meeting of the SMC for discussion and follow-through.
  3. Bylaws & Policies [Information]
  4. Côté spoke to this item stating that the table of bylaws and policies (which includes a timeline) is currently being updated to track what has been done so far and to plan for what needs to be done next. This table will be presented during the November 1, 2022 meeting of the SMC.
  5. Annual Report 2021-2022 [Information]
  6. Rainville spoke to this item stating that a first draft of the annual report was included in the package so that board members can look at it. Any comments or modifications may be sent to Nathalie Couderc. The final document will be presented for adoption at the November 23, 2022 meeting of the Board of Governors.
  7. Recommendations from the ministry and acceptance of the accompanying firm [Resolution]

The Chair spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-023:    Recommendations from the ministry and acceptance of the accompanying firm.

Whereas the institutional and governance structure of Champlain Regional College was transformed in 2019, creating a new College with a regional structure according to “Chapter Two” of the Loi sur les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel; and

Whereas this structural change required significant revisions to the Regional College’s bylaws and policies, many of which have not yet been completed; and

Whereas the College is still developing governance practices and an institutional culture consistent with its new structure, particularly as regards the roles of the Board of Governors and the Governing Boards, both in themselves and relative to each other; and

Whereas the Ministry has taken note of the College’s situation and instituted a formal investigation of the College’s governance an administrative structures and practices; and

Whereas the Ministry’s investigators presented their findings to the Board in a special session on September 21, 2022; and

Whereas this report included many recommendations for change, which the College is being urged to implement; and

Whereas the Ministry has offered to provide a firm, at its own expense, to support the College in the implementation of the investigators’ recommendations;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors receives the report of September 21, 2022.

Be it further resolved that the Board of Governors accepts the offer from the Ministry to be accompanied by the firm it has contracted to support the college as it implements the investigators’ recommendations.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       B. Toombs

Seconded by: O. Côté

Motion Carried

  1. Elections
  2. Rainville as Interim DRH/CA spoke to the election process.

Election of Vice-Chair

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 4.4

Note: Only external Governors are eligible for this position.

The DHR/CA opened the floor for nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
C. Beaulieu O. Côté N. Beattie  Yes    No
C. Michel O. Côté P. Bleau  Yes    No
L. Anderson O. Côté B. Toombs tabled
G. Bourgoing F. Paradis O. Côté  Yes    No

The election was tabled in order to have a discussion between the Chair, L. Anderson and a third party to try to solve the problem of having L. Anderson report to herself being Chair of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee reporting to the vice-president, which could cause a perceived conflict of interest

Election of Audit Committee Members:

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.2

Note: The Audit Committee is composed of a maximum of five (5) members of the Board of Governors, with a majority of external Governors. The Audit Committee should include the presence of at least one Governor who has competency in accounting or financial matters.

(The Chair of the Board may attend any committee meetings.  The Director General and one other Director, whose expertise is related to the role of the committee, are resource persons for these committees; other Directors may be invited as guests).

The DHR/CA opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
C. Beaulieu O. Côté D. Shewan  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

  1. Beaulieu was declared External Member of the Audit Committee by acclamation.


Election of Governance and Ethics Committee Members:

Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.2

Note: The Governance and Ethics Committee is composed of a maximum of five (5) members of the Board of Governors, with a majority of external Governors.

(The Chair of the Board may attend any committee meetings. The Director General and one other Director, whose expertise is related to the role of the committee, are resource persons for these committees; other Directors may be invited as guests).

The DHR/CA opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
L. Anderson F. Paradis D. Shewan  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

  1. Anderson was declared External Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee by acclamation.


The DHR/CA opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Toombs P. Bleau O. Côté  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

  1. Toombs was declared Internal Member of the Governance and Ethics Committee by acclamation.

At 9:30 p.m. a motion to extend the meeting for 5 min. was made by N. Beattie.

Election of the DG Mandate Renewal Committee

The DG Mandate Renewal Committee is composed of (Reference: Bylaw 3, Article 2.2.1):

  • The Chair of the Board; and
  • The Chairs of the Three (3) Governing Boards; and;
  • Three (3) governors:
    • One (1) of whom is an external representative; and
    • Two (2) of whom are internal representatives.

The DHR/CA opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed External Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
C. Beaulieu D. Shewan N. Beattie  Yes    No

The DRH/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, D. Shewan closed the nominations.

  1. Beaulieu was declared External Member of the DG Mandate Renewal Committee by acclamation.

The DRH/CA opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
B. Toombs P. Bleau C. Michel  Yes    No
Joao Amorim D. Shewan P. Bleau  Yes    No
P. Bleau B. Toombs N. Beattie  Yes    No
J. McNicoll-Tardif P. Bleau D. Shewan  Yes    No


The DRH/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, D. Shewan closed the nominations.

  1. Amorim and P. Bleau were declared Internal Members of the DG Mandate Renewal Committee by acclamation.
  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by N. Beattie at 9:38 p.m.


François Paradis Y. Rainville
Chairperson Interim Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs


a) Regular Meeting of June 15, 2022
b) Emergency Meeting of June 28, 2022
c) Special Meeting of September 7, 2022
a) Finance Committee for Governing Boards
b) Ad Hoc Subcommittee update
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
Delegation - Approval of financial transaction (over 100K)
Group purchasing mandate – SAR2022-7531-50
Awarding of contract - Engineering HVAC Project -Saint-Lambert
Awarding of contract - Snow Removal Contract 2022-2025 – Saint-Lambert
AOP 2022-2023
DG’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
Lennoxville DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
Saint-Lambert DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
St. Lawrence DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
Management Personnel Policy
Policy Against Sexual Violence (ministerial obligation)
Bylaw 1 – General Administration of CRC (modification of Article 9.1 a)
Linguistic Policy
Board of Governors Meetings – Dossiers for 2022-2023
• Audit Committee
• Governance and Ethics Committee

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference


Voting Members Present:

J. S. Amorim Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
P. Bleau Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
J. Lacombe Faculty Representative, Lennoxville
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
C. Nadeau Support Staff Representative, St. Lawrence
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
K. Thornhill Professional Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

B. Toombs (non-voting) Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert


N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
M. Chabot Pre-University Graduate, St. Lawrence
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif Pre-University Student, St. Lawrence
A. Sidaway (non-voting) Student representative, Lennoxville
E. Thananayagam Technical Graduate, Saint-Lambert

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director, Administrative Services / Interim DRH/CA (Moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician


Quorum attained with 12 of 19 sitting voting members present.




5 min 1.    Announcements and Correspondence
3 min 2.    Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
3.    Approval of Previous Minutes
3 min a)     Regular Meeting of June 15, 2022
3 min b)     Emergency Meeting of June 28, 2022
c)     Special Meeting of September 7, 2022
4.    Business arising from of the minutes of June 28, 2022
5 min a)     Finance Committee for Governing Boards
5 min b)     Ad Hoc Subcommittee update
5.    Officers report
5 min a)     Executive Committee
5 min b)     Governance Committee
5 min c)     Audit Committee
5 min d)     Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
5 min e)     Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
5 min f)      Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
5 min g)     Director General
5 min h)     Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
15 min 6.    Public Question Period For Fifteen Minutes
15 min 7.    Break for Fifteen Minutes
8.    New Business
5 min a)    Resolution re: DECs & AECs
5 min b)    Resolution re: Delegation – Approval of financial transactions (over 100K)




5 min c)    Resolution re: Group purchasing mandate – SAR2022-7531-50
5 min d)    Resolution re: Awarding of contract – Engineering HVAC Project -Saint-Lambert
5 min e)    Resolution re: Awarding of contract – Snow Removal Contract 2022-2025 – Saint-Lambert
5 min f)     Resolution re: AOP 2022-2023
5 min g)    Resolution re: DG’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
5 min h)    Resolution re: Lennoxville DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
5 min i)      Resolution re: Saint-Lambert DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
5 min j)      Resolution re: St. Lawrence DCC’S Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023
5 min k)    Resolution re: Management Personnel Policy
5 min l)      Resolution re: Policy Against Sexual Violence (ministerial obligation)
5 min m)   Notice of motion re : Bylaw 1 – General Administration of CRC (modification of Article 9.1 a)
5 min n)    Information re: Linguistic Policy
5 min o)    Information re: CEEC QAA Report
5 min p)    Information re: Board of Governors Meetings – Dossiers for 2022-2023
5 min q)    Information re: Varia
15 min r)     Election re: ·
9.    Adjournment
  1. Welcome and Announcements

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all board members.

The Chair also shared that it was fun to see everyone at the in-presence meeting last week and that it is very comforting to see that the Ministry will be supporting the college moving forward.  Lastly, he reminded board members that a mandate was given to the Ad Hoc Subcommittee to receive the Latitude Management reports and to share with board members what the next steps will be.

Regrets were received from N. Beattie, E. Berryman, C. Beaulieu, M. Chabot, M. Mazur, J. Mc Nicoll-Tardif, A. Sidaway and E. Thananayagam. N. Beattie and E. Berryman were not able to attend because they were attending the Force Avenir event with their students.

  1. Rainville gave an update on Board membership. The mandate of six members will end on October 25, 2022. Therefore, letters will be sent to unions for the appointment of new members.
  2. Côté summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.
  • Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, Sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES), dated June 21, 2022, regarding the Programme Soutien des communautés culturelles et à l’éducation interculturelle au collégial. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the Champlain budget annex has been revised to add an additional amount of 35 650$ for this program.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, dated June 28, 2022 regarding a maximum grant of 5 817 124$ to Champlain Regional College as part of the Plan Québécois des infrastructures 2022-2023.
  • Correspondence received from Denis Rousseau, President, Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collegial (CEEC), dated July 5, 2022, regarding the final QAA evaluation report which has been deposited on the CEEC Portal.
  • Correspondence received from Martin Pineault, Direction générale des infrastructures, dated July 12, 2022 regarding the first portion of a grant of 112 500$ allocated for the project Efficacité énergétique et refection des systems CVAC in order for the college to get the necessary expertise and get more details for the project.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, dated July 13, 2022 regarding the delegation of part of her powers to Board of Governors regarding Information Technology opportunity dossier authorizations. Each dossier must first be authorized by M. Sylvain Périgny or any person that would replace him.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated July 14, 2022, confirming a maximum grant of 134 400$ allocated to Champlain St. Lawrence for their 2022-23 Entente Canada-Quebec projects: Bonification des cours aux aînés (40 090$) and Démarrage du programme RAC education petite enfance anglophone (94 310$).
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated July 14, 2022, confirming a grant of 45 800$ allocated to Champlain Saint-Lambert for their 2022-23 Entente Canada-Quebec project: Que tous soient heureux – certificat et formation en bonheur durable.
  • Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, Sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES), dated August 15, 2022, regarding information on the Fall 2022 return in regards to COVID-19 directives. No specific health measures are planned for the start of the academic year in higher education establishments.  Vaccination of student interns in the Health and Social Services network will still be mandatory until December 31, 2022.  The wearing of a mask will not be required and will be at the discretion of each person.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated August 26, 2022, confirming a grant of 133 071$ allocated to Champlain Lennoxville for their 2022-23 project under the Programme Accueil et Intégration des Autochtones au collegial.
  • Correspondence received from Esther Blais, Direction générale des affaires collégiales (MES), dated August 26, 2022, regarding the Revision of the Programme d’études Sciences Humaines where 15 out of the 60 new periods added to the program will be added to the History competencies. The new History competencies will still cover the periods of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, in addition to allowing students to discover the history of the world and of Quebec from the 15th century to the present day.  The mandatory implementation of the new study program is planned for 2023-2024.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, dated August 26, 2022, regarding a grant for a maximum of 1 186 800$ allocated to Champlain Regional College under the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure component of the Integrated Bilateral Agreement.
  • Correspondence received from Denis Rousseau, president of the Commission d’évaluation et de l’enseignement collegial (CEEC), dated September 1, 2022, regarding the publication of the results of the validation phase of the 2nd audit cycle – Evaluation of the effectiveness of the quality assurance systems of Quebec colleges and the final version of the document “Orientations, frame of reference and self-evaluation guide” which are both available on their website.
  • Correspondence received from Nathalie Parenteau, sous-ministre adjointe à la performance, au financement, aux interventions régionales et au soutien à la gestion (MES), dated September 15, 2022, regarding information being sent in regards to an administrative solution under development aimed at compensating students at the end of their school program in order to ensure a smooth transition between the bursary programs to support the perseverance and success of student interns and Perspective Québec, for fall 2022 semesters. Colleges must inform the ministry on the numbers of students benefiting from this temporary measure per establishment and per program by November 1, 2022.
  • Correspondence received from Sylvain Périgny, Sous-ministre adjoint (MES), dated September 19, 2022, regarding a new envelope of 100 M$ over two years (30 M$ for 2022-23 and 70 M$ for 2023-24), from the Ministère de la Cybersécurité et du Numérique, for the creation of the cybersecurity enhancement program. Institutions can submit a request in order to improve their cybersecurity posture.
  • On Monday August 29, MNA Nicole Ménard made a special visit to Champlain College Saint-Lambert in order to present the National Assembly Medal of Honour to DCC Don Shewan. The Medal of Honour which is the highest distinction award given by elected officials is given in recognition of citizens who have distinguished themselves by their careers, their work or their engagement.
  1. Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

  1. Lacombe requested to add a VARIA item before the elections.

There was no call for the vote.


Moved by:      P. Bleau

Seconded by: K. Thornhill

Motion carried

  1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
  2. Regular Meeting of June 15, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of June 15, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      C. Nadeau

Seconded by: D. Shewan

Motion carried


  1. Emergency Meeting of June 28, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Emergency Meeting of the Board of Governors of June 28, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion carried


  1. Special Meeting of September 7, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Governors of September 7, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: O. Côté

Motion carried

  1. Business arising from the minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
  2. Finance Committee for Governing Boards

In June 2022, members of the Audit Committee brought the idea of implementing local audit committees.  Based on the comments that were made, Y. Rainville will be discussing this topic with M. Chabot, the chair of the audit committee, so that the Audit Committee can discuss this matter further and bring other proposals to board members.

  1. Ad Hoc subcommittee update

The Ad Hoc Subcommittee will meet for the first time on October 3, 2022.  Then, M. Chabot, Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors, will discuss the next steps with members of the Board of Governors.  It was noted that the pending situation had brought a lot of distress to many people and that urgency was needed in moving this dossier forward.

  1. Officers’ Reports
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Côté spoke to the August 31, 2022 Executive Committee report.
    3. Governance Committee

No Governance Committee meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Audit Committee

No Audit Committee meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Director, Champlain College Lennoxville
  2. Côté spoke to the Lennoxville report.
  3. Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert
  4. Shewan spoke to his report.
  5. Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College
  6. Côté spoke to the St. Lawrence report.
  7. Director General
  8. Côté spoke to her report.


  1. Bleau suggested getting an accountability process around the special enquiries (REC, Latitude, MES, lawyers).
  2. Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration

No Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Public Question Period

All questions were answered during the public question period.

Resolution about Management Personnel Policy – Thanks were given to O, Côté and other directors that worked on the revision of the policy.  It was requested to modify the resolution to integrate the small corrections to be made to article 5-9.01, 6-1.02 and 10-1.02 before the approval of the revised policy.  A second request was made to review the policy again shortly after the new regulation is adopted by the National Assembly.

St. Lawrence DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 – The Chair of the St. Lawrence Governing Board asked if members of the Governing Board should have seen this document before it is presented to members of the Board of Governors so that items may be added by the Governing Board.  The response was that the priorities and outcomes presented at the beginning of the year are high level and oriented towards the success of the college.

  1. Break – Fifteen minutes


  1. New Business
    1. DECs & AECs [Resolution]
    2. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-002:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  147

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      O. Côté

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion carried

  1. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-003:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     533*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     44**

* 9 of them are from RAC services         ** 10 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: G. Bourgoing

Motion carried

  1. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-004:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:              49

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:             0

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      O. Côté

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion carried

  1. Delegation – Approval of financial transactions (over 100K) [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.


Resolution CRC-2022-005:    Delegation – Approval of financial transactions (over 100K)

Whereas Bylaw Number 5, Article 4.1.4, states that financial transactions shall be carried out and approved on the prescribed forms which clearly identify the amount of the transaction and the approval authority, and which bear the signature of the persons authorized according to Appendix 1, and

Whereas Appendix 1 states that the approval authority for transaction values for the purchase of goods and services (except capital expenditures) exceeding $99,999 must be either the Executive Committee or the Board of Governors; and

Whereas in conformity with Bylaw Number 5, the transaction complies with all applicable governmental regulations and the budgetary policy of the Ministry; and

Whereas under chapitre C-7.01 of the LOI SUR LE CENTRE D’ACQUISITIONS GOUVERNEMENTALES (CAG) public bodies are required to participate in mandates of the CAG and deadlines for submitting participation documents are generally short;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the following financial transaction for the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • Fédération des cégeps – 2022-2023 annual fees            $  196,327.86


Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors delegates to the Director General, its approval authority for the following financial transactions and CAG participation during the 2022-2023 academic year.

  • Hydro-Québec – Public services 2022-2023          $  250,000 or less per transaction
  • Energir natural gas – Public services 2022-2023 $  250,000 or less per transaction
  • CAG* group purchasing mandate participation $  750,000 or less per mandate



Art. 12 The Centre has all the powers necessary to enter into a contract on behalf of a public body and at the expense of the latter.

Note: It was also mentioned that if the DG approves transactions of 750,000 or less, these would be brought back to the next Board as a point of information.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       C. Michel

Seconded by: G. Bourgoing

Motion Carried

  1. Group purchasing mandate – SAR2022-7531-50 [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.


Resolution CRC-2022-006:    Group purchasing mandate – SAR2022-7531-50

Whereas Champlain Regional College must, by law, join the Centre d’acquisitions governementales (CAG) for the mandate 2022-7531-50 as part of a public tender call for Information Technology Servers and storage products; and

Whereas the on-demand contract agreement will be for a period of three years (2023-2026); and

Whereas the assessment of the needs was carried out and validated with all campuses including College Administration and valued at $560,000 for the contracting period; and

Whereas the College must obtain a resolution to confirm its financial commitment and participation to the above stated mandate;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the College to join the CAG purchasing agreement 2022-7531-50 mandate for a financial commitment estimated at $560,000 for three (3) years.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       K. Thornhill

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion Carried

  1. Awarding of Contract – Engineering HVAC Project – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.


Resolution CRC-2022-007:    Engineering HVAC Project – Saint-Lambert

Whereas on July 13, 2022, the public opening for the final stage of 1603969-PROJET CONCEPTION ET CONSTRUCTION – DEUX ÉTAPES – MODERNISATION ÉLECTROMÉCANIQUE ET DE PERFORMANCE ÉNERGÉTIQUE took place at 11:00 AM.  After analysis of the bids, the contract was not awarded as all bids were higher than the Board approved budged for the project; and

Whereas to continue with the HVAC system renewal project, the tender call needs to be modified and the College decided to return to a traditional construction tender call process; and

Whereas Ambioner, the engineering firm that was originally hired to prepare the plans and tender documents for the original two-stage tender call, have completed at least 60% of these plans and documents.  The College requested a quote from Ambioner to complete the plans and tender documents for the project; and

Whereas to enter into a mutual agreement contract above the public threshold, the College must first request the permission of the Director General to invoke the subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph of article 13 of Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies to show that a public call for tenders would not serve the public interest given the object of the contract concerned; and

Whereas the public call for tenders does not serve the public interest as the funds have already been dispersed for the preparation of the documents in the first call for tender.   The Director General approved the request on September 1, 2022; and

Whereas the College must, at least 15 days before entering into a contract by mutual agreement under subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph of section 13, publish on the electronic tendering system a notice of intention allowing any enterprise to express its interest in carrying out the contract.  Notice of intention AI-3W20041P, SEAO 1640647, was posted on September 2, 2022 until September 21, 2022; and

Whereas two enterprises purchased the documents from the electronic tendering system, neither expressed an interest in carrying out the contract by the deadline posted in the notice;


Be it Therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for professional services to complete the plans and tender call documents for the Modernisation of the HVAC system at Champlain Saint-Lambert to Ambioner in the amount of $309,000 before taxes.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       K. Thornhill

Seconded by: L. Anderson

Motion Carried

  1. Awarding of Contract – Snow Removal Contract – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-008:    Awarding of Contract – Snow Removal Contract – Saint-Lambert

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the St. Lambert Snow Removal Service Contract; and

Whereas the actual contract comes to an end on Oct 31, 2022; and

Whereas on August 25, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Service de déneigement et entretien hiverrnal – Champlain St-Lambert; and

Whereas the sealed bid of one supplier was opened on September 15, 2022 at 11:00, local time, in the presence of a College representative, one (1) witnesses at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas the company, Paysagiste Rive-Sud Ltée provided the lowest compliant bid; and

Whereas the required authorizations for a single compliant bidder were obtained as required by the law on contracts with public bodies (LCOP); and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Cleaning services at Champlain college Saint-Lambert to Paysagiste Rive-Sud Ltée in the amount of $315,459 (before taxes) for a three (3) year contract starting November 1, 2022.


There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: G. bourgoing

Motion Carried

  1. AOP 2022-2023 [Resolution]
  2. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-009:    AOP 2022-2023

Whereas the Board of Governors approves the College Strategic Action Plan (CSAP); and

Whereas Bylaw 3 requires the Director General develop an Annual Operational Plan (AOP); and

Whereas the AOP is developed in collaboration with the Senior Management Committee (SMC) to ensure it responds to the needs of both the constituent colleges and the Regional College; and

Whereas the Annual Operational Plan for 2022-2023 as proposed by the SMC is aligned with the College Strategic Action Plan;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopts the Annual Operational Plan (AOP) for 2022-2023.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       K. Thornhill

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion Carried

  1. DG’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 [Resolution]

The Chair spoke to the resolution.


Resolution CRC-2022-010:    DG’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the Director General’s Priorities and Outcomes for the 2022-2023 academic year and provided input: and

Whereas the Executive Committee has recommended the Director General’s Priorities and Outcomes for the 2022-2023 academic year for approval by the Board of Governors;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the Director General’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:       G. Bourgoing

Seconded by: K. Thornhill

In Favor:                 8

Opposed:                0

Abstention:             3 (O. Côté, D. Shewan, L. Anderson)

Motion Carried

  1. Lennoxville DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 [Resolution]
  2. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-011:    Lennoxville DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the Lennoxville Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 and provided input; and

Whereas the Executive Committee has recommended the Lennoxville Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 for approval by the Board of Governors;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the Lennoxville Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:       O. Côté

Seconded by: C. Michel

In Favor:                 9

Opposed:                0

Abstention:             2 (D. Shewan, L. Anderson)

Motion Carried

  1. Saint-Lambert DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 [Resolution]
  2. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-012:    Saint-Lambert DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the Saint-Lambert Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 and provided input; and

Whereas the Executive Committee has recommended the Saint-Lambert Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 for approval by the Board of Governors;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the Saint-Lambert Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023.

There was no call for the vote.


Moved by:       O.Côté

Seconded by: K. Thornhill

In Favor:                 9

Opposed:                0

Abstention:             2 (D. Shewan, L. Anderson)

Motion Carried

  1. Lawrence DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 [Resolution]
  2. Côté spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-013:    St. Lawrence DCC’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023

Whereas the Executive Committee has reviewed the St. Lawrence Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 and provided input; and

Whereas the Executive Committee has recommended the St. Lawrence Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023 for approval by the Board of Governors;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College approves the St. Lawrence Constituent College Director’s Priorities and Outcomes for 2022-2023.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:       K. Thornhill

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

In Favor:                 8

Opposed:                0

Abstention:             3 (D. Shewan, L. Anderson, P. Bleau)

Motion Carried

  1. Management Personnel Policy [Resolution]
  2. Côté and Y. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-014:    Management Personnel Policy

Whereas, the actual MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL POLICY is dated of June 12, 2020; and

Whereas the current policy requires adjustments to reflect new management personnel conditions; and

Whereas this Policy was revised in accordance with Articles 261 and 262 of the Règlement déterminant certaines conditions de travail des cadres des collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel; and

Whereas a process of exchange and consultation has been maintained with the local committee of the Association des cadres des colleges du Québec (ACCQ) throughout the policy review process; and

Whereas a consultation process was undertaken in winter 2022 with the Senior Management Committee and the management personnel of the organization;


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopts the revised policy as presented with the modifications to articles 5-9.01, 6-1.02 and 10-1.02 that were presented tonight.


There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: C. Michel

In Favor:                 8

Opposed:                3

Abstention:             1

Motion Carried

  1. Côté and Y. Rainville confirmed that the policy would be reviewed in a timely manner once the new regulation is approved by the National Assembly.

A motion to extend the meeting by 30 min. was moved by D. Shewan at 8:50 p.m.

  1. Policy Against Sexual Violence (ministerial obligation) [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2022-015:    Policy Against Sexual Violence (ministerial obligation)

Whereas the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Énseignement supérieur required that all post-secondary institutions in Quebec adopt an institutional policy against sexual violence in accordance with the Act to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence in Higher Education Institutions; and

 Whereas the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College passed an initial version of the Policy against Sexual Violence on December 18, 2018 (Resolution 3165) for submission to the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Énseignement supérieur within the timeframe prescribed; and

Whereas the Board of Governors adopted a revised version of the Policy on April 12, 2019 (Resolution 3189); and

Whereas the Quebec Government modified the access to information law (Law 25: Loi sur l’accès aux documents des organismes publics et la protection des renseignements personnels) in 2021 which mandated a modification to article 4 of the Act to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence in Higher Education Institutions; and

Whereas all existing policies on the prevention of sexual violence in post-secondary institutions in Quebec must be updated to reflect the above-mentioned change in the law, specifically regarding access to information by a survivor on the follow-up of a complaint; and

Whereas an additional clause has now been integrated into Article 12.3 of the existing College policy in order to meet the College’s legal obligations, worded as provided by the Direction des affaires juridiques of the Fédération des cégeps;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors adopt the revised policy as presented.


There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       D. Shewan

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion Carried

  1. Bylaw 1 – General Administration of CRC (modification of Article 9.1 a) [Notice of motion]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that article 9.1 a) will be revised to be clearer. The revised bylaw will then be presented for adoption to the October 26, 2022 meeting of the Board of Governors.
  3. Linguistic Policy [Information]
  4. Côté spoke to this item stating that the linguistic policy is related to Bill 96. A template from the Fédération des cégeps will be sent to the cégep network. The deadline for cégeps to have their Board approved linguistic policy is June 1, 2023.
  5. CEEC QAA Report [Information]
  6. Côté spoke to this item stating that we did received the final QAA report and a workplan is presently being drafted to help the college follow-up on the recommendations from the CEEC.
  7. Board of Governors meetings – Dossiers for 2022-2023 [Information]
  8. Côté presented the general dossiers that will be brought to the Board of Governors during the 2022-2023 academic year.
  9. Varia
  10. Lacombe wanted to thank the Board and all the people that worked on making the move from Chapter I to Chapter II of the Colleges Act. He suggested to use the same format of a diversified group when revising the bylaws to get different points of view. He also mentioned that his report on FABES vs FABRES was sent last week as promised.  Finally, since Mr. Lacombe will be leaving his role as member of the Board of Governors, he wished all the best to the continuing members.

The Chair also thanked J. Lacombe for his contribution as a governor.

  1. Elections
  2. Rainville as Interim DRH/CA spoke to the election process.

A motion was made to defer the elections to the first meeting of 2023 and that members of the Audit Committee, as well as those of the Governance and Ethics Committee, remain until those elections.

Moved by:              J. Lacombe

Seconded by:         C. Nadeau

Motion Carried

  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by K. Thornhill at 9:20 p.m.


François Paradis Y. Rainville
Chairperson Interim Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs


a) Regular Meeting of April 20, 2022
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College - Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des Présidences des conseil d’administrations
Management Personnel Policy
AOP 2021-2022 Status Update
Bylaw 1: Article 9.2 a) – (Protection and Compensation of Governors and Board Members)
2022-2027 Strategic Plan - Update
Student Success Plans - Update
Calendar of Meetings 2022-2023
Board Membership
Hydro Project
Bill 96
● Chair
● Vice-Chair
● Executive Committee
● Audit Committee
● Governance and Ethics Committee

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference


Voting Members Present:

L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
M. Chabot Pre-University Graduate, St. Lawrence
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
C. Nadeau Support Staff Representative, St. Lawrence
J. Lacombe Faculty Representative, Lennoxville
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
E. Thananayagam Technical Graduate, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert


C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
P. Bleau Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
S. Boyle Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
T. Delisle (non-voting) Student representative, St. Lawrence
A. Mador Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
K. Thornhill Professional Representative, Saint-Lambert

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director of Material Services & Interim Director of Finance
L. Larivière Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs (moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education

Quorum attained with 14 of 19 sitting voting members present.



  1. Announcements
  2. Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes
    1. Regular meeting of April 20, 2022
  1. Officers Reports
  1. Executive Committee
  2. Governance Committee
  3. Audit Committee
  4. Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
  5. Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
  6. Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
  7. Director General
  8. Forum des Présidences des conseil d’administrations
  1. Public Question Period for Fifteen Minutes
  2. Break for fifteen minutes
  3. New Business
  4. Resolution re:             DECs & AECs
  5. Information re:             Management Personnel Policy
  6. Information re:             AOP 2021-2022 Status Update
  7. Information re:             Bylaw 1: Article 9.2 a) – (Protection and Compensation of Governors and

Board Members)

  1. Information re:             2022-2027 Strategic Plan – Update
  2. Information re:             Student Success Plans – Update
  3. Information re:             Calendar of Meetings 2022-2023
  4. Information re: Board Membership
  5. Resolution re:             Hydro Project
  6. Resolution re:             Bill 96
  7. Elections re:             Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Executive Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Governance and Ethics Committee
  1. Adjournment


  1. Announcements and Correspondence

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all board members.

Regrets were received from C. Beaulieu, P. Bleau, A. Mador and K. Thornhill.

Following the survey that was sent for tonight’s meeting, the results being equal, the Chair has decided to go with the videoconference making it easier being in the middle of the week.


Operating and Capital Budgets were supposed to be on the agenda tonight but since the process of approval did not carry through completely, an emergency board meeting will be scheduled before the end of June in order to meet the June 30, 2022 deadline to submit to the ministry and not be penalized.


The Director General summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

  1. Correspondence received from Éric Fournier, Director General, Direction générale du financement (MES), dated April 25, 2022, regarding the initial budget envelope for the 2022-2023 academic year of 2 531.9M$ for the cegep network which represents a 9.35% increase from the 2021-2022 academic year if approved by the Conseil du Trésor.
  2. Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, Sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES), regarding the devis scolaire for 2022-2023. For the 2022-2023 academic year, our devis scolaire will be the same as the one for 2021-2022 but starting next year, the devis scolaire will be updated annually.
  3. Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated April 26, 2022, confirming St. Lawrence’s 2022-2023 devis scolaire of 955 students which will be held until the 2029-2030 academic year.
  4. Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated April 26, 2022, confirming Lennoxville’s 2022-2023 devis scolaire of 1210 students which will be held until the 2029-2030 academic year.
  5. Correspondence sent from the Fédé to Simon Jolin-Barette, Ministre de l’immigration, de la francisation et de l’intégration, dated May 3, 2022 to share the Fédé’s concerns before the potential changes to bill 96 and their impact on the English speaking colleges.
  6. Correspondence sent from the Board of Governors Chairs of English Colleges to François Legault, Quebec Prime minister, dated May 4, 2022 to request a delay of implementation of Bill 96 to the 2025-2026 academic year.
  7. Correspondence received from Brigitte Robert, SECCL Secretary at Champlain Lennoxville, dated May 18, 2022 regarding a motion that was passed at their assembly asking the DG of Champlain Regional College to use her position to lobby the government to further reach consensus with Indigenous communities regarding Bill 96.
  8. Correspondence sent from the Fédé to Luc Mathieu, President of the Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ), dated May 20, 2022, regarding the editorial published on May 12, 2022 by the OIIQ Vers un rehaussement de la norme d’entrée à la profession which brought confusion amongst students.
  9. Communiqué & bulletin received from Hydro Quebec, dated May 24, 2022 regarding the Reconstruction du poste Marie-Victorin that was distributed to the local population and local medias.


  1. Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated May 17, 2022, regarding the approval of the budget rules for the 2022-2023 academic year by the Conseil du Trésor. These will be available shortly on the MES website.
  2. Correspondence received from Nathalie Parenteau, sous-ministre adjointe à la performance, au financement, aux interventions régionales et au soutien à la gestion (MES), dated May 18, 2022, regarding precisions that were requested by cegeps regarding the additional compensations linked to COVID based on the 2020-2021 financial results. The allocation method was: Only establishments that suffered a deficit after interfund transfer for the 2020-2021 school year are eligible. Thus, these establishments receive compensation equivalent to the lesser of (i) this deficit and (ii) the total losses incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic according to the census dated September 30, 2021.
  3. Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, Sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES), dated May 30, 2022, regarding the deadlines for submitting the strategic plan. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some cegeps have decided to extend their strategic plan beyond the deadline to meet the requirement to cover all years. Therefore, the Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement (CEEC) will take this into account during its evaluations.
  4. Correspondence received from Denis Rousseau, president of the CEEC, dated June 2, 2022, regarding the summary report of the first QAA audit cycle results. The report indicates that 83% of the cegeps’ quality assurance system and their management generally ensure or ensure continuous quality improvement. Their full report is available on their website.
  5. Correspondence sent to Minister Danielle McCann (MES) from the Fédération des cégeps, dated June 2, 2022, regarding the opposition, by the chairmen of boards of governors, to the measures for the reinvestment of accumulated surpluses and deferred revenues aimed at recovering an amount of 30M$ in cegeps (Annex S127).
  6. Correspondence received from Christian Lavoie, Directeur des affaires étudiantes et interordres, (MES), dated June 14, 2022, announcing an amount of 2,228.70$ that was allocated to Champlain – Saint-Lambert for the specialized physical support service for the Winter 2022 semester (under the annexe A111 – accessibilité au collegial des étudiantes et étudiants en situation de handicap).
  7. Correspondence received from Simon Boyle, student representative – Saint-Lambert, dated May 25, 2022 thanking all Board members for this great opportunity and for making him feel welcomed and at ease to ask questions whenever needed.
  8. Modification and Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

Note: The resolution for Bill 96 was misplaced in the package – the item is under 7J.

For the Elections, the Chair strongly recommend that the responsibilities of the Human Resources and Appeal Committee be taken care by the Executive Committee.

  1. Côté requested that item 7I – Hydro Project be changed to a Resolution.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: O. Côté

Motion carried

  1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

Regular Meeting of April 20, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of April 20, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      O. Côté

Seconded by: M. Chabot

Motion carried

  1. Officers’ Reports
    1. Executive Committee
    2. Côté spoke to the May 25, 2022 Executive Committee report.
    3. Governance Committee

No Governance Committee meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Toombs brought up two questions:
  2. Is there an alternative to Microsoft as they are doing changes that would affect some employees, ie having outlook app on mobile to use Microsoft products – Y. Rainville mentioned that the Centre d’acquisitions gouvernemental (CAG) requests that we use Microsoft as part of our agreement.
  3. Employees emails – would it be possible to return to old email addresses for all constituent colleges to be able to differentiate themselves and only keep the for Sherbrooke. – F. Paradis and Y. Rainville explained that the emails are tied to security measures for the college structure as well as the directives of the new Ministère de la Cybersécurité et du Numérique (MCN).
  4. Audit Committee
  5. Chabot, Chair of the Audit Committee, spoke to this item stating that since one of the Constituent Colleges did not get a chance to approve its budgets, the special Audit Committee that was supposed to be held on June 8 was postponed until all locations have their approved budgets. At the last Audit Committee meeting, S. Frost from Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton presented the action plan for the Fall 2022 Audit. Operating and Capital Budgets were also presented and explained. Finally, the subject of student contribution was also discussed and an update on the modifications made was given.
  6. Director, Champlain College Lennoxville
  7. Beattie spoke to her report.
  8. Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert
  9. Shewan spoke to his report.

A motion of recognition was made:

The Champlain Saint-Lambert Model United Nations Club has demonstrated the values of the College; and has performed at an extraordinary level, being ranked 25th among all colleges and universities across North America.

The Board of Governors recognizes such an accomplishment and congratulates all the members.


Moved by:      C. Nadeau

Seconded by: O. Côté

Motion carried

  1. Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College
  2. Berryman spoke to his report.
  3. Director General
  4. Côté spoke to her report.
  5. Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration
  6. Paradis spoke to the agenda of the Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration that was held on May 6 & 7, 2022. The agenda and some documentation will be shared by email to board members.
  1. Public Question Period

There were no questions during the public question period.

A motion was made by D. Shewan to skip the 15 minutes allocated to the public questions.

  1. Break – Fifteen minutes
  2. New Business
    1. DECs & AECs [Resolution]
    2. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-055:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  45

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  6

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:       N. Beattie

Seconded by: J. Lacombe

Motion carried

  1. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-056:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     223*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     82**

* 4 of them are from RAC services         ** 45 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: J. Shufelt

Motion carried

  1. Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-057:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:              185

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:                 6

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      E. Berryman

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion carried

  1. Management Personnel Policy [Information]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that articles 5 and 14 of the Management Personnel Policy had been modified and that the policy was now going through the consultation process. The goal is to bring the revised policy to the Board of Governors for adoption in September 2022.
  3. AOP 2021-2022 Status Update [Information]
  4. Côté spoke to this item stating that the AOP indicated the level of realization attained by the June 2022 end of the academic year. D. Shewan added that since the document was sent, item 1.1.1 (IPESA) and 1.1.3 (Student Success) are now both 100% completed.
  5. Bylaw 1: Article 9.1 a) – (Protection and Compensation of Governors and Board members) [Information]
  6. Côté spoke to this item stating that after having received two differing interpretations from lawyers regarding article 9.1. a) of Bylaw 1, L. Larivière has been looking into this with the Fédé lawyers in order to get a proposal to clarify this article of the bylaw. A final proposal from the Fédé was expected in May, then in June. This item will be brought back to the Board once a proposal has been sought. Meanwhile, requests to receive support under this article have been granted during the 2021-2022 academic year. This item was also brought to the attention of the external auditor, during the May 18 meeting of the audit committee.
  7. 2022-2027 Strategic Plan – Update [Information]
  8. Côté spoke to this item stating that work on the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan would resume once all the development goals from each constituent College had been received.
  9. Student Success Plans [Information]
  10. Beattie spoke for Lennoxville who had adopted their student success Plan last year and was implementing it during this 2021-2022 academic year. She mentioned that tools would be developed to monitor student success.
  11. Berryman spoke for St. Lawrence where the Student Success Plan is now under consultation and is hoping to be ready for approval in Fall 2022. A student dashboard has also been in development.
  12. Shewan spoke for Saint-Lambert stating that the Student Success Plan had been adopted by the Commission of Studies on May 12, 2022 and by the Governing Board on June 12, 2022. He also mentioned that the definition of success had been developed by the students on the committee.
  13. Calendar of meetings for 2022-2023 [Information]
  14. Côté spoke to this item stating that the calendar presented is similar to the 2021-2022 calendar of meetings. In order to get a full picture of all meetings regarding all governance committees (Commissions of Studies, Governing Boards, Executive, Audit, Governance, Board of Governors, etc.), a more detailed calendar would need to be developed to align all college obligations in a streamlined process. It was also mentioned that ‘in presence’ meetings at each college location would be preferable for the 2022-2023 academic year, but would also depend on Fall 2022 government directives regarding COVID.
  15. Board Membership [Information]
  16. Larivière spoke to this item stating that the Board’s vacant positions are:
  • Parent representative for Saint-Lambert, which will be elected in the Fall;
  • Government appointee – Socio Economic
  • Government appointee – Labour Market

The new student representatives for the 2022-2023 academic year will be:

  • Joao Samual Amorim – Pre-University Program – Saint-Lambert
  • Justin Mc Nicoll-Tardif – Pre-University Program – St. Lawrence
  • Amy Sidaway – non-voting member – Lennoxville

After verification with the Ministry, the end of mandate for the first government appointees is actually April 26, 2023 and not Oct 25,2022 as per our Letters Patent.

  1. Hydro Project [Information]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that a public consultation is presently underway.
  3. Shewan mentioned that Hydro sent a communique to all local residents and that all the internal community of Saint-Lambert had been informed. Security and potential health risks will be looked into with consultants in Fall 2022.
  4. Rainville presented a few slides to explain the situation and some of the changes that had been made after the concerns that were expressed by Champlain.

Resolution CRC-2021-058:     Hydro Quebec Project

Whereas Hydro Quebec has indicated its desire to obtain a significant portion of the land belonging to Champlain, at the Saint-Lambert Constituent College, specifically the part of the parking lot referred to as P5; and

Whereas the College engaged the services of a lawyer with a substantial experience in dealing with Hydro; and

Whereas the lawyer has advised us that Hydro has the legal power to expropriate this land; and

Whereas the lawyer advised the administration that the individuals meeting with Hydro should obtain a formal mandate from the Board to continue the negotiations with Hydro;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors mandates Odette Côté, Yves Rainville, and Don Shewan, to continue the negotiations with Hydro, regularly keeping the Board informed of the progress in the dossier.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion carried

  1. Bill 96 [Resolution]
  2. Shewan spoke to resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-059:     Bill 96

Whereas Champlain Regional College has produced numerous successful graduates over the past half century, most of who have become contributors in building the Quebec society; and

Whereas the College recognizes the primary role the French language plays in building the future of Quebec; and

Whereas the College is honored to have had the privilege of collaborating with Indigenous communities in multiple regions of the province and recognizes our shared responsibility to preserve their languages and cultures; and

Whereas the College recognizes that the same legitimate concerns for the preservation of French should be extended to the various Indigenous nations within Quebec; and

Whereas the College recognizes the significant negative impact that this law has on the future of a number of our employees, especially faculty; and

Whereas our primary mission is the success of our students;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors requests the Government of Quebec to:

  1. Provide concrete measures to ensure the retention and success of Indigenous students by allowing them to reduce the proposed number of French courses.
  2. Re-examine the choice of courses to be taught in French, allowing the various English colleges to choose from among general education, core and complimentary based on program needs and the availability of qualified French teachers.
  3. Provide a reasonable period of adaptation, until at least 2025, to implement the changes imposed by the law in an orderly fashion, one which maximizes the likelihood of student success.
  4. Consult with anglophone colleges, the Fédération des Cégeps, and appropriate employee associations before making changes to the RREC.
  5. Ensure that no student be unfairly treated by being required to pass two language exit tests.
  6. Identify concrete measures to assist those currently in the employ of the Anglophone colleges who will lose their jobs as a result of the passing of this law.

Be it further resolved that the Board of Governors request that the Chair of the Board share this resolution with the Premier, the Minister of Justice and of the French language and the Minister of Higher Education and offer to meet with them to discuss this resolution and solutions to the concerns we raise.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: O. Côté

Motion carried

At 8:43 p.m. a motion was made by D. Shewan to extend the meeting for 30 min.

  1. Elections
  2. Larivière spoke to the election process.

The Board elects annually, at the last regular Board meeting of the financial year, a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Only external Governors are eligible for this position. (Reference: Bylaw 1, Articles 4.3 and 4.4)

Election of Chair

The Director of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs (DHR/CA) opened the floor for nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
F. Paradis D. Shewan N. Beattie  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations.  Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations. F. Paradis was declared Chair by acclamation.

Election of Vice-Chair

The DHR/CA opened the floor for nominations.

Proposed Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
M. Chabot O. Côté C. Michel  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations.  Being no further nominations, it was moved by D. Shewan to close nominations. M. Chabot was declared Vice-Chair by acclamation.

Election of Executive Committee Members

The Executive Committee is composed of (Reference: Bylaw 1, Article 5.1):

  • The Director General (ex-officio);
  • The Directors of Constituent Colleges (3) (ex-officio);
  • The Chair of the Board;
  • The Vice-Chair of the Board;
  • Two (2) governors:
    • One (1) of whom is an external representative; and
    • One (1) of whom is an internal representative.

Members, other than ex-officio members, are elected annually at the last regular Board meeting of the financial year.

The DHR/CA opened the floor for external member nominations.

Proposed External Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
G. Bourgoing D. Shewan F. Paradis  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

  1. Bourgoing was declared External Member of the Executive Committee by acclamation.

The DHR/CA opened the floor for internal member nominations.

Proposed Internal Moved by: Seconded by: Accepted:
C. Nadeau O. Côté D. Shewan  Yes    No

The DHR/CA called three times for further nominations. Being no further nominations, it was moved by N. Beattie to close nominations.

  1. Nadeau was declared Internal Member of the Executive Committee by acclamation.

A motion was made to keep the current Audit Committee, as well as Governance and Ethics Committee and postpone the elections to next Fall.

Moved by:             F. Paradis

Seconded by:        D. Shewan

Motion carried


  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by D. Shewan at 9:00 p.m.


François Paradis Line Larivière
Chairperson Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs


a) Regular Meeting of March 16, 2022
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
Recommendations on the renewal mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie – DCC Lennoxville by the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee (In camera)
Renewal Mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie
(Article 12, par; 2)
Term of the renewal mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, par;3)
Mandate settings based on Priorities of the DCC Lennoxville (Article 12, par;3)
Recommendations on the renewal mandate of Mr. Don Shewan – DCC Saint-Lambert by the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee (In camera)
Renewal Mandate of Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, par; 2)
Term of the renewal mandate of Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, par; 3)
Mandate settings based on Priorities of the DCC Saint-Lambert (Article 12, par;3)
Governance Training
CEEC’s preliminary report – QAA audit
Vacation reduction update
Awarding of Contract: SLB Cleaning Services – Saint-Lambert
Awarding of Contract: Renovation IT Offices – Saint-Lambert
Project Authorization and Delegation of Signing Authority – HVAC Reconstruction and Energy Saving Project – Saint-Lambert
Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy
Auxiliary Services Policy

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference


Voting Members Present:

N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
P. Bleau Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
S. Boyle Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
M. Chabot Pre-University Graduate, St. Lawrence
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
C. Nadeau Support Staff Representative, St. Lawrence
J. Lacombe Faculty Representative, Lennoxville
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise
K. Thornhill Professional Representative, Saint-Lambert

Non-voting Members Present:

B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert


L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
T. Delisle (non-voting) Student representative, St. Lawrence
A. Mador Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
E. Thananayagam Technical Graduate, Saint-Lambert

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director of Material Services & Interim Director of Finance
L. Larivière Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs (moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education


Quorum attained with 16 of 19 sitting voting members present.





  1. Announcements
  2. Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes
    1. Regular meeting of March 16, 2022
  1. Officers Reports
  1. Executive Committee
  2. Governance Committee
  3. Audit Committee
  4. Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
  5. Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
  6. Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
  7. Director General
  8. Forum des Présidences des conseil d’administrations
  1. Public Question Period for Fifteen Minutes
  2. Break for fifteen minutes
  3. New Business
  4. Presentation re:             Recommendations on the renewal mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie – DCC

Lennoxville by the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee (In Camera)

  1. Resolution re:             Renewal Mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, par. 2)
  2. Resolution re:             Term of the renewal mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, par. 3)
  3. Resolution re:             Mandate settings based on Priorities of the DCC Lennoxville

(Article 12, par. 3)

  1. Presentation re:             Recommendations on the renewal mandate of Mr. Don Shewan – DCC

Saint-Lambert by the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee

(In Camera)

  1. Resolution re:             Renewal Mandate of Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, par. 2)
  2. Resolution re:             Term of the renewal mandate of Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, par. 3)
  3. Resolution re:             Mandate settings based on Priorities of the DCC Saint-Lambert

(Article 12, par. 3)

  1. Information re: Governance Training
  2. Resolution re:             DECs & AECs
  3. Information re:             CEEC’s preliminary report – QAA audit
  4. Information re:             Vacation reduction update
  5. Resolution re:             Awarding of Contract: SLB Cleaning Services – Saint-Lambert
  6. Resolution re:             Awarding of Contract: Renovation IT Offices – Saint-Lambert
  7. Resolution re:             Project Authorization and Delegation of Signing Authority – HVAC

Reconstruction and Energy Saving Project – Saint-Lambert

  1. Notice of Motion re: Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy
  2. Notice of Motion re: Auxiliary Services Policy
  3. Adjournment
  4. Announcements and Correspondence

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all board members.

He explained why he wanted to have a special board for the renewal mandates for the DCCs of Lennoxville and Saint-Lambert.  The reason behind a special meeting was to give the DCCs their response as soon as possible and to make sure that the regular Board of Governors meetings do not become too long. He also expressed his sincere apologies for canceling the meeting at the last minute due to urgent matter.

Following a discussion regarding the application of Article 12 at the last board of Governors meeting, the Chair discussed with B. Toombs the application of Article 12 and decided to include this topic in the Governance Training that is being prepared.

The Chair also mentioned that he was looking at the possibility of having the June Board of Governors meeting in presence.

Regrets were received from L. Anderson, T. Delisle, A. Mador and E. Thananayagam.

The Director General summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

  • Correspondence received from Nathalie Parenteau, sous-ministre adjointe à la performance, au financement, aux interventions régionales et au soutien à la gestion (MES) dated March 22, 2022, regarding the student fees for International students or Canadian student not residing in Quebec that are registered in colleges for the 2022-2023 academic year.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated March 30, 2022 regarding the approval of amendments to the operating budget rules for the 2021-2022 academic year in regards to the salary parameters of the 2020-2023 collective agreements.
  • Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated April 1, 2022, regarding the new Ministry’s 2021-2023 Strategic Plan.
  • Correspondence received from Martin Pineault, Director General, Direction générale des infrastructures (MES), dated April 8, 2022, regarding post-budget meetings that will be scheduled in April and May in regards to the contingency plans submitted by cegeps last December.
  • Correspondence received from Martin Pineault, Director General, Direction général des infrastructures (MES), dated April 11, 2022, regarding the nomination of Ms. Krystel Doucet as Directrice de l’expertise et du développement des infrastructures (DEDI) as of April 19, 2022.
  • Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint au développement et au soutien des réseaux (MES), dated April 11, 2022, regarding the application and interpretation of the Règlement sur le régime des études collégiales (RREC) for the 2022-2023 academic year. Most of the flexibilities will be lifted but some measures will nevertheless be renewed regarding admission requirements for the Summer and Fall 2022.
  1. Modification and Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

The Chair requested that item 7c) and 7h) be removed. The presentations will be done through discussions under the article 12 items.

There was no call for the vote.



Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: O. Côté

Motion carried

  1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

Regular Meeting of March 16, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of March 16, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      C. Beaulieu

Seconded by: C. Michel

Motion carried

  1. Officers’ Reports
    1. Executive Committee

The Director General spoke to the April 6, 2022 Executive Committee report.

  1. Governance Committee

The Chair spoke to this item stating that no Governance Committee meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Audit Committee
  2. Chabot spoke to this item stating that a doodle was sent today for a meeting to be held on May 18 or 19, 2022.
  3. Director, Champlain College Lennoxville
  4. Beattie spoke to her report.
  5. Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert
  6. Shewan spoke to his report.
  7. Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College
  8. Berryman spoke to his report.
  9. Director General
  10. Côté spoke to her report. She also informed the DCCs that she is open to any invitation to meet with each of their communities regarding Bill 96 in order to build a strong message for the ministry.
  11. Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration

The Chair spoke to the Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration.

  1. Public Question Period

There were no questions during the public question period.

  1. Break – Fifteen minutes
  2. New Business

The Chair explained the process for the items pertaining to the mandate renewals.

Motion to move in camera:

Moved by:              M. Mazur

Moving to in camera session at 7:20 p.m.

  1. Recommendations on the renewal mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie – DCC Lennoxville by the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee (in camera) [Presentation]

The Chair spoke to this item and shared the recommendations as Chair of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee.

  1. Renewal Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, par. 2) [Resolution]

Resolution CRC-2021-043:     Renewal Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, Par. 2)

Whereas Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent Colleges establishes the procedure to follow for the renewal of Appointment of the Director of Constituent Colleges; and


Whereas the three (3) years mandate of the Director of the Constituent College of Lennoxville ends on October 27, 2022; and


Whereas the Director of the Constituent College of Lennoxville Ms. Nancy Beattie has formerly expressed, by a letter to the Chair of the Board on December 24, 2021, her interest in renewing her appointment according to Article 3.2 a) of Bylaw 3; and


Whereas the notification on the renewal procedure was sent by the Chair on January 5, 2022, to the Director of the Constituent College of Lennoxville Ms. Nancy Beattie according to Article 3.2 b) of Bylaw 3; and


Whereas the Board has elected an Evaluation Committee on January 26, 2022, according to Article 3.2 c) of Bylaw 3 for the renewal of appointment of the Director of the Constituent College; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee’s work according to Article 3.2 d) of Bylaw 3; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee’s main responsibility is to recommend the renewal or the non-renewal of appointment of the Director of the Constituent College after a confidential and anonymous consultation of the communities (Article 3.2d) iii); and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee met with the firm Normandin Beaudry on March 23, 2022, to receive the results of the consultation process that took end in February and for a complementary information that helped the Evaluation Committee in the preparation of a recommendation for the renewal or the non-renewal of appointment of the Director of the Constituent College; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee has concluded, with a majority, that it is in the College’s best interest to renew the mandate of the Director of Champlain Constituent College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie and recommends the renewal of her mandate.


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors agree with the recommendation of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee to renew the mandate of Ms. Nancy Beattie.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:       O. Côté

Seconded by: P. Bleau

In Favor:        14

Against:        0

Motion carried

  1. Term of the renewal mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, Par. 3) [Resolution]

Resolution CRC-2021-044:     Term of Renewal Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, Par. 3)

Whereas the Evaluation Committee has concluded, with a majority, that it is in the College’s best interest to renew the mandate of the Director of Champlain Constituent College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie; and


Whereas the Board of Governors agreed with the recommendation to renew the mandate of the Director of Champlain Constituent College of Lennoxville; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee recommended that the mandate be renewed for a term of three (3) years.


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors agree with the recommendation of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee and approves a three (3) years mandate renewal for Ms. Nancy Beattie which will end on October 26, 2025.


Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs to establish the new contract, without any modification to the pre-existing contractual clauses.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:      M. Chabot

Seconded by: C. Beaulieu

In Favor:       10

Against:          0

Motion carried

  1. Mandate settings based on Priorities of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, Par. 3) [Resolution]

Resolution CRC-2021-045:     Mandate settings based on Priorities of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville, Ms. Nancy Beattie (Article 12, Par. 3)

Whereas the Board of Governors agreed with the recommendation of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee and approved the renewal of the Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville; and


Whereas the new mandate will be reviewed to reflect the priorities and outcomes of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Lennoxville that have been presented at the September 2021 meeting of the Board of Governors.


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the Director General to review the present mandate annexed in the contract and bring about the necessary modifications to reflect the new priorities and outcomes.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:      G. Bourgoing

Seconded by: M. Mazur

In Favor:       8

Against:        0

Abstained:     2 (O. Côté)

Motion carried

Motion to move out of Article 12 at 8:05 p.m.

Moved by:       C. Beaulieu

Information regarding the resolutions approved during the in-camera session was shared.

Motion to move in camera at 8:15 p.m.

Moved by:      G. Bourgoing

  1. Recommendations on the renewal mandate of Mr. Don Shewan – DCC Saint-Lambert by the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee (in camera) [Presentation]

The Chair spoke to this item and invited D. Smith, Chair of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee to share the recommendations.

  1. Renewal Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, par. 2) [Resolution]

Resolution CRC-2021-046:     Renewal Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, Par. 2)

Whereas Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Appointment, and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent Colleges establishes the procedure to follow for the renewal of Appointment of the Director of Constituent Colleges; and


Whereas the three (3) years mandate of the Director of the Constituent College of Saint-Lambert ends on October 27, 2022; and


Whereas the Director of the Constituent College of Saint-Lambert Mr. Don Shewan has formerly expressed, by a letter to the Chair of the Board on December 18, 2021, his interest in renewing his appointment according to Article 3.2 a) of Bylaw 3; and


Whereas the notification on the renewal procedure was sent by the Chair on December 18, 2021, to the Director of the Constituent College of Saint-Lambert Mr. Don Shewan according to Article 3.2 b) of Bylaw 3; and


Whereas the Board has elected an Evaluation Committee on January 26, 2022, according to Article 3.2 c) of Bylaw 3 for the renewal of appointment of the Director of the Constituent College; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee’s work according to Article 3.2 d) of Bylaw 3; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee’s main responsibility is to recommend the renewal or the non-renewal of appointment of the Director of the Constituent College after a confidential and anonymous consultation of the communities (Article 3.2d) iii); and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee met with the firm Normandin Beaudry on March 22, 2022, to receive the results of the consultation process that took end in February and for a complementary information that helped the Evaluation Committee in the preparation of a recommendation for the renewal or the non-renewal of appointment of the Director of the Constituent College; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee has concluded, unanimously, that it is in the College’s best interest to renew the mandate of the Director of Champlain Constituent College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan and recommends the renewal of his mandate.


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors agree with the recommendation of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee to renew the mandate of Mr. Don Shewan.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:      O. Côté

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

In Favor:       14

Against:          0

Motion carried

  1. Term of the renewal mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, Par. 3) [Resolution]

Resolution CRC-2021-047:     Term of Renewal Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, Par. 3)

Whereas the Evaluation Committee has concluded, with a majority, that it is in the College’s best interest to renew the mandate of the Director of Champlain Constituent College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan; and


Whereas the Board of Governors agreed with the recommendation to renew the mandate of the Director of Champlain Constituent College of Saint-Lambert; and


Whereas the Evaluation Committee recommended that the mandate be renewed for a term of three (3) years.


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors agree with the recommendation of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee and approves a three (3) years mandate renewal for Mr. Don Shewan which will end on October 26, 2025.


Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs to establish the new contract, without any modification to the pre-existing contractual clauses.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:      G. Bourgoing

Seconded by: M. Mazur

In Favor:       10

Against:          0

Motion carried

  1. Mandate settings based on Priorities of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, Par. 3) [Resolution]

Resolution CRC-2021-048:     Mandate settings based on Priorities of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert, Mr. Don Shewan (Article 12, Par. 3)

Whereas the Board of Governors agreed with the recommendation of the Renewal Mandate Evaluation Committee and approved the renewal of the Mandate of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert; and


Whereas the new mandate will be reviewed to reflect the priorities and outcomes of the Director of Champlain Regional College of Saint-Lambert that have been presented at the September 2021 meeting of the Board of Governors.


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the Director General to review the present mandate annexed in the contract and bring about the necessary modifications to reflect the new priorities and outcomes.

There was a call for the vote.

Moved by:      C. Michel

Seconded by: C. Beaulieu

In Favor:       9

Against:        0

Abstained:     1 (O. Côté)

Motion carried

Motion to move out of Article 12 at 8:39 p.m.

Moved by:      M. Mazur


Motion to extend the meeting for 30 min at 8:39 p.m.

Moved by:      J. Shufelt.

  1. Governance Training [Information]
  2. Larivière spoke to this item stating that a training session on governance and the application of Article 12 is being prepared with Mr. Raphael Hugo Ouellette. The training will be scheduled for Fall 2022.
  3. DECs & AECs [Resolution]
  4. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-049:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  2

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  none

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: J. Lacombe

Motion carried

  1. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-050:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     5*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     18**

* 3 of them are from RAC services         ** all of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: G. Bourgoing

Motion carried

  1. Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-051:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:       2

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:     none

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      E. Berryman

Seconded by: J. Shufelt

Motion carried

  1. CEEC’s preliminary report – QAA audit [Information]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that as mentioned at the last board, we received the CEEC preliminary report but realised that they had requested to keep the distribution restricted for now until the official report is out. The official report will be shared with everyone once it is deposited on the CEEC portal. As required, a response regarding the preliminary report was sent to the CEEC on April 13, 2022.
  3. Vacation reduction update [Information]
  4. Larivière spoke to this item stating that accumulated vacation hours have been reduced since 2019/2020. They will be reduced even more with the summer vacation period coming up.
  5. Awarding of Contract: SLB Cleaning Services – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
  6. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-052:       Awarding of Contract: SLB Cleaning Services – Saint-Lambert

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the St. Lambert Cleaning Service Contract; and

Whereas the actual contract comes to an end on May 31, 2022; and

Whereas on March 25, 2022, the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Services ménagers Roy Ltée – Champlain St-Lambert; and

Whereas authorization has been received from the Director General for a 5-year contract period in the form of one-year term and four one-year renewal options; and

Whereas the sealed bids of five (5) suppliers were opened on April 13, 2022 at 14:00, local time, in the presence of the Director of Administrative Services, one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas a thorough analysis has been completed by the Department of Material Services; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, Services ménagers Roy Ltée provided the lowest compliant bid;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Cleaning services at Champlain College Saint-Lambert to Services ménagers Roy Ltée in the amount of $ 3 071 069.20 (before taxes) for a one (1) year term and four (4) one-year renewal options starting June 1, 2022.

There was no call for the vote.


Moved by:         D. Shewan

Seconded by:   G. Bourgoing

Motion carried

  1. Awarding of Contract: Renovation IT Services – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-053:       Awarding of Contract: Renovation IT Services – Saint-Lambert

Whereas in compliance with the College’s Policy Respecting Procurement Contracts for Goods, Services and Construction and the Regulation Respecting Service Contracts of Public Bodies, tenders were sought for the St. Lambert Renovation IT Services Contract; and

Whereas a need to improve the IT services sector has been identified by the College; and

Whereas resolution No.CRC-2021-040 for accessing the surplus allows for the funding of this project; and

Whereas on April 1, 2022 the College published a call for tenders on the official government website for tenders (SÉAO), Aménagement du département TI _ Bloc E – Champlain St-Lambert; and

Whereas the sealed bids of seven (7) suppliers were opened on April 20, 2022 at 10:00, local time, in the presence of the Director of Administrative Services, one (1) witness at the Sherbrooke Administrative Services offices; and

Whereas a thorough analysis has been completed by the Department of Material Services; and

Whereas the tender documents and the analysis are available in the College files; and

Whereas the company, SENTERRE ENTREPRENEUR GÉNÉRAL provided the lowest compliant bid; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors awards the contract for the Aménagement du département TI _ Bloc E – Champlain St-Lambert to SENTERRE ENTREPRENEUR GÉNÉRAL in the amount of $119,999.99 (before taxes).

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         C. Nadeau

Seconded by:   M. Mazur

Motion carried

  1. Project Authorization and Delegation of Signing Authority – HVAC Reconstruction and Energy Saving Project – Saint-Lambert [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-054:       Project Authorization and Delegation of Signing Authority – HVAC Reconstruction and Energy Saving Project – Saint-Lambert

Whereas the college is launching a major project no 3W20041 to replace its ventilation, air conditioning, heating and controls (HVAC) equipment; and


Whereas the project includes a significant energy saving component; and


Whereas, for grant purposes and best practices, Board authorization is required to proceed with the project; and


Whereas a delegation of signature to the DG is required to sign the project documents to be submitted to the Ministry; and


Whereas a resolution to create a Reserve Fund of $2M from the Saint-Lambert surplus was approved at the regular Board meeting of November 27, 2020, to finance a portion of the project, and


Whereas the financial planning presented to the Board including a grant to be received from the Ministry (MES) covers the totality of the estimated expenses of $9.2M and,


Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors authorizes the launching of the project described herein at an estimated cost of $9.2M, and


Be it therefore further resolved that the Board of Governors delegates the signing authority to the Director General for all relevant documents to be submitted to the Ministry (MES).

There was no call for the vote

Moved by:         D. Shewan

Seconded by:   C. Michel

Motion carried

  1. Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy [Notice of Motion]
  2. Côté spoke to this item stating that a resolution for the Donations, Sponsorships and Memberships Policy will be presented at the June 15, 2022 meeting of the Board of Governors.
  3. Auxiliary Services Policy [Notice of Motion]
  4. Côté spoke to this item stating that a resolution for the Auxiliary Services Policy will be presented at the June 15, 2022 meeting of the Board of Governors.


  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by P. Bleau at 9:28 p.m.



François Paradis Line Larivière
Chairperson Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs


a) Regular Meeting of January 26, 2022
a) Hors Cadres Mandate Renewals
b) Hors Cadres Annual Performance Evaluations
c) Confidentiality of Relais Expert-Conseil’s report
a) Executive Committee
b) Governance Committee
c) Audit Committee
d) Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
e) Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
f) Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
g) Director General
h) Forum des présidences des conseils d’administration
St-Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude Management)
St. Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude Management) (Article 12)
Mid-Year Revised Operating Budget 2021-2022
Mid-Year Revised Capital Budget 2021-2022
Reserve fund for Winder Street residence – Champlain Lennoxville
Reserve fund for Potential Contribution to new Synthetic Turf at Bishops University – Champlain Lennoxville
Access to surplus funds for Renovations Needs – Champlain Saint-Lambert
Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor - RARC
Appointment Renewal Evaluation Process of the Director of the Constituent College of St. Lawrence – One year extension (Article 12)

Minutes of event

Board of Governors

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Held on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. by videoconference


Voting Members Present:

L. Anderson Parent Representative, St. Lawrence
N. Beattie (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Lennoxville
C. Beaulieu Government Appointee, University Sector
E. Berryman (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, St. Lawrence
P. Bleau Faculty Representative, St. Lawrence
M. Chabot Pre-University Graduate, St. Lawrence
O. Côté (Ex-officio) Director General
C. Nadeau Support Staff Representative, St. Lawrence
J. Lacombe Faculty Representative, Lennoxville
C. Michel Government Appointee, Enterprise
F. Paradis Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
D. Shewan (Ex-officio) Director Constituent College, Saint-Lambert
J. Shufelt Government Appointee, Enterprise

Non-voting Members Present:

B. Toombs Faculty Representative, Saint-Lambert


G. Bourgoing Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector
T. Delisle Student representative, St. Lawrence
A. Mador Pre-University Student, Lennoxville
S. Boyle Pre-University Student, Saint-Lambert
M. Mazur Government Appointee, School Board Sector
E. Thananayagam Technical Graduate, Saint-Lambert
K. Thornhill Professional Representative, Saint-Lambert

Vacant seats:

Parent Representative, Saint-Lambert
Government Appointee, Regional Labour Market
Government Appointee, Socio-Economic Sector

Also present:

Y. Rainville Director of Material Services & Interim Director of Finance
L. Larivière Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs (moderator)
N. Couderc Administrative Technician
A.-C. Biron-Lajoie Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
F. Beauchamp Investigator – Ministry of Higher Education
A. Lacroix Lawyer, Latitude Management


Quorum attained with 13 of 19 sitting voting members present.



  1. Announcements
  2. Modifications and Adoption of Agenda
  3. Approval of Previous Minutes
    1. Regular meeting of January 26, 2022
  4. Business arising from the minutes of January 26, 2022
    1. Hors Cadres Mandate Renewals
    2. Hors Cadres Annual Performance Evaluations
    3. Confidentiality of Relais Expert-Conseil’s report
  1. Officers Reports
  1. Executive Committee
  2. Governance Committee
  3. Audit Committee
  4. Director, Constituent College – Lennoxville
  5. Director, Constituent College – Saint-Lambert
  6. Director, Constituent College – St. Lawrence
  7. Director General
  8. Forum des Présidences des conseil d’administrations
  1. Public Question Period for Fifteen Minutes
  2. Break for fifteen minutes
  3. New Business
  4. Information re: Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude


  1. Resolution re: Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude

Management) (Article 12)

  1. Resolution re: DECs & AECs
  2. Resolution re: Mid-Year Revised Operating Budget 2021-2022
  3. Resolution re: Mid-Year Revised Capital Budget 2021-2022
  4. Resolution re: Reserve Fund for Winder Street Residence – Champlain Lennoxville
  5. Resolution re: Reserve Fund for Potential Contribution to new Synthetic Turf

at Bishops University – Champlain Lennoxville

  1. Resolution re: Access to Surplus Funds for Renovations Needs – Champlain Saint-Lambert
  2. Resolution re: Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor – RARC
  3. Resolution re: Appointment Renewal Evaluation Process of the Director of the Constituent

College of St. Lawrence – One year extension (Article 12)

  1. Adjournment
  2. Announcements and Correspondence

The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. and welcomed all board members.

Regrets were received from G. Bourgoing, S. Boyle, T. Delisle, A. Mador, M. Mazur, E. Thananayagam and K. Thornhill.

  1. Larivière gave information regarding Board membership. The call for nominations have been sent to each Constituent College for the replacement of the student representatives for the next academic year. No news yet received from the ministry regarding the vacant positions.


The Director General summarized the correspondence received since the last meeting of the Board of Governors.

  1. Correspondence received from Denis Rousseau, president of the Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collegial (CEEC) dated January 26, 2022, regarding the renewal of the CEEC’s accreditation from the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher education until 2026. This recognition of the compliance of the CEEC’s practices with international standards in terms of quality assurance in higher education positions Quebec and the college network favorably on an international level;
  2. Correspondence received from Chantal Dumont, Chef de service, Service de la formation préuniversitaire et de la recherche (MES), dated January 26, 2022, regarding the revised version of the Sciences informatique et mathématique (200.C1) program recently approved by the ministry which will be optional for the Fall 2022 semester but mandatory for the Fall 2024 semester;
  3. Correspondence received from Chantal Dumont, Chef de service, Service de la formation préuniversitaire et de la recherche (MES), dated January 27, 2022, regarding the recruitment of evaluators to participate in the evaluation of programs submitted to the Programme d’aide à la recherche et au transfert (PART), volet innovation technologique;
  4. Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint, Développement et soutien des réseaux (MES), dated February 11, 2022, regarding working conditions applicable during pandemic-related absences among personnel in public colleges;
  5. Correspondence received from Marc-André Thivierge, sous-ministre adjoint, Développement et soutien des réseaux (MES), dated February 14, 2022, which was an update regarding sanitary measures. This update was sent to all Board members on January 15, 2022;
  6. Correspondence received from Nathalie Parenteau, sous-ministre à la performance, au financement, aux interventions régionales et au soutien à la gestion (MES), dated February 16, 2022, regarding the revised list of programs targeted for the first year of the Perspective Quebec scholarship which now includes programs in the field of engineering such as Technologie forestière, Techniques de procedés industriels, Technologie de la géomatique, Technologie du genie métallurgique, Technologie minérale and Techniques de laboratoire;
  7. Correspondence received from Eric Fournier, Direction générale du financement (MES), dated February 22, 2022, regarding a ‘vérification administrative portant sur les clientèles scolaires’ for the 2020-2021 academic year. This audit will be divided into two phases during the 2022-2023 academic year;
  8. Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated February 23, 2022, which was a reminder on the ministerial directive on the practice of weighing or calculating BMI :
  • This practice must in no case be mandatory;
  • This practice is not only optional, it must be done only at the student’s request;
  • When a request is made, the practice must be done in private and with respect;
  • The practice must not be linked to any form of evaluation.


  1. Correspondence received from Danielle McCann, Minister of Higher Education (MES), dated February 24, 2022, regarding the nomination of Ms. Paule De Blois as sous-ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur and replaces Mr. Sylvain Périgny who was been the interim for the past four months;
  2. Correspondence received from Denis Rousseau, President of the Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collégial (CEEC), dated March 14, 2022, regarding the preliminary report on the Quality Assurance of Champlain Regional College and its three constituent colleges that was sent for review. The CEEC is inviting the college to submit their comments by April 15, 2022 through the CEEC portal.
  3. Modification and Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved to adopt the agenda as modified.

The Chair requested to add item 8b. as a resolution: St. Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude Management).

And that Article 12 be removed from item 8a.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried

  1. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

Regular Meeting of January 26, 2022

It was moved to adopt the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Governors of January 26, 2022 as presented.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: M. Chabot

Motion carried

  1. Business Arising from Previous Meetings
  2. Hors Cadres Mandate Renewals

The DG spoke to this item stating that

  • The DG’s mandate was extended for 1 year;
  • Two DCC mandate renewal processes have begun;
  • One DCC mandate renewal process is pending due to clarifications to be made.
  1. Hors Cadres Annual Performance Evaluations

The Director General spoke to this item stating that two informal mid-year annual evaluations had taken place at the end of January, beginning of February, and that there were two remaining.

  1. Confidentiality of Relais Expert-Conseil’s report

The Chair spoke to this item stating that the process of surveying the eye witnesses to seek their approval for sharing the REC report started and was stopped as soon as some eye witnesses refused to share the report. Therefore, the REC report will stay confidential.

  1. Officers’ Reports
    1. Executive Committee

The Director General spoke to the February 23, 2022 Executive Committee report.

  1. Governance Committee

The Chair spoke to this item stating that no Governance Committee meeting had been held, therefore there are no information to share.

  1. Audit Committee
  2. Chabot spoke to this item stating that two resolutions had been adopted recommending the mid-year revised operating and capital budgets 2021-2022. These will be presented for adoption this evening. Information was presented regarding the access to surplus and reserve funds, which were all supported by the Audit Committee. The topic of student contribution was also discussed and a recommendation was made to ensure that the College is transparent regarding student fees across all constituent colleges.
  3. Director, Champlain College Lennoxville
  4. Beattie spoke to her report.
  5. Director, Champlain College Saint-Lambert
  6. Shewan spoke to his report.
  7. Director, Champlain–St. Lawrence College
  8. Berryman spoke to his report.
  9. Director General
  10. Côté spoke to her report.
  11. Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration

The Chair spoke to the Forum des présidences de conseil d’administration.

He mentioned that the information regarding the consultations pré-budgétaires 2022-2023 will be shared with board members by email on Thursday, March 17, 2022.

  1. Public Question Period

Questions were answered during the public question period.

Subject discussed:

  • Petition Bill 101 – A petition was circulated last week by francophone cegeps and was mentioning concerns about Champlain – St. Lawrence College with their 75% of francophone students.   Berryman explained that he would be more inclined not to get involved in the petition which is only a public opinion.  There is better work that can be done directly with the ministry and MNAs to get support.  Being in the process of an electoral year, anything that can be done to pass this bill will be done, but we will try to influence as much as we can to help English cegeps.
  1. Break – Fifteen minutes
  2. New Business
    1. Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude Management) [Information]

The Chair presented Me Anaïs Lacroix from Latitude Management.  On January 26, the Board of Governors voted on a resolution to stop the investigation by Relais Expert-Conseil and to select a new firm to conduct the investigation.  The new firm retained is Latitude Management and Me Anaïs Lacroix is the person who will be working on this investigation.  A. Lacroix presented the investigation process to board members and explained the investigation principles which are:  Impartiality, Confidentiality and Collaboration, as well as potential interim measures that could be taken.

  1. Lawrence College Investigation follow-up (Me Anaïs Lacroix, Latitude Management) (Article 12) [Resolution]

Motion to move in camera.

Moved by:              C. Michel

Seconded by:        C. Beaulieu

In Favor:   10/10

Excluded: O. Côté, E. Berryman, P. Bleau

Moving to in camera session at 8:00 p.m.

At 8:30 pm, motion to extend the meeting for 1 hour.

Moved by:             C. Nadeau

Seconded by:        N. Beattie

Moving out of in camera session at 9:22 p.m.

Moved by:              C. Beaulieu

Seconded by:        D. Shewan

Resolution CRC-2021-032:     St. Lawrence College Investigation Follow-up (Article 12)

Whereas the interested parties in an ongoing harassment investigation at Champlain Regional College consist of employees, members of the Board of Governors and members of the Governing Board of St. Lawrence College; and

Whereas the interested parties in the investigation are currently required to interact with each other; and

Whereas the Board of Governors deems it necessary to make decisions regarding interim measures that could be implemented during the investigation process; and

Whereas the Board of Governors acknowledges the importance of protecting the confidentiality of the investigation and of the interested parties; and

Whereas the Board of Governors recognizes that the complexity of the situation and the time constraints would make referring the matter to the whole Board inadvisable; and

Whereas the Board of Governors wishes to appoint a neutral and impartial ad hoc subcommittee responsible for deciding on the interim measure(s) to be implemented during the investigation process; and

Whereas the ad hoc subcommittee shall have access to the investigator of Latitude Management for guidance and/or recommendations regarding the interim measures;

Be it therefore resolved that an ad hoc subcommittee consisting of three members, including Chantal Michel, Carole Beaulieu, and one other committee member to be determined, be created;

Be it therefore resolved that the Chair of the Board of Governors shall seek the participation of another member for the ad hoc subcommittee from amongst the other eligible members of the Board;

Be it therefore resolved that this ad hoc subcommittee be empowered by the Board to decide on the interim measure(s) to be implemented during the investigation process;

Be it therefore resolved that this ad hoc subcommittee be granted the authority to make decisions regarding interim measures, which can include suspending responding parties, changing the reporting authority, and establishing a communication protocol;

Be it therefore resolved that the subcommittee shall report to the Chair of the Board of Governors.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      M. Chabot

Seconded by: N. Beattie

Motion carried

At 9:30pm, motion to extend the meeting for 1 hour.

Moved by:              D. Shewan

Seconded by:        N. Beattie

  1. DECs & AECs [Resolution]
  2. Beattie spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-033:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Lennoxville

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Lennoxville have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommend that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Lennoxville) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  53

Number of AECs at Champlain College Lennoxville:                  none

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      N. Beattie

Seconded by: J. Lacombe

Motion carried

  1. Shewan spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-034:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain College Saint-Lambert

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain College Saint-Lambert have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain College Saint-Lambert) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     88*

Number of AECs at Champlain College Saint-Lambert:     58**

* 7 of them are from RAC services         ** 20 of them are from RAC services

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      D. Shewan

Seconded by: J. Shufelt

Motion carried

  1. Berryman spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-035:     Diplomas of College Studies (DECs) and Attestations of College Studies (AECs) — Champlain-St. Lawrence College

Whereas the relevant academic authorities of Champlain-St. Lawrence College have identified those students who have completed the requirements of their programs of study; and

Whereas all necessary records have been submitted and verified by those persons designated by the Director of Constituent College; and

Whereas lists of the names of students deemed eligible for a diploma have been submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office on behalf of the Director of Constituent College;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College recommends that the appropriate Diploma of College Studies (DEC) or Attestation of College Studies (AEC) be awarded to the students of Champlain Regional College (Champlain-St. Lawrence College) whose names appear on the lists submitted to the Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs’ Office.

Number of DECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:       12

Number of AECs at Champlain-St. Lawrence College:     none

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:      E. Berryman

Seconded by: C. Nadeau

Motion carried

  1. Mid-Year Revised Operating Budget 2021-2022 [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-036:       Mid-Year Revised Operating Budget 2021-2022

Whereas the College approved at the June 11, 2021 Board meeting the initial 2021-2022 budget using the same figures as 2020-2021 with a cost indexation of 3.531% for non-teaching salaries; and

Whereas the Revised Operating budget 2021-2022 has been presented and adopted by the Governing Board of the constituent colleges; and

Whereas the Revised Operating budget 2021-2022 has been presented and reviewed at the Audit Committee meeting of March 9, 2022; and

Whereas Champlain Regional College has prepared a consolidated balanced revised budget of the  financial year 2021-2022 for a total of $ 66,135,510; and

Whereas the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Governors adopt the revised Operating Budget 2021-2022;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopts the revised Operating budget 2021-22 as tabled.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         D. Shewan

Seconded by:   M. Chabot

Motion carried

  1. Mid-Year Revised Capital Budget 2021-2022 [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-037:       Mid-Year Revised Capital Budget 2021-2022

Whereas the College approved at the June 11, 2021 Board meeting a provisional 2021-2022 budget using the same figures as 2020-2021; and

Whereas the Revised Capital budget 2021-2022 has been presented and adopted by the Governing Board of the constituent colleges; and

Whereas the Revised Capital budget 2021-2022 has been presented and reviewed at the Audit Committee meeting of March 9, 2022; and

Whereas the total 2021-2022 Capital Revised Budget, including the ministry allocations for capital and moveable assets, other revenues, and the carry-over from previous year totals $19,644,760 with planned expenses of 5,119,118; and

Whereas the total planned spending does not exceed the total budget for the 2021-2022 financial year and the balance will provision for planned long-term projects; and

Whereas the Audit Committee recommends that the Board of Governors adopt the revised Capital Budget 2021-2022;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors of Champlain Regional College adopts the revised Capital budget 2021-22 as tabled.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         D. Shewan

Seconded by:   N. Beattie

Motion carried


  1. Reserve Fund for Winder Street Residence – Champlain Lennoxville [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-038:       Reserve Fund for Winder Street Residence – Champlain Lennoxville

Whereas the Residence complex is an auto-financed service offered to students; and

Whereas limited funding is received for infrastructure maintenance of Residence and no funding is received from the Ministry for furnishings in Residence under the funding parameters (MAOB) for auto-financed services; and

Whereas the bathrooms, kitchens and common areas in the Residence Buildings are in need of significant renovations; and

Whereas an analysis and plan to undertake renovations has been completed, the costs estimated at $1 million per building by the architectural firm, Jubinville et Associés Architectes; and

Whereas a contract for $2,347,000 has been awarded to Les Constructions Yves Lessard Inc to renovate the ventilation system and bathrooms in five buildings; and

Whereas as the cost for the complete renovations assessed in the analysis significantly exceeds the amounts currently available in the College’s capital fund; and

Whereas the College aspires to continue to improve the living conditions for students living in residence   beyond the recently awarded contract; and

Whereas Article 7 of Bylaw 5 Concerning the Financial Management of the Regional College provides for the creation of reserve funds from the accumulated surplus by a constituent college; and

Whereas under resolution LEN-2021-047 the Champlain Lennoxville Governing Board recommend that the Board of Governors approve the creation of this reserve fund; and

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approve the creation of a reserve fund from the Lennoxville portion of the College’s accumulated surplus in the amount of      $500,000 to be dedicated to continuing the above-mentioned renovations and for the replacement of furniture at residence.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         C. Michel

Seconded by:   C. Beaulieu

Motion carried

  1. Reserve Fund for Potential Contribution to new Synthetic Turf at Bishops University – Champlain Lennoxville [Resolution]
  2. Rainville spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-039:       Reserve Fund for Potential Contribution to new Synthetic Turf at Bishops University – Champlain Lennoxville

Whereas Champlain Lennoxville rents the majority of its space for both academic and extracurricular purposes from Bishops University; and

Whereas the number of athletic teams fielded respectively by Bishop’s University and Champlain- Lennoxville has put tremendous pressure on the scheduling of the existing artificial turf field, such access is limited; and

Whereas Bishop’s University has indicated that they will be applying for a grant under the new Programme de soutien aux infrastructures sportives et récréatives scolaires et d’enseignement supérieur (PSISRSES) to construct an additional artificial turf field at a value of $4.3 million and have requested moral and financial support from Champlain for the construction of said artificial turf field; and

Whereas a new field would provide improved access to prime scheduling times for inter-collegiate and intramural athletic activities for the Champlain community; and

Whereas Article 7 of Bylaw 5 (concerning the Financial Management of the Regional College) provides for the creation of reserve funds from the accumulated surplus by a constituent college; and

Whereas under resolution LEN-2021-048 the Champlain Lennoxville Governing Board recommend that the Board of Governors approve the creation of this reserve fund;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approve the creation of a reserve fund from the Lennoxville portion of the College’s accumulated surplus in the amount   of $100,000 to be dedicated to the construction of a new synthetic turf by Bishop’s University, pending a successful outcome of the University’s application to the PSISRSES program fund.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         M. Chabot

Seconded by:   C. Nadeau

Motion carried

  1. Access to Surplus Funds for Renovations Needs – Champlain Saint-Lambert [Resolution]

The Director General spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-040:       Access to Surplus Funds for Renovations Needs – Champlain Saint-Lambert

Whereas the College needs to increase the number of office spaces in Student Services for meetings with students and professionals; and

Whereas to increase the efficiency of IT Services a renovation is necessary to centralize all the department in one location; and

Whereas the cost of the renovations planned for spring and summer 2022 is estimated at $250,000; and

Whereas the funding provided by the government is not sufficient to meet the renovations needs of the College;

Whereas under resolution LAM-2021-011 the Champlain Saint-Lambert Governing Board recommends that the Board of Governors approve the access to surplus at its regular meeting of March 7, 2022;

Whereas the Audit Committee was informed of the request to Access to surplus Funds for renovations needs – Champlain Saint-Lambert at its meeting of March 9, 2022;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approve the access from the Saint-Lambert portion of the College’s accumulated surplus in the amount of $250,000 to complete these projects.

There was no call for the vote

Moved by:         D. Shewan

Seconded by:   C. Beaulieu

Motion carried

  1. Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor – RARC [Resolution]

The Director General spoke to the resolution.

Resolution CRC-2021-041:       Nomination of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor – RARC

Whereas the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies states that all public bodies must have in place at all times a Contract Rules Compliance Monitor (CRCM); and

Whereas The roles and responsibilities of the Contract Rules Compliance Monitor are set out in the Politique concernant les responsables de l’application des règles contractuelles (LQ. C-65.1, a. 25.1); and

Whereas the RARC is a strategic participant responsible for ensuring that the rules and regulations are respected under the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies; and

Whereas Mr. Claude Leduc, IT Coordinator for Champlain Regional College has indicated that he can no longer carry out his responsibilities as RARC: and

Whereas Mr. Yves Rainville, Director of Administrative Services for Champlain Regional College has agreed to take on this responsibility and has the competencies required to fulfill the obligations of this position;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves the nomination of Yves Rainville to the role of Contract Rules Compliance Monitor – RARC.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         C. Beaulieu

Seconded by:   C. Nadeau

Motion carried

  1. Appointment Renewal Evaluation Process of the Director of the Constituent College of St. Lawrence – One-year extension (Article 12) [Resolution]

The Chair spoke to the process.

Motion to move in camera

Moved by:         C. Beaulieu

Seconded by:   M. Chabot

In Favor:          9/9

Excluded: E. Berryman, D. Shewan, N. Beattie, O. Côté

Moving to in camera session at 9:54 p.m.

Moving out of in camera session at 10:25 p.m.

Moved by:         C. Beaulieu

Seconded by:   C. Michel

Resolution CRC-2021-042:       Appointment Renewal Evaluation Process of the Director of the Constituent College of St. Lawrence – one-year extension (Article 12)

Whereas Bylaw 3 – Appointment, Renewal of Appointment and Evaluation of the Director General and Directors of Constituent Colleges establishes the procedure to follow regarding the evaluation for the appointment renewal of the Directors of Constituent Colleges; and

Whereas the consultation process for the renewal of appointment evaluation of the Director of Constituent College of St-Lawrence extends to the Commissions of studies, the Governing Boards of St-Lawrence, and the direct reports; and

Whereas the consultation process must be anonymous and completely confidential; and

Whereas the Board of Governors approved, on January 12, 2022, to proceed with a closed-question consultation process with the collection of quantitative and qualitative comments; and

Whereas the Board of Governors approved, on January 12, 2022, that the firm Normandin Beaudry be mandated to proceed to this complete consultation process in respect with Bylaw 3; and

Whereas Normandin Beaudry needs four (4) weeks to manage the consultation process and to submit the report with comments to the Appointment Renewal Evaluation Committee for a recommendation to the Board of Governors on the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence’s renewal or non-renewal of appointment no later than March 27, 2022; and

Whereas the evaluation for the appointment renewal of the Directors of Constituent Colleges includes consideration of annual performance evaluations, including self-evaluations of incumbents and the results of the community consultations; and

Whereas the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur is currently investigating the administration and the functioning of the St-Lawrence Constituent College as well as the Champlain Regional College, particularly in terms of governance and the organizational climate within senior management; and

Whereas the Renewal Evaluation Committee for the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence is composed of seven members, including the Chair of the Board, the Director General and the Chair of the Governing Board of Constituent College of St-Lawrence; and

Whereas the Board of Governors, with a view to fostering a spirit of renewed collaboration, collegiality and trust amongst the members of its governing bodies and in particular those of Constituent College of St-Lawrence, deem it appropriate and necessary to postpone the renewal of appointment process for Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence for a period of ten (10) months;

Be it therefore resolved that the DCC of Constituent College St. Lawrence’s 2020-2021 performance evaluation be removed from his employee file and that said evaluation not be used in the context of any mandate renewal process for the DCC of Constituent College St. Lawrence;

Be it therefore resolved that the Board of Governors approves a one-year extension to the mandate of the Director of the Constituent College of St-Lawrence until October 27, 2023 and ask the DRH/CA to suspend the consultation process until further notice.

There was no call for the vote.

Moved by:         L. Anderson

Seconded by:   C. Michel

Motion carried


  1. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting by D. Shewan at 10:28 p.m.


François Paradis Line Larivière
Chairperson Director of Human Resources / Corporate Affairs


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